Biden warns 'dark forces that thirst for power' could prevail in midterms

All that was required for Joe Biden to destroy America was for YOU to do......nothing

(Bitching <> Action)

We sit here on forums crying while another million illegally crosses the border

Aside from picking them off one by one as they cross the border, what can I do about it?

I'm not about to go to prison for trying to police the border.
I`ll confess to a hatred for the Pa. candidate for governor who said he`ll have right to seize voting machines if he doesn`t like the outcome of an election.
Except that's not what he said.

if the SecState can demonstrate cause, should he -not- decertify voting machines?
The DNC is going to kick Joe out of office after the midterms... all that's left to see is how they will accomplish it... Hunter?... mental status?... too old?...
I wonder if Joe's dark forces will change at that time....
Dark Forces are at work. Joe, the democrats and their manipulated violent supporters.

Here is what to expect:

Don Bolduc was attacked by a democrat crazy.

Zeldin was attacked remember? on stage giving a speech.
it is the left that is violent. THAT is where the attacks will come from when they lose this election 2022.
Liar, liar, pants on fire! :)

He was a roudy New Hampshire LIBERTARIAN, who had interrupted Bolduc on previous events also!
The DNC is going to kick Joe out of office after the midterms... all that's left to see is how they will accomplish it... Hunter?... mental status?... too old?...
I wonder if Joe's dark forces will change at that time....
After 20 JAN 2023.
That way Kamala can (theorhetically) serve 2 full terms.

Quick questions:
- Why do Democrats think they do not "thirst for power"?
- Is the "thirst for power" OK so long as you aren't, in their eyes, a "dark force"?
- "Deplorables" didn't work for Hillary - why do you think "dark forces" will work for Biden?
Fuck Joe Biden.
See, their version of "compromise" is "give us what we want" - they have absolutely NO intention to cede anyting to the other side.

Just like this covid "amnesty" bullshit. They're saying we must "forgive one another" for the ugly ways we behaved over covid, but they mean "You will forgive us and not beat us up".

In order for them to be able to forgive us, they'd have to develop empathy. Not going to happen without serious medical intervention and deprogramming, if at all.

And besides, we have done nothing to be forgiven for.


I actually think she would not want the job so this will get very interesting....
If she resigns, you'll know Joe is next.

DNC wants to get rid of Brandon.
DNC does not want Kamala in the big chair.
After 20 JAN 2023...
Kamala resigns. Brandon appoints the hag.
Brandon Resigns.
Why the liberal hatred for checks and balances, and reaching across the aisle in bipartisan unity with the Loyal Opposition? Didn't they ever hear John McCain's screeds on this?
John McCain was pretty successful in getting his legislation Passed by luring in others, across the aisle?
John McCain was pretty successful in getting his legislation Passed by luring in others, across the aisle?
McCain never wanted to bring other republicans along his road called Maverick... he wanted all the glory for himself and sometimes his butt buddy Graham.....
Don't you remember the infamous thumb's down?...
And now we are stuck with a messed up Obama healthcare system....
It really says a lot about the lack of intelligence among Democrats here that they cannot figure out the inherent fallacy in Biden's accusation. It is downright Orwellian, in fact.

People expressing their freedom to vote for who they want are being called the "threat to Democracy" by those who posit themselves as the only choice to be made.

It is such an utterly chilling an obvious bit of manipulation that only those with double digit IQs could possibly fall for it.
You're right!

I shall go beat them up!

No need.
You folks beat yourselves up.
Good to see it's all a joke to conservatives.

Enjoy. You're getting what you deserve. :)

Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC programming.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
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Aside from picking them off one by one as they cross the border, what can I do about it?
I'm not about to go to prison for trying to police the border.

Is there anything the Founding Fathers said about tyranny?
You alone can do nothing. Collectively the Right has failed miserably time and time again over decades

Conservatives in this thread wail and cry day in and day out yet do nothing. Probably wont even vote.
The best they have is to try to cover their fear with cheap jokes and cling to their guns that they will never use.

This is NOT what the Founding Father prescribed and it is not a winning strategy.
Even IF the right wins big this November AND in two years, the Left will regroup and return in force to continue the
path to Communism.

Perhaps worthless banter and futile attempts at humor are all m14shooter and deanlw have :dunno:
Reminds me of that scene in Better Call Saul where Mikes takes Trevors guns

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Who does this clown think he's facing in midterms, Voldemort? Someone needs to lay off the Harry Potter for Brandon's bedtime stories.

Biden warns 'dark forces that thirst for power' could prevail in midterms​

Wait. He thinks that the Dims might win?

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