Biden = War in the Middle East

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.
I know KSA has “Muslims only” zones. Pretty accepting eh, Islamist?

You mean Mecca and Medina? 40,000 Americans have live and worked in Arabia without feeling they needed to intrude on thos Holy sites. What is your issue?
My issue is that every single mostly Muslim country becomes a Sharia Run place where basic human rights are not afforded to people. Drinking of alcohol is illegal, women are treated like property, gays are executed and Jews are banned. That is my issue Islamist. The safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East is Israel. How about dem honor killings? How about dem child brides? Pretty barbaric. Yet you always dance around this. Weak sauce.

Honor killings are treated as murder. Your hate and ignorance is appalling. Are you Jewish? Clearly, you have never lived in the Arab world.
So you skipped over 90% of the post and then just went to honor killings and they aren't considered murder. Nope. Nice try though, Islamist. I am Jewish. I am not welcome in the Arab world. Are you ever not a complete and utter liar? EVER?

I want others to see your ignorance firsthand. Islamists and Leftists on the same side. WOW!

Toddsterpatriot Indeependent Mindful bripat9643


Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1,000 out of the 5,000 per year total).

Pakistan is also very poor and backwards.

Demonizng the neighbors has been standard fare for 3,000 years.
And the other links, Islamist? LOL your dodge is hilarious.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.
I know KSA has “Muslims only” zones. Pretty accepting eh, Islamist?

You mean Mecca and Medina? 40,000 Americans have live and worked in Arabia without feeling they needed to intrude on thos Holy sites. What is your issue?
My issue is that every single mostly Muslim country becomes a Sharia Run place where basic human rights are not afforded to people. Drinking of alcohol is illegal, women are treated like property, gays are executed and Jews are banned. That is my issue Islamist. The safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East is Israel. How about dem honor killings? How about dem child brides? Pretty barbaric. Yet you always dance around this. Weak sauce.

Honor killings are treated as murder. Your hate and ignorance is appalling. Are you Jewish? Clearly, you have never lived in the Arab world.
So you skipped over 90% of the post and then just went to honor killings and they aren't considered murder. Nope. Nice try though, Islamist. I am Jewish. I am not welcome in the Arab world. Are you ever not a complete and utter liar? EVER?

I want others to see your ignorance firsthand. Islamists and Leftists on the same side. WOW!

Toddsterpatriot Indeependent Mindful bripat9643


Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1,000 out of the 5,000 per year total).

Pakistan is also very poor and backwards.

Demonizng the neighbors has been standard fare for 3,000 years.
And the other links, Islamist? LOL your dodge is hilarious.

You are really brainwashed on this hate thing. The European zionists made things worse for Arab Jews who left in 1948, 1956, 1967 an 1973.
I am so sorry.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.
I know KSA has “Muslims only” zones. Pretty accepting eh, Islamist?

You mean Mecca and Medina? 40,000 Americans have live and worked in Arabia without feeling they needed to intrude on thos Holy sites. What is your issue?
My issue is that every single mostly Muslim country becomes a Sharia Run place where basic human rights are not afforded to people. Drinking of alcohol is illegal, women are treated like property, gays are executed and Jews are banned. That is my issue Islamist. The safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East is Israel. How about dem honor killings? How about dem child brides? Pretty barbaric. Yet you always dance around this. Weak sauce.

Honor killings are treated as murder. Your hate and ignorance is appalling. Are you Jewish? Clearly, you have never lived in the Arab world.
So you skipped over 90% of the post and then just went to honor killings and they aren't considered murder. Nope. Nice try though, Islamist. I am Jewish. I am not welcome in the Arab world. Are you ever not a complete and utter liar? EVER?

I want others to see your ignorance firsthand. Islamists and Leftists on the same side. WOW!

Toddsterpatriot Indeependent Mindful bripat9643


Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1,000 out of the 5,000 per year total).

Pakistan is also very poor and backwards.

Demonizng the neighbors has been standard fare for 3,000 years.
And the other links, Islamist? LOL your dodge is hilarious.

You are really brainwashed on this hate thing. The European zionists made things worse for Arab Jews who left in 1948, 1956, 1967 an 1973.
I am so sorry.
Again, you said honor killings are illegal. I proved you wrong. Arab states attacked the Jews in 48 and 67 and lost. Sucks to be them but losses have consequences. They aren't "European Zionists". If a Native American leaves the US and moves to France is that person no longer Native American? Your illogic is hilarious. Again, address my point. Why is every mostly run Muslim country a Sharia Law humanitarian and or economic disaster?

Or do you want to keep playing dodgeball.
Everything that is disagreeable and connected to Israel is alleged to be an outgrowth of the perniciously evil ideology of Zionism. Anti-Arab racism among Israeli football-club ultras is viewed as part of Zionist ideology. The recent opposition to African migrants in Tel Aviv was viewed as the result of racist Zionists wishing to retain Israel’s Jewish character, despite the fact that many modern European, distinctly non-Zionist states also have unfounded fears and loathing of migrants.

In the same way that, to European anti-Semites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ‘the Jew’ came to symbolise something more than simply a Jewish person, so a ‘Zionist’ is no longer simply a person who believes in Zionism – he’s an evil menace to the world, to peace, to Western values. Just as ‘the Jew’ became a demonic abstraction upon which the simple-minded could blame the ills of the world, so ‘the Zionist’ plays a similar role today.

To call oneself a Zionist now is to invite a torrent of abuse. While Ed Miliband supports Israel, he realised quickly that calling oneself a Zionist is akin to calling oneself a racist or an enemy of civilisation.

The Zionist is now the imagined source of every problem in the Middle East, and a great many of the problems around the world.
Bailed out? Link please...

You seem to care a lot about it. Thank you for your concern.

It's well known that when the Zionists were about to get wiped out in the 1973 war, Nixon and Kissenger bailed them out.

Pretty much since then, they get into some shit, we have to bail them out. Lebanon in 1983, for instance.

Yeah, cuz Arabs built their own tanks, jets, firearms, etc. .... What a silly idiotic loon you are. The morons actually blamed the Soviets for their losses to the IDF, instead of admitting their own incompetence at real warfare, which is why they rely on terrorism and extortion as 'foreign policy', just like Democrats. When your 'culture' is based on banditry and gangsterism, your 'armies' will tend to fall apart into mobs of raping and looting feral animals almost immediately, just a fact of life in the ME.

Again, have to ask, why is any of this our problem?

Oh, yeah, because the Zionists and Oil Companies run our government.

If we took half the money we spend propping up the Zionists and playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East and put it into energy research, we'd be free and clear of the need to get involved in that nonsense.
In the same way that, to European anti-Semites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ‘the Jew’ came to symbolise something more than simply a Jewish person, so a ‘Zionist’ is no longer simply a person who believes in Zionism – he’s an evil menace to the world, to peace, to Western values. Just as ‘the Jew’ became a demonic abstraction upon which the simple-minded could blame the ills of the world, so ‘the Zionist’ plays a similar role today.

To call oneself a Zionist now is to invite a torrent of abuse. While Ed Miliband supports Israel, he realised quickly that calling oneself a Zionist is akin to calling oneself a racist or an enemy of civilisation.

The Zionist is now the imagined source of every problem in the Middle East, and a great many of the problems around the world.

Or- We realize that Zionism, like many "isms", is generally bad for people. The fundemental LIE of Zionism has been "A land without a people for a people without a land". But that's a lie. There were people on that land, and their land was stolen.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.
I know KSA has “Muslims only” zones. Pretty accepting eh, Islamist?

You mean Mecca and Medina? 40,000 Americans have live and worked in Arabia without feeling they needed to intrude on thos Holy sites. What is your issue?
My issue is that every single mostly Muslim country becomes a Sharia Run place where basic human rights are not afforded to people. Drinking of alcohol is illegal, women are treated like property, gays are executed and Jews are banned. That is my issue Islamist. The safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East is Israel. How about dem honor killings? How about dem child brides? Pretty barbaric. Yet you always dance around this. Weak sauce.

Honor killings are treated as murder. Your hate and ignorance is appalling. Are you Jewish? Clearly, you have never lived in the Arab world.
So you skipped over 90% of the post and then just went to honor killings and they aren't considered murder. Nope. Nice try though, Islamist. I am Jewish. I am not welcome in the Arab world. Are you ever not a complete and utter liar? EVER?

I want others to see your ignorance firsthand. Islamists and Leftists on the same side. WOW!

Toddsterpatriot Indeependent Mindful bripat9643


Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1,000 out of the 5,000 per year total).

Pakistan is also very poor and backwards.

Demonizng the neighbors has been standard fare for 3,000 years.
And the other links, Islamist? LOL your dodge is hilarious.

You are really brainwashed on this hate thing. The European zionists made things worse for Arab Jews who left in 1948, 1956, 1967 an 1973.
I am so sorry.
Again, you said honor killings are illegal. I proved you wrong. Arab states attacked the Jews in 48 and 67 and lost. Sucks to be them but losses have consequences. They aren't "European Zionists". If a Native American leaves the US and moves to France is that person no longer Native American? Your illogic is hilarious. Again, address my point. Why is every mostly run Muslim country a Sharia Law humanitarian and or economic disaster?

Or do you want to keep playing dodgeball.

The data on killing wives and girlfriends in the US is deplorable. We don't call it honor killing.. We also call it murder.

Most Arab countries are quite nice. They are just people.. like the Jews themselves.
In the same way that, to European anti-Semites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ‘the Jew’ came to symbolise something more than simply a Jewish person, so a ‘Zionist’ is no longer simply a person who believes in Zionism – he’s an evil menace to the world, to peace, to Western values. Just as ‘the Jew’ became a demonic abstraction upon which the simple-minded could blame the ills of the world, so ‘the Zionist’ plays a similar role today.

To call oneself a Zionist now is to invite a torrent of abuse. While Ed Miliband supports Israel, he realised quickly that calling oneself a Zionist is akin to calling oneself a racist or an enemy of civilisation.

The Zionist is now the imagined source of every problem in the Middle East, and a great many of the problems around the world.

Or- We realize that Zionism, like many "isms", is generally bad for people. The fundemental LIE of Zionism has been "A land without a people for a people without a land". But that's a lie. There were people on that land, and their land was stolen.

You don’t like them then?
“Colonialism means living by exploiting others,” Yehoshofat Harkabi has written. “But what could be further from colonialism than the idealism of city-dwelling Jews who strive to become farmers and laborers and to live by their own work?”1
Moreover, as British historian Paul Johnson noted, Zionists were hardly tools of imperialists given the powers’ general opposition to their cause. “Everywhere in the West, the foreign offices, defense ministries and big business were against the Zionists.”2
Emir Faisal also saw the Zionist movement as a companion to the Arab nationalist movement, fighting against imperialism, as he explained in a letter to Harvard law professor and future Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter on March 3, 1919, one day after Chaim Weizmann presented the Zionist case to the Paris conference. Faisal wrote:​
We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement....We will wish the Jews a hearty welcome home....We are working together for a reformed and revised Near East and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is nationalist and not imperialist. And there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed, I think that neither can be a real success without the other (emphasis added).3​

Sources: Yehoshofat Harkabi, Palestinians And Israel, (Jerusalem: Keter, 1974), p. 6; Paul Johnson, Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties, (NY: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 485; Samuel Katz, Battleground-Fact and Fantasy in Palestine, (NY: Bantam Books, 1977), p. 55.
Bailed out? Link please...

You seem to care a lot about it. Thank you for your concern.

It's well known that when the Zionists were about to get wiped out in the 1973 war, Nixon and Kissenger bailed them out.

Pretty much since then, they get into some shit, we have to bail them out. Lebanon in 1983, for instance.

View attachment 497286
Really? Do link that please. Your opinion isn't fact. And by "Zionist" you mean "Jew".
Yep and Colonialists displaced Native Americans. Funny if the Arabs won and Jews were displaced no one would care. You’re such a fat loser hypocrite

Actually,what Europeans did to America was genocide and a great crime against humanity we need to atone for.

If the Zionists were driven out of Palestine, the world would be a better place.
You should begin the atonement. Move. If you weren't in Chicago, then Chicago would be a better place, fatty. I mean you're talking semantics and silly opinions. Have you always been insane? Want to report me again? That has worked so well for you in the past. Loser.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.
I know KSA has “Muslims only” zones. Pretty accepting eh, Islamist?

You mean Mecca and Medina? 40,000 Americans have live and worked in Arabia without feeling they needed to intrude on thos Holy sites. What is your issue?
My issue is that every single mostly Muslim country becomes a Sharia Run place where basic human rights are not afforded to people. Drinking of alcohol is illegal, women are treated like property, gays are executed and Jews are banned. That is my issue Islamist. The safest place for a Muslim woman or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East is Israel. How about dem honor killings? How about dem child brides? Pretty barbaric. Yet you always dance around this. Weak sauce.

Honor killings are treated as murder. Your hate and ignorance is appalling. Are you Jewish? Clearly, you have never lived in the Arab world.
So you skipped over 90% of the post and then just went to honor killings and they aren't considered murder. Nope. Nice try though, Islamist. I am Jewish. I am not welcome in the Arab world. Are you ever not a complete and utter liar? EVER?

I want others to see your ignorance firsthand. Islamists and Leftists on the same side. WOW!

Toddsterpatriot Indeependent Mindful bripat9643


Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan (1,000 out of the 5,000 per year total).

Pakistan is also very poor and backwards.

Demonizng the neighbors has been standard fare for 3,000 years.
And the other links, Islamist? LOL your dodge is hilarious.

You are really brainwashed on this hate thing. The European zionists made things worse for Arab Jews who left in 1948, 1956, 1967 an 1973.
I am so sorry.
Again, you said honor killings are illegal. I proved you wrong. Arab states attacked the Jews in 48 and 67 and lost. Sucks to be them but losses have consequences. They aren't "European Zionists". If a Native American leaves the US and moves to France is that person no longer Native American? Your illogic is hilarious. Again, address my point. Why is every mostly run Muslim country a Sharia Law humanitarian and or economic disaster?

Or do you want to keep playing dodgeball.

The data on killing wives and girlfriends in the US is deplorable. We don't call it honor killing.. We also call it murder.

Most Arab countries are quite nice. They are just people.. like the Jews themselves.
Again, you're deflecting. Every single one is a Sharia Law humanitarian disaster. Facts speak louder than your Islamist feelings.
Everything that is disagreeable and connected to Israel is alleged to be an outgrowth of the perniciously evil ideology of Zionism. Anti-Arab racism among Israeli football-club ultras is viewed as part of Zionist ideology. The recent opposition to African migrants in Tel Aviv was viewed as the result of racist Zionists wishing to retain Israel’s Jewish character, despite the fact that many modern European, distinctly non-Zionist states also have unfounded fears and loathing of migrants.

In the same way that, to European anti-Semites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ‘the Jew’ came to symbolise something more than simply a Jewish person, so a ‘Zionist’ is no longer simply a person who believes in Zionism – he’s an evil menace to the world, to peace, to Western values. Just as ‘the Jew’ became a demonic abstraction upon which the simple-minded could blame the ills of the world, so ‘the Zionist’ plays a similar role today.

To call oneself a Zionist now is to invite a torrent of abuse. While Ed Miliband supports Israel, he realised quickly that calling oneself a Zionist is akin to calling oneself a racist or an enemy of civilisation.

The Zionist is now the imagined source of every problem in the Middle East, and a great many of the problems around the world.

These people had their property, jobs and citizenship .. and their lives taken from them by the Nazis..
There is a dangerous confluence between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, though the two concepts are not always identical. Anti-Zionism is often used as a euphemism to conceal hatred of Jews. Today, writer Howard Jacobson observed, Israel has become the pretext [for anti-Semitism]...All the unsayable things, all the things they know they can't say about Jews in a post-Holocaust liberal society, they can say again now. Israel has desacralized the subject. It's a space in which everything is allowed again.
Criticizing Israel does not necessarily make someone anti-Semitic; the determining factor is the intent and language of the speaker:
  • Is the speaker someone with a history of anti-Jewish attitudes? If so, the criticism is probably anti-Semitic.
  • Critics who habitually single out Israel for condemnation while ignoring far worse actions by other countries (especially other Middle Eastern countries) are anti-Semitic.
  • Likening Israel to Nazi Germany, or to traditional anti-Jewish stereotypical behavior is another sure sign of Jew-baiting.
  • Attacks on the merits of Israel's existence rather than individual government policies are anti-Semitic.
Here are several additional ways to distinguish between people who are expressing legitimate crticism and anti-Semites who seek to delegimize Israel:


Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

That's not true.. Saudi Arabia has been a US ally since the late 1930s and we don't give them foreign aid for 70 years.. Further, the state never straffed the USS Liberty.

Israel has betrayed the US many times.. Eisenhower, Reagan, LBJ... They betrayed them all more than once.

Rubbish. American oil companies developed Saudi oil fields and made a bunch of homicidal bandits and goat thieves filthy rich with no effort on their own part. And, only dumbass liars still run around Whining about the Liberty, like little moron parrots with no real facts to limit their propaganda.

LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about ARAMCO or Saudi Arabia.

lol you can't keep from lying, as usual.
Everything that is disagreeable and connected to Israel is alleged to be an outgrowth of the perniciously evil ideology of Zionism. Anti-Arab racism among Israeli football-club ultras is viewed as part of Zionist ideology. The recent opposition to African migrants in Tel Aviv was viewed as the result of racist Zionists wishing to retain Israel’s Jewish character, despite the fact that many modern European, distinctly non-Zionist states also have unfounded fears and loathing of migrants.

In the same way that, to European anti-Semites in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ‘the Jew’ came to symbolise something more than simply a Jewish person, so a ‘Zionist’ is no longer simply a person who believes in Zionism – he’s an evil menace to the world, to peace, to Western values. Just as ‘the Jew’ became a demonic abstraction upon which the simple-minded could blame the ills of the world, so ‘the Zionist’ plays a similar role today.

To call oneself a Zionist now is to invite a torrent of abuse. While Ed Miliband supports Israel, he realised quickly that calling oneself a Zionist is akin to calling oneself a racist or an enemy of civilisation.

The Zionist is now the imagined source of every problem in the Middle East, and a great many of the problems around the world.

The manufacturing of fear

These people had their property, jobs and citizenship .. and their lives taken from them by the Nazis..
Why is every mostly Islamist country a Sharia hell hole? Still waiting…

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