Biden took no questions today. Had another event he had to go to. Translation: I need a teleprompter to answer questions pre given already.

Persistence Of Memory

Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2019
WTF. They bring him in a crate from the basement for a 22 min speech he must have rehearsed for days. Then crated him back home.

Then he had to rush to another event. No questions???

Didn't his handlers time the event so he could have an extra 10 minutes for questions.

This guy must be on an IV of Prevogen just to function.

This is the most ridiculous Presidential candidate ever, trying to justify his parties support of domestic terrorism. He can't express himself and that means that the establishment and their Marxist steering committee will essentially make all his decisions. That's rigged government at its worst. Fuck that.
WTF. They bring him in a crate from the basement for a 22 min speech he must have rehearsed for days. Then crated him back home.

Then he had to rush to another event. No questions???

Didn't his handlers time the event so he could have an extra 10 minutes for questions.

This guy must be on an IV of Prevogen just to function.

Joey can't be trusted to answer questions from the press even if they're prescripted and prepared. Without the prompter he'll screw the pooch and show he's incapable of answering cogently... He's a proven walking Alzheimer gaafe machine.
I’m loving this. :lol:

You freaks are twisting yourselves into pretzels over Biden. NEWSFLASH: no one cares! This election is about the utter catastrophe of the Trump presidency.

That’s it.
When will Trumpers learn: When someone is in the middle of destroying themselves, like Trump is, let him. Don't interfere and stay of the way. Trump is an idiot. Biden is smart. Biden is playing it just right.
I’m loving this. :lol:

You freaks are twisting yourselves into pretzels over Biden. NEWSFLASH: no one cares! This election is about the utter catastrophe of the Trump presidency.

That’s it.
So, you really don't care if the person you push to replace him is even more of a catastrophe?
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Hillary found that out to her chagrin. She was so certain of victory and so contemptuous of the voters that she didn't even bother to campaign seriously. It doesn't seem that Biden learned from that mistake.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Hillary found that out to her chagrin. She was so certain of victory and so contemptuous of the voters that she didn't even bother to campaign seriously. It doesn't seem that Biden learned from that mistake.

You can't legitimately call what Biden is doing a campaign.
He's a whack shy mole.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Hillary found that out to her chagrin. She was so certain of victory and so contemptuous of the voters that she didn't even bother to campaign seriously. It doesn't seem that Biden learned from that mistake.
Hillary was toast when she got drunk, shit herself and fell down trying to get into a car. After that it was just another day with her. Unfortunately for her, she was caught on tape. And Biden is worse if you can believe that.
I hope he debates Trump because watching him implode as he humiliates himself will be glorious
You guys really live in a delusion about trump. There are going to be 3 debates and I really doubt if trump wins one.
I’m loving this. :lol:

You freaks are twisting yourselves into pretzels over Biden. NEWSFLASH: no one cares! This election is about the utter catastrophe of the Trump presidency.

That’s it.
So, you really don't care if the person you push to replace him is even more of a catastrophe?
Except he's not.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Lol! Nobody wants to attend a campaign rally during this pandemic. You right wingers seem to forget what's going on in real life.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Hillary found that out to her chagrin. She was so certain of victory and so contemptuous of the voters that she didn't even bother to campaign seriously. It doesn't seem that Biden learned from that mistake.
Hillary got the most votes. Wake up and face reality. There is a pandemic in this country whereby thousands are getting sick daily while others die. Biden is following CDC guidelines and trump is holding events that is spreading infection.
Trumps campaign team will start making attacks that point this out, it's going to resonate. It has no choice but to resonate with voters when Trump is out and about, answering questions while his opponent is nowhere to be found.
Lol! Nobody wants to attend a campaign rally during this pandemic. You right wingers seem to forget what's going on in real life.
but marxist traitors like you attend riots looting and burning every night !
So, you really don't care if the person you push to replace him is even more of a catastrophe?

Of course we do. But Biden is pretty awesome, so your supposition doesn't apply to the real world.

You've been pushing these same stupid stories about Biden for months. It's caused Trump's poll numbers to crater. Your propaganda has backfired on you badly. Americans are disgusted by your sleaze and cowardice.

Your response? You're trying to push the same stinking propaganda even harder. Yeah, good luck with that.

Are you Trump cultists on this thread really Democratic agents in disguise? After all, you all insist on doing things that will make the Democratic win even bigger.
Ooooo!! (claps his hands together eagerly) Hillary again..look, they're playing the Greatest Hits..goody, goody!
Except Hillary isn't running this year. And Trump has a record to run on. And it's abysmal.
I would think you Trump supporters have absolutely nothing to stand on after the complete disaster of a "briefing" I saw this afternoon. :)
Biden doesn't have to campaign right now. Trump is beating himself. Why mess with success? LOL.

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