Biden to release 50 million barrels of oil

I never said Biden was an oil man, that you have to get all emotional and lie about this just shows the weakness of your position.
Stop trolling and answer the question Mr. Leftist. Why were they suing your HERO BRANDON if he was granting all those permits............

Hmmmm...........You know the answer that is why you are typing like MAC right now. Makes me think you are MAC's TROLL.
And the oil companies sued his ass too back then. Hell he was even held in contempt of court for not allowing permits in the Gulf of Mexico.

But I guess your selective memory doesn't remember that.
Yep, it's the never ending tails-i-win heads-you-lose games with these fools.

When oil is up it is definitely Democrats fault, when it's down it's despite Democrats. Rain or shine oil grievances go on.
Yep, it's the never ending tails-i-win heads-you-lose games with these fools.

When oil is up it is definitely Democrats fault, when it's down it's despite Democrats. Rain or shine oil grievances go on.
When you deny permits to drill. IT IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

But be a good little stooge for daddy gov't. Go get your jabs. And you'll feel all better.
Great we bought the oil and now Biden is going to sell it back to us. Then we will have to pay again to replace it.
Actually Trump got the oil for free when we went negative. They had to pay for storage of oil at that time.

LMAO. We got paid to have it stored there.

U.S. oil futures prices fell to their lowest-ever level by far on Monday, at -$37.63 per barrel, meaning owners of the futures contracts were paying to offload them. It broke the previous low price record near $10 a barrel set in 1986 and comes as policymakers struggled to address the glut of crude that has seen the industry reverse a decade-long boom and sink into a deep recession that threatens to push dozens of companies into bankruptcy.

U.S. policymakers for decades have focused their policies on ensuring the oil supply shocks that damaged the U.S. economy in the 1970s would not return, and they created a national reserve to backstop the market and ensure supplies were available to fill up the nation's fleet of automobiles and trucks. But with U.S. production hitting record levels late last year and storage tanks now brimming with fuel, Washington has few tools at its disposal to lift oil prices to levels needed to sustain the energy industry.
When you deny permits to drill. IT IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

But be a good little stooge for daddy gov't. Go get your jabs. And you'll feel all better.
Nope, there is a lot more to oil price then your stupid permit=cheap gasoline model.

Bottom line is that we've had relatively cheap oil in America as far as the eye can see, so when does the bitching about about gawd forbid not letting oil companies drill EVERYWHERE end?
Bottom line is that we've had relatively cheap oil in America as far as the eye can see, so when does the bitching about about gawd forbid not letting oil companies drill EVERYWHERE end?
When a VIABLE ENERGY SOURCE replaces it that is cheap. That sure isn't solar and wind. and golf carts.

30 to 40 years maybe
When a VIABLE ENERGY SOURCE replaces it that is cheap. That sure isn't solar and wind. and golf carts.

30 to 40 years maybe

Yep, 30-40 years. It's practically science fiction stuff. A pie in the sky.

Now excuse me while I go drive my awesome electric car that I charge from my solar equiped house.
Yep, 30-40 years. It's practically science fiction stuff. A pie in the sky.

Now excuse me while I go drive my awesome electric car that I charge from my solar equiped house.
Good for you. That is your choice. Have fun.
Stop trolling and answer the question Mr. Leftist. Why were they suing your HERO BRANDON if he was granting all those permits............

Hmmmm...........You know the answer that is why you are typing like MAC right now. Makes me think you are MAC's TROLL.

They were suing him because they wanted more permits.

The fact you have to get all emotional and call me names again just shows you the weakness of your position. You have BDS every bit as bad as the TDS people ever were.
They were suing him because they wanted more permits.

The fact you have to get all emotional and call me names again just shows you the weakness of your position. You have BDS every bit as bad as the TDS people ever were.
STFU. He was refusing to do it and he immediately killed XL.

You know they purposely do this shit. That is why under Obama .......Obama was in contempt of court over drilling permits in the Gulf.

Find someone who you can sell this shit to. Doesn't work here.
STFU. He was refusing to do it and he immediately killed XL.

The XL had nothing to do with American oil production. how can you say you work in that field and not know this?

You know they purposely do this shit. That is why under Obama .......Obama was in contempt of court over drilling permits in the Gulf.

And yet our companies find ways around it and still manage to make enough money and provide enough oil.

Find someone who you can sell this shit to. Doesn't work here.

I wonder if the same meds work for BDS that you all offered your TDS twins....
The XL had nothing to do with American oil production. how can you say you work in that field and not know this?
Shows intent asshole. But you don't care. You are his lapdog.
And yet our companies find ways around it and still manage to make enough money and provide enough oil.
You just proved my point. thanks.
I wonder if the same meds work for BDS that you all offered your TDS twins....
from someone with TDS. lol That's some funny shit bro.
So your point is that the POTUS cannot stop oil companies from producing more oil if they really want to?

Glad I could help you prove that point.
Cannot stop all of them. Nope They sue his ass or find a way around the asshole.

Which reminds me .....if they have to Sue to do it to drill then is he reducing production.

See how that works Mr. Brandon boot licker. I know you voted for him and you are a fraud. I think you are a Mac clone.
It's almost Winter and people aren't driving as much. Imagine being a President who's failed so badly, that he has to do this right now.

Thank God President Trump filled those reserves while the price was cheap.

"WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden is releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's emergency stockpile to lower energy costs amid a recent spike in gas prices and soaring inflation, the White House announced Tuesday.

Thirty-two million barrels will be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve over the next several months and will be replaced in the years ahead. Another 18 million barrels that Congress already had authorized for sale will be released in the coming months."

US to release 50M barrels from strategic oil reserve amid soaring gas prices
This ALWAYS happens under Democrat presidents.

Thank God President Trump looked out for the stupidity that was to come under Democrat rule
How's that going to help this weekend in CA when PG&E cuts the power to 100K customers due to high winds. They already have brown outs every summer at peak and you want to add charging of 38M cars to an already stressed system. No recipe for disaster here, nope, go ahead. Good luck. mean we need an infrastructure upgrade??


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