Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Is it? One party spent 6 plus months attacking mail in voting and telling their people not to use it and that your vote may not count if you do. One party spent those same 6 months pushing their people to use it and emphasized how safe and secure it was.

And then you all are like "wow, look at this difference in mail in voting". And the rest of us are like "well, DUH, what did you expect?"
Hahaha…and that’s makes perfect sense to all in LibTardia
Nothing to see here, nothing peculiar at all.
I can’t help but wonder if our resident MODERATES / ‘voices of reason’ have seen this data?

Sure have, many times. It was the expected outcome for the mix of mail in votes. One party attacked them one party supported them and then you pretend to be shocked when there is a large difference in the number of people from each party that used them.
This was predicted well in advance of the election. Welcome to 18 months ago.
It makes sense now why you’re always a day late and a dollar short with a lag time like this.
It was predicted that Trump would win every state via in person voting? Including blue states? Link please. Thank you.
Is it? One party spent 6 plus months attacking mail in voting and telling their people not to use it and that your vote may not count if you do. One party spent those same 6 months pushing their people to use it and emphasized how safe and secure it was.

And then you all are like "wow, look at this difference in mail in voting". And the rest of us are like "well, DUH, what did you expect?"
You're not surprised that Trump even won blue states via in person voting? I do not recall any party stating not to vote by mail but stating to have better safeguards in place.
Read through the thread dummy.

What is with the insults? Everyone is being very polite here? Not addressed. No where did I ever hear that Trump won every state via in person voting. Nowhere was that even predicted. You are surprised by the data too just admit it please.
Is it? One party spent 6 plus months attacking mail in voting and telling their people not to use it and that your vote may not count if you do. One party spent those same 6 months pushing their people to use it and emphasized how safe and secure it was.

And then you all are like "wow, look at this difference in mail in voting". And the rest of us are like "well, DUH, what did you expect?"
Nice example of what a game of checkers looks
like when Barney and Goober sit down for a serious
he won because of cheating and making fraudulent ballots.
Sure have, many times. It was the expected outcome for the mix of mail in votes. One party attacked them one party supported them and then you pretend to be shocked when there is a large difference in the number of people from each party that used them.

Makes perfect sense to anyone who is not suffering from oxygen deprivation due to their head being too far up Trump's butt.
Again, so only Democrat voters were paranoid of the Democrat Virus?
Trump voters are so obedient they disregarded the ‘health risk’ associated with in-person voting and did what Trump said to do?
That really makes sense?
What is with the insults? Everyone is being very polite here? Not addressed. No where did I ever hear that Trump won every state via in person voting. Nowhere was that even predicted. You are surprised by the data too just admit it please.
You be aware by now with Lefties it always
tactics,tactics,tactics.Never or hardly never just the
Gods Honest Truth.
Because as sure God Made Little Green apples
The Left Does Not Value Truth.
No where did I ever hear that Trump won every state via in person voting.
Why the obsession with that? It's pretty irrelevant.

A lot of Dems (in every state) chose to vote absentee) Most Republicans (in every state) chose to vote in person

That has been well covered on this thread.

Move along now.
Nothing to see here, nothing peculiar at all.
I can’t help but wonder if our resident MODERATES / ‘voices of reason’ have seen this data?
Golfing Gator
Golfing Gator, Kondor3, I think it's time we fessed up. I can't hold it in any longer, I'm sorry.

The election was stolen. There. I said it.

All us commies met in China and planned it all out. Then we met with Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and convinced them to join us in the Communist Party and our efforts to destroy America in the name of Evil.

I am a radical Deep State Swamp Chinese Hitler Venezuelan Nazi Commie, and I want everyone in America to suffer and die in commie concentration camps, including my wife, kids and family. My cover - as a CFP/Financial Advisor and committed capitalist, was put into place to throw people off the scent. But the Trumpsters are just too damn smart.

You got us. Damn. I admit it.


What a relief. Wow, it's so good to get that off my conscience.
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Again, so only Democrat voters were paranoid of the Democrat Virus?
Trump voters are so obedient they disregarded the ‘health risk’ associated with in-person voting and did what Trump said to do?
That really makes sense?
Making sense for today's Leftie is like Holy Water
to Dracula.Do Not Doubt Me.
You're not surprised that Trump even won blue states via in person voting

Not really, they had the highest percent of mail in votes so even that would be some what expected. Also your source is missing most of the big blue state so we do not know if this hold true for Ill and NY and Cali
Why the obsession with that? It's pretty irrelevant.

A lot of Dems (in every state) chose to vote absentee) Most Republicans (in every state) chose to vote in person

That has been well covered on this thread.

Move along now.
Unlike those of the Hobbit persuation.
At best they can manage to Hobbit-on along.
Never to be confused with Hopalong Cassidy.
These new-day Halflingers.

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