Biden to release 50 million barrels of oil

Under Trump oil companies shut down oil wells, because of decreased profitability. And are now waiting for the price of crude to peak before putting them back online again.

Nothing to do with regulations, it's all a matter of greed. Waiting for prices to spike, before turning the wells back on.

Ask me how I knew a proponent of big socialist government was going to blame those "greedy" capitalist oil companies?

You folks are way too predictable.
President Biden has everything under control - he does not have to explain everything to you weak-minded Trumpettes. - Mission_Control.png
High energy prices are not a "problem" to our political Left. They are a means to an end. High fuel prices will inevitably result in lower consumption, lower CO2 emissions. That's the goal.

Why? So we won't have anywhere to run or hide when all of the illegals invade our country?
I apologize if this is already a topic on here, but I didn't know what to search for. Anyways, I have a HUGE feeling that these are still a bunch of lies. For the only way gas is going to be lowered is when oil is no longer a shortage, and the only way that is going to happen is to fix the supply chain. That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work. And I didn't hear him mention any of that.

As long as everybody is driving due to COVID as opposed to taking public transportation the price of gas will remain advantageous to the oil companies.
Open keystone

Biden is between a rock and a hard place. He can't piss off his radical left environmentalist supporters by adopting Trump's energy policies. But at the same time, he throws Americans a bone by siphoning off a few million measly barrels of oil from the Strategic Reserves.

I said from day one: This is a "president" who is destined to fail.

It went down three cents in my AO.....Better than nothing I guess but still twice as expensive than when Tater took office.....That amounts to $9.00 more for a 15gal fill-up than a year ago.......Just wait till peeps start getting their heating bills if they use NG or oil.....minimum increases of 45-54% for those two are expected.
Ask me how I knew a proponent of big socialist government was going to blame those "greedy" capitalist oil companies?

You folks are way too predictable.
What do you think has driven rising oil prices since the inception of OPEC.
Oil companies have always grabbed onto any excuse to raise gasoline prices, including storms, oil rig disasters, tanker accidents, pipeline shutdowns, any excuse to raise prices.

And the reason I say it's an excuse. The day after shutdown, the price of gasoline goes up the next day. Yet when things go back online, it takes a month for prices to go down again.

That's happened dozens if not hundreds of times. They switch from current crude oil price when it comes to pricing gasoline upward, and production cycle price when it comes to pricing gasoline downward.
That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work.

‘The implication is that the federal government’s expanded unemployment benefits of $300 each week are keeping people at home instead of behind cash registers and in fast-food kitchens.

It’s a concern shared by independent business owners in interviews with local and national media, worried that their efforts to bump wages and increase benefits aren’t luring in the workers they need as Covid-19 restrictions fall and consumer spending soars.

Unfortunately for them, what’s happening is a feature, not a bug, of the US economic system and the blame can’t entirely be placed on a $300 weekly check.

The University of Pennsylvania economist Ioana Marinescu said: “In the absence of the benefits there would probably be a little bit more applications and hiring would be a little bit easier, but the main drive of the recent change in sentiment is that hiring is accelerating.”’


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