Biden VP

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But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.

She has burned too many bridges in the party

But has she burned them with the voters?

As a voter who has leaned slightly to the right most of his voting life, and one who does not like Trump even a little bit, she is the one Democrat I could see myself voting for. And given that I will not vote for Trump, that feeling could get me to overlook the fact that Biden might be the nominee.

The Democrats need someone with crossover appeal. Someone who could draw in the voters who cast ballots for a third party because they can't bring themselves to compromise their deep rooted principles and vote for the suckfest that is the Republicans and Democrats today.

No one on the list from your linked article has that appeal, in my opinion.
Tulsi will not deliver Trump voters. She will alienate more center left voters than she delivers center right.

She doesn't need to deliver Trump voters. They're going to blindly vote for Trump no matter who gets the Democratic nomination. The VP pick needs to be able to deliver the voter who will not vote for Trump and will not vote for Biden or Sanders. The voter who would vote for an off party candidate, or not vote at all, rather than help maintain the status quo.

anyone who votes for the Biden ticket will be voting for his VP pick to be president, Joe will be in a mental institution before a 4 year term ends.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

Not my link....I posted what was in there
Beto has strong Hispanic cred and could help Texas. But I don’t think Texas will be in play.

When did O"Rourke become a hispanic name? He is a fraud in every aspect of his life.

Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver

we have a fair comprehensive immigration policy. Come legally and you are welcome
Why should we not insist that everyone here is here legally?
Walls and fences make good neighbors, a country with out a secure border is not a country
We have more mexican restaurants in this country than any other kind, South fla is mostly spanish speaking Cuban, New Mexico and Arizona have spanish as a second language. Hispanic culture is appreciated and enjoyed.

and finally, as usual, you are full of shit.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.

She has burned too many bridges in the party

But has she burned them with the voters?

As a voter who has leaned slightly to the right most of his voting life, and one who does not like Trump even a little bit, she is the one Democrat I could see myself voting for. And given that I will not vote for Trump, that feeling could get me to overlook the fact that Biden might be the nominee.

The Democrats need someone with crossover appeal. Someone who could draw in the voters who cast ballots for a third party because they can't bring themselves to compromise their deep rooted principles and vote for the suckfest that is the Republicans and Democrats today.

No one on the list from your linked article has that appeal, in my opinion.
Tulsi will not deliver Trump voters. She will alienate more center left voters than she delivers center right.

She doesn't need to deliver Trump voters. They're going to blindly vote for Trump no matter who gets the Democratic nomination. The VP pick needs to be able to deliver the voter who will not vote for Trump and will not vote for Biden or Sanders. The voter who would vote for an off party candidate, or not vote at all, rather than help maintain the status quo.
But she also has to be looked at as a successor to Biden. She has alienated too many Democrats
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

WWE wrestling gets big crowds too
Doesn’t mean they represent mainstream America
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting
A favorite of the Republicans for the Democratic VP. Controversial can understand why you want it, but can't understand why you bothered.
Bothered with what?
Recommending someone with such a radical gun stance that no centrist Democrat would want to support? Only been here since November, but have the feeling opposing parties have always suggest picks for other side's pick on this board. Looked like a trite joke first time I saw it, yet I keep seeing it. Boredom posting.
I was Asking RW why he didn’t mention Beto.
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

WWE wrestling gets big crowds too
Doesn’t mean they represent mainstream America
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

WWE wrestling gets big crowds too
Doesn’t mean they represent mainstream America

Actually you are wrong. This is where the D's screwed up in 2016, they didn't realize the power of the WWE Universe and their support for WWE Hall of Fame Enshrinee Donald J. Trump.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

Not my link....I posted what was in there
Beto has strong Hispanic cred and could help Texas. But I don’t think Texas will be in play.

When did O"Rourke become a hispanic name? He is a fraud in every aspect of his life.

Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

WWE wrestling gets big crowds too
Doesn’t mean they represent mainstream America

Actually you are wrong. This is where the D's screwed up in 2016, they didn't realize the power of the WWE Universe and their support for WWE Hall of Fame Enshrinee Donald J. Trump.
Only pre-teens and morons follow WWE

Oh wait.....Trump is a WWE performer
Not my link....I posted what was in there
Beto has strong Hispanic cred and could help Texas. But I don’t think Texas will be in play.

When did O"Rourke become a hispanic name? He is a fraud in every aspect of his life.

Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
When did O"Rourke become a hispanic name? He is a fraud in every aspect of his life.

Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting
A favorite of the Republicans for the Democratic VP. Controversial can understand why you want it, but can't understand why you bothered.
Bothered with what?
Recommending someone with such a radical gun stance that no centrist Democrat would want to support? Only been here since November, but have the feeling opposing parties have always suggest picks for other side's pick on this board. Looked like a trite joke first time I saw it, yet I keep seeing it. Boredom posting.
I was Asking RW why he didn’t mention Beto.
Answered in post 5.

I would not be surprised if Beto was offered a position in a Biden administration. I just don’t think he is on the short list of VP candidates.

Same applies to Pete Butengeig
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting
A favorite of the Republicans for the Democratic VP. Controversial can understand why you want it, but can't understand why you bothered.
Bothered with what?
Recommending someone with such a radical gun stance that no centrist Democrat would want to support? Only been here since November, but have the feeling opposing parties have always suggest picks for other side's pick on this board. Looked like a trite joke first time I saw it, yet I keep seeing it. Boredom posting.
I was Asking RW why he didn’t mention Beto.
Answered in post 5.

I would not be surprised if Beto was offered a position in a Biden administration. I just don’t think he is on the short list of VP candidates.

Same applies to Pete Butengeig
I know You did. I was Responding to White who claimed I posted what I did just to troll. That wasn’t the case. White is just looking for trouble it seems.
Beto grew up in a heavily Hispanic community, is fluent in the language and understands the culture
He has a long reputation of supporting Hispanic issues

I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
There are no absolutes with any demographic.

But all one has to do is listen to how conservative media responds to Hispanics and you can see why they don’t support Republicans
I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
There are no absolutes with any demographic.

But all one has to do is listen to how conservative media responds to Hispanics and you can see why they don’t support Republicans
By that logic Jews would all vote Republican but it’s the other way around. Tough to gauge what makes certain people tick.
But the key difference between Trump and Biden

Biden is likable. He has wit and charm. He has not alienated large parts of the electorate.
Trump is universally looked at as a selfish asshole who does not get along with anyone

In 2016, the “I hate Hillary” vote was strong. As was the anyone but Hillary Vote. Biden does not have that baggage.

yeah sure, winger. That's why Trump gets 50,000 to his rallys and sleepy Joe is lucky to get 1,000.

Biden's history will be brought out if he is your candidate, his life of corruption, his senility, his do-nothing career in congress and as VP, his perversions with young girls, his son's corrupt deal with Burisma, He and his son flying US 2 to China and coming back with 1 billion for Hunter's company.

Your guy is dirty, old, senile, and corrupt. Trump will destroy him.

WWE wrestling gets big crowds too
Doesn’t mean they represent mainstream America

Actually you are wrong. This is where the D's screwed up in 2016, they didn't realize the power of the WWE Universe and their support for WWE Hall of Fame Enshrinee Donald J. Trump.
Only pre-teens and morons follow WWE

Oh wait.....Trump is a WWE performer

That's a load of crap. I've been a wrestling fan and have followed the pro game since I was 6. My grandmother really loved the sport.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

You left out the two most important qualifications...….

Their hair has to smell nice...…...

And they need to have pre-teen children or grandchildren.
I speak spanish pretty well too. But that does not make me hispanic. Tell us, of brilliant one. what exactly are "hispanic issues" and how do they differ from "american issues"?

Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Actually from what I read none of what you stated is true but the exact opposite is. Not sure who to believe as I no longer trust the media.
All one has to do is read this board and see why conservatives alienate Hispanic voters.
You broad brush it. Many Hispanic voters support legal immigration vs illegals. Especially Cuban Americans. I do not think you can lump them all together. Marco Rubio is not the same guy as Julian Castro. Your post may be accurate but it sucks that we or at least I can no longer trust the media to attain the real truth.
There are no absolutes with any demographic.

But all one has to do is listen to how conservative media responds to Hispanics and you can see why they don’t support Republicans

A lot of hispanics get America's Republicans confused with those of their native Spanish homeland.

Hispanic Hero Francisco Franco fought the Republicans, but that was a different group altogether.
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