Biden warns conservatives in speech to gun control fans ‘they need F-15s, they don’t need a rifle’

Not at all. That is why I oppose convicted felon Trump and the 2025 project.
What you want to do, is stifle opposition you wanting to eliminate political opposition is fascist, You want to use racism to prevent potential fascism, how can you not see that. Using evil to stop potential evil, is evil.
What you want to do, is stifle opposition you wanting to eliminate political opposition is fascist,
You are trying to normalize dangerous, subversive, anti-American, MAGAt ideology as mere "political opposition."
It isn't that.

You want to use racism to prevent potential fascism,
How so?
how can you not see that. Using evil to stop potential evil, is evil.
Again trying to normalize a direct threat to our Republic.
You are trying to normalize dangerous, subversive, anti-American, MAGAt ideology as mere "political opposition."
It isn't that.

How so?

Again trying to normalize a direct threat to our Republic.
I’m not normalizing anything, you want to line up and machine gun down your political opponents, that is fascism and you see nothing wrong with it.
In almost 250 years, our country has been defended against a rogue/corrupt government not by armed citizens but by our Constitution.
Our founders realized that a free press, freedom of speech and citizens who could vote out rogue or corrupt government was the way to defend our Freedom.

Boy, you are really learning a lot of history today
There have been occasions where armed American citizens have stopped corrupt officials from seizing/maintaining power. Usually the mere threat of armed citizens is enough to deter would-be tyrants at local and state level.
Actually, although Conservatives don’t like to admit it, the entrance of the French into the war defeated the British.

The French provided well trained soldiers and officers and most importantly a Navy that blockaded the British
No, by the time French combat troops entered the war, the Continentals had the British penned up in a couple of cities. The British controlled only those cities, the American congress controlled everything else. Even at Yorktown, the French were less than half the besieging force.
Yeah, they were. The American colonies, unlike most other areas that Britain had subjugated, were heavily armed. On a par with and in many cases better than, the professional British troops.

The colonials did fine with the guerilla warfare they were waging. They lost when they banded together to fight a conventional battle.

And they still lost the majority of those even after the French intervention. But the guerrilla troops were a constant worry to the British and it is arguable that their constant draining of British morale that led to the ultimate British capitulation.
After Valley Forge, the Continental Army was at least the equal of the British and Hessian regulars. Oh, by the way, the Hessian mercenaries composed over half of the “British” troops deployed in North America.
More fantasy

Guerrilla warfare was an annoyance to the British but had no significant impact on the war.
The Continental Army kept the British in check but were not capable of delivering a death blow.
It was the addition of the French that ended the war
The reason the Continental Army couldn’t deliver a death blow was that the Royal Navy had control of the sea. Defeated British armies simply had to reach even a small port and the Navy could either lift it out or resupply it and bring in reinforcements. That’s what Cornwallis attempted at Yorktown, but the French navy had seized control of Chesapeake Bay so he couldn’t’t be lifted out or resupplied.
Show where guerrilla forces forced the British out of any position or significantly altered the outcome of the war
King’s Mountain where the Over Mountain Boys defeated Major Patrick Ferguson killing him and inflicting 1,018 casualties while suffering only 90 of their own despite being the attacking force. At Cowpens, the American force of 900 (approximately) was over 70% militia (Cowpens was the battle that the climax of the movie The Patriot was VERY loosely based upon) and no cannons. The British had 1,150 and two cannon led by Banastre Tarleton. Between the Over Mountain Boys and Francis Marion’s swampers who repeatedly defeated British forces and were instrumental in driving Cornwallis out of the Carolinas into Virginia where Washington trapped him at Yorktown. In almost every battle militia made up a large portion of the American force. Even at Yorktown militia made up a full third of Washington’s army. He didn’t commit them to battle there because his Continentals and Rochambeau’s French outnumbered Cornwallis’s British and Hessian troops by about two to one
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So, you think the Jan 6 capitol riot was a peaceful protest.
It was certainly mostly peaceful. More peaceful than the democratic riots in DC after Trump was inaugerated. Two hundred rioters were arrested on the spot. The charges against ALL of them were dropped despite the injured cops and property damage.
Small scale engagements inconsequential to the ultimate victory

If you want to see militias in action, look at the Battle of Cowpens
Militias were ordered to hold their ground for three volleys and then run away

Privately held guns did not win the Revolution and have never been needed since
Wrong, that was the movie The Patriot. At Cowpens the Militia stood their ground alongside the regulars.

One reason Militia troops would break in the face of bayonet charges was the fact that their civilian muskets were incapable of having bayonets attached leaving them defenseless in close combat.
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Small scale engagements inconsequential to the ultimate victory

If you want to see militias in action, look at the Battle of Cowpens
Militias were ordered to hold their ground for three volleys and then run away

Privately held guns did not win the Revolution and have never been needed since
Wrong again. In both the War of 1812 and the ACW civilian muskets and rifles equipped both sides. Some Confederate units were still using smoothbore civilian muskets, shotguns and rifles as late as 1864. some hadn’t even been converted to percussion caps and were still flintlocks.
Those “small scale” battles won the Southern theater.

Battle at Cowpens was a brilliant tactical use of his men by Washington. Without those militias the battle would have been lost.

The American government did not run munitions factories. The Continental Army relied on captured, bought by foreign governments, and personnel weapons.

Much like what will occur during Civil War II.

Your 8th history lesson is complete.
Daniel Morgan commanded at Cowpens. Washington never operated in the Carolinas. He was CinC, but only commanded in the central colonies. He sent first Gates, the Morgan to fight in the South.

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