Biden wears face mask outdoors to hail CDC guidelines that say you no longer need to.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?
TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?

It's evident Biden does not believe the vaccine he received was effective. Which leads to two further questions: was he actually vaccinated, or does he know something about the efficacy of the vaccine that the rest of us aren't being told?
TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?

It's evident Biden does not believe the vaccine he received was effective. Which leads to two further questions: was he actually vaccinated, or does he know something about the efficacy of the vaccine that the rest of us aren't being told?
Yep. Dear Leader is acting very terrified.
One minute you say wearing a mask is a personal choice...the next minute you criticize someone for wearing one. MAKE UP YOUR TINY MIND!
I am fed up with this mask bull shit... They do nothing.. 87% of people who contracted COVID wore masks some or all of the time.. This means they have a near 90% Failure rate. they are protecting no one.. physical attributes of masks are 1000 times bigger in filtering than the size of the damn virus. Its like putting a screen door on a submarine thinking it will keep the water out...

As for the vaccine, I contracted COIVD and survived even though two people I love did not. (we all wore masks, socially distanced and quarantined to try and avoid catching this disease). Now that I have antibodies my immune system will not allow me, even if exposed, to create a viral load sufficient to make me contagious again. The same is true for those who have been vaccinated. Children do this naturally and this is the reason they are not a threat to anyone and should be in school..

Wearing a mask is theater... nothing more than feel good crap that does nothing... once you have had this virus or you have been vaccinated you have antibodies and you are at very little risk of transmitting anything should you be exposed...
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TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?

It's evident Biden does not believe the vaccine he received was effective. Which leads to two further questions: was he actually vaccinated, or does he know something about the efficacy of the vaccine that the rest of us aren't being told?
Yep. Dear Leader is acting very terrified.
HE is doing it so he can keep others terrified... Sheep are easily duped.
One minute you say wearing a mask is a personal choice...the next minute you criticize someone for wearing one. MAKE UP YOUR TINY MIND!
You want to be an idiot and wear one, feel free.. Its your choice... Biden is doing this for theater... to create panic... That is why we criticize that idiot..
TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?

That's because he's so stupid, uninformed, and out of the loop. And he probably didn't even get Faucci's memo about masks.
So you need to get the vax, so we can reach herd immunity.

But you still need to wear a mask in public, in order to protect people who didn't get the vax from getting the virus, from which you are immune and can't spread because you took the vax.

So you need to get the vax, so we can reach herd immunity.

But you still need to wear a mask in public, in order to protect people who didn't get the vax from getting the virus, from which you are immune and can't spread because you took the vax.

If you are vaccinated or if you have had this virus you can not create enough viral load to become contagious again from this virus because of your immune system. These people are spinning in circles.. making me sick...

Herd immunity is reached when enough people become unable to transmit the disease. IT can no longer run like wild fire. People just don't have a clue...
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TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! So why is a guy claiming he’s been vaccinated wearing a mask for zoom meetings and outdoors when the CDC says you don’t have to?

It's evident Biden does not believe the vaccine he received was effective. Which leads to two further questions: was he actually vaccinated, or does he know something about the efficacy of the vaccine that the rest of us aren't being told?
Yep. Dear Leader is acting very terrified.
HE is doing it so he can keep others terrified... Sheep are easily duped.
It ain't working no more. In my state masks are becoming more and more rare even though Gretchen's mask mandate doesn't really end until july.

Even sheep have their limits

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