Biden to release 50 million barrels of oil

The nation will not survive, mark my words, we will not survive three more years of this fucking psychopath and its psychopathic wife and son!

To be perfectly honest with you I'm not sure if we can last three more months.
So, have you be Public Schooled Educated, or RWI Indoctrinated?

You clearly don't KNOW there is a Keystone Pipeline and a Keystone Pipeline XL.

You are aware of the difference? Clearly NOT.
This is why you are laughed at.
Who the fuck cares ..........which part of the day he came into office he KILLED JOBS and a pipeline project.

What were they gonna put in that pipeline.......WATER...............PIXIE DUST.

I heard he has a new plan to create jobs in NYC.........A Pixie Dust plant with Unicorns solving our energy problems

Did he hire you.
It's almost Winter and people aren't driving as much. Imagine being a President who's failed so badly, that he has to do this right now.

Thank God President Trump filled those reserves while the price was cheap.

"WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden is releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's emergency stockpile to lower energy costs amid a recent spike in gas prices and soaring inflation, the White House announced Tuesday.

Thirty-two million barrels will be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve over the next several months and will be replaced in the years ahead. Another 18 million barrels that Congress already had authorized for sale will be released in the coming months."

US to release 50M barrels from strategic oil reserve amid soaring gas prices

Biden Will Spend Thanksgiving Week At Private Equity Billionaire’s Nantucket Home​

Has anything actually been reported that the money he promised going to roads and bridges or whatever (I forgot all the details) is actually going towards illegal immigrants? Or is it just because we already know he doesn't have an honest bone in his body? A little off topic, but I'm just curious.
The money will be LUANDRED. They give it to their buddies ...special interest........they hire their kids and relatives........offshore the money and live like kings.
So. Brandon killed the new construction right after getting into office.
Facts omitted:
1) The pipline was only 10% completed (90% left to be built)
2) Estimated completion was 2 years (late 2022)

So the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline, would have no effect
on oil flow into the US for another YEAR.

So how did that effect gas prices?
Facts omitted:
1) The pipline was only 10% completed (90% left to be built)
2) Estimated completion was 2 years (late 2022)

So the shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline, would have no effect
on oil flow into the US for another YEAR.

So how did that effect gas prices?
It effected jobs period, and shows he is an asshole towards oil. The Small Frackers got nailed in Covid. Their pockets weren't deep enough to hold out. So we've lost a lot of that.

Now I've shown Biden isn't renewing or approving drilling leases on Federal Land just like Obama.

So he is pushing to drive them up. YOU KNOW HIS POLICY IS ANTI FOSSIL FUELS
TC Energy Inc is going to sue Biden admin for $15B, good for them
So you support a Canadian CO.
That will sue Biden/USA
For halting a Pipeline Construction?

Why doesn't Canada just build a pipeline to BC?
It effected jobs period, and shows he is an asshole towards oil. The Small Frackers got nailed in Covid. Their pockets weren't deep enough to hold out. So we've lost a lot of that.

So you admit nothing Biden did caused a decline in oil production, and hence wasn't the reason for rising gasoline prices.
No Way.
How many jobs dude?
Google it. It was thousands. Doesn't matter. He clearly attacked OIL RIGHT AFTER GETTING IN.

He's not signing leases.......and this 50 million barrel stunt is a freaking joke. You know he is a GREEN FREAK. He hates fossil fuels.

This is OBAMA 2.0
Keystone XL Pipeline is not :rolleyes:, BTW, TC Energy Inc is going to sue Biden admin for $15B, good for them ;)
You know DOJ has to grant a sovereign immunity waiver in order to do that.

And it's unlikely the DOJ will make such a grant.
The Dems hoard oil and gas. They always have. They do it to appease their bribers from the oil conglomerates.
It's also a scam trick they use to artificially drive up the prices. Because once they drive up the prices of oil and gas, they can then claim it's "inflation" or "recession", and let loose the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse to wreak havoc on this country.

(Reuters) -Major U.S. oil industry groups on Monday sued the Biden administration for halting drilling auctions on federal lands and waters this year, arguing the government is required by law to hold regular sales.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) and 11 other groups filed the lawsuit in federal court in the Western District of Louisiana. It seeks to compel the U.S. Department of Interior to reinstate the lease sales, calling the length of the stoppage "unprecedented."

During his campaign, President Joe Biden promised to stop issuing new leases to oil and gas companies as part of an ambitious agenda to combat climate change and move the country off of fossil fuel use by 2050. His administration paused drilling auctions in January pending a review of the program's environmental impacts and value to taxpayers.
Do you believe retaliation is why OIL hasn't put the oil wells they shut down in 2020, back online in 2021?
Big oil is restricting some of it's oil to raise prices. That is also part of the equation.

So why is he doing the Obama and not allowing the leases.......................

  • Fourteen states including Louisiana and Wyoming filed suit on Wednesday against President Joe Biden’s moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters.
  • Biden’s order on Jan. 27 to pause new leasing was part of a series of executive actions to address climate change and curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
  • The president also directed the secretary of the Interior Department to begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

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