Biden Wants To Build (& Pay For) A Railway Over The Indian Ocean

cool idea but why us? Why not India? I think Biden should build high speed railways here in the United states. I'd support spending trillions in catching us up with europe and china.
China has wanted this for a long time... and Joe Biden is the blackmailed pawn that will try and get it for them for free....
The world should come together to pay for it based on each countries gdp. I think an ocean crossing highway/railway system is a cool idea but it shouldn't be just on America.
I'd rather have one between say New york and the Uk. This would make rail and highway travel possible between America and Europe. I'd rather pay for that.
The diaper dude has lot's of great ideas.
Like a luge to the Antarctic, a spiral staircase to the moon & an escalator to Mars.

They better build a bike lane with this one or else I am going to put on my bulgiest spandex bike shorts, pedal all the way to the white house and unleash my full geriatric displeasure!
Well, AOC's Green New Deal did call for replacing airplanes wirh High-Speed Rail...


He was talking about Africa, and building a RR across the continent from the Atlantic to the Indian ocean.

Here is the full transcript which provides context to video snippet.

AOC insists the world will end before Biden's ocean crossing rail line could be built.

God save the Queen Ocean, man.

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