Biden to release 50 million barrels of oil

Yawn. As you purposely will not answer why Brandon didn't allow the permits or his early use of executive orders to hinder it.

Because he was pandering to the far left base that helped to get him elected.

How do you not know these things?

Are you sure you are an adult that holds a job? Your post are that of a 14 year old.
Because he was pandering to the far left base that helped to get him elected.

How do you not know these things?

Are you sure you are an adult that holds a job? Your post are that of a 14 year old.
More insults as you deflect from the FACT he did indeed stop permits and used executive orders to satisfy the lunatic DNC base.

And here you are defending him pretending to be a Libertarian. lol
Yawn. As you purposely will not answer why Brandon didn't allow the permits or his early use of executive orders to hinder it.

Are you under his desk now. lmao
That is irrelevant to this discussion.

Had that not occurred...those permits would have ZERO effect on the current situation
More insults as you deflect

You started with the insults and now you whine about them. How pathetic of you.

FACT he did indeed stop permits and used executive orders to satisfy the lunatic DNC base.

Yes, I just said he did that. You and I agree he did that and you still have to call me names...weird.

And here you are defending him pretending to be a Libertarian. lol

I have not defended anything but the facts. Do try and keep up.
That is irrelevant to this discussion.

Had that not occurred...those permits would have ZERO effect on the current situation
I love the crawfishing here. Why the lawsuits. LOL Either Brandon blocked new drilling or not.

As you dance like someone walking across a hot bed of coals.
You started with the insults and now you whine about them. How pathetic of you.

Yes, I just said he did that. You and I agree he did that and you still have to call me names...weird.

I have not defended anything but the facts. Do try and keep up.
Baloney. You probably have a Biden bumper sticker tattoo on your ass . lmao
Still nothing from you but emotional name calling. All you do with these post is highlight the weakness of your position.
I proved my point a long time ago This back and forth is just you trying to defend your HERO BRANDON.

He stop permits and those would have produced more oil. HE SUCKS. Just deal with it.
OK...let's make this simple.

How much oil would be on the market TODAY had those permits been granted?
And now the WHAT IF argument. What if PIXIE DUST COULD RUN ALL OUR CARS.

Standard crawfish tactics here.

Did Brandon stop drilling or not? If they can't get the permits they cant' drill dummy.
He's your Hero. You have been defending the Money Laundering asshole for pages now.

Not once. But keep on repeating your lie, I am sure it makes you happy to do so.

Do you think Ukraine hired a coke head son for his knowledge on gas.

Having knowledge of the product is rarely something a board member has. The board of directors for Exxon only has two people with experience in the field.

He was hired because his last name was Biden.
And oh yea...that ended up being only a temporary ban in any event

BILLINGS, Mont. — Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden's reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

So I guess that had nothing to do with the current situation huh?

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