Biden trails Trump in SEVEN battleground states where Gen Z voters bash his student loan forgiveness ploy

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Yep, that's a sure fail for the Usurper. It's like "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" that doomed Bush 1.

Biden trails Trump in SEVEN battleground states where Gen Z voters bash his student loan forgiveness ploy
Biden trails Trump in SEVEN battleground states

Really amazing and scary though that despite all the horrible things Biden has done these past 3 years that Biden is even still in the running.

Also amazing and scary is that 30% of people APPROVE of the job he’s done.

I'm not sure if it is 30%, but yes, always at least in the 20s. Pretty amazing really as these polls seldom touch upon the highly affluent upper 2%.

Really got to wonder what those people are smoking.

But then, look at the number of people standing up for Hamas thinking they are the victims! This is a world of information, more information of more places than ever before and whoever controls the information controls the people. And gee, there sure is a lot of misinformation flying about these days.
I'm not sure if it is 30%, but yes, always at least in the 20s. Pretty amazing really as these polls seldom touch upon the highly affluent upper 2%.

Really got to wonder what those people are smoking.

But then, look at the number of people standing up for Hamas thinking they are the victims! This is a world of information, more information of more places than ever before and whoever controls the information controls the people. And gee, there sure is a lot of misinformation flying about these days.
There is a core group on the left, consisting of about 30% of voters, who will vote for the Democrat NO MATTER WHAT and regardless of who the Republican Is.

If, for example, Biden was led by the hand to the podium at a presidential debate against a moderate R like Nicky Haley, and he spoke a few garbled nonsensical words in response to questions, and then he wandered off in the middle of a question directed to him, and someone on his team had to jump up and lead him back to his spot….they would still vote for him.

That’s the 30% who “approve” of him.
Really amazing and scary though that despite all the horrible things Biden has done these past 3 years that Biden is even still in the running.
They have to wait until the convention or just before to pick their real candidate. It gives the Right less time to effectively campaign against him/her. They know their voters vote on emotion and imagery.
They have to wait until the convention or just before to pick their real candidate. It gives the Right less time to effectively campaign against him/her. They know their voters vote on emotion and imagery.

BTW, whatever happened to RFK Jr? Why is it that everytime the left actually come up with a half descent person for office, the person gets offed like yesterday's newspapers? I want to see Biden debate RFK for the democrat nomination.

Or don't democrats believe in diversity, equity and inclusion?
BTW, whatever happened to RFK Jr? Why is it that everytime the left actually come up with a half descent person for office, the person gets offed like yesterday's newspapers? I want to see Biden debate RFK for the democrat nomination.

Or don't democrats believe in diversity, equity and inclusion?
He's still around. I saw a poll the other day where he's pulling 7 to 9% of the vote from Biden in several states.
Yep, that's a sure fail for the Usurper. It's like "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" that doomed Bush 1.

Biden trails Trump in SEVEN battleground states where Gen Z voters bash his student loan forgiveness ploy
LOL. the 47% who think Biden has done "too little" on students loans are not going to rush out and vote for the GOP.

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