Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Everyone saw it coming. Even Team Trump. That's why he started vomiting the Big Lie in about May of 2020.

Or maybe they saw the Democrats ramping up their bid to make the elections less secure. You folks laughed when Trump said he was being surveilled back in 2016. I guess you aren't laughing now as he was proven correct. The same will happen with regards to election fraud at some point, nobody expects Democrats to understand. Most are lucky if they can walk and chew gum the same time.
Let me guess, only swing states. And only states where Biden was losing until polls were closed.

Mail in ballots can be counted during the day, noting prevents them from doing that.

And who counts them at 2AM when polls are closed?

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There were several states, (look them up) that could not even begin to count the mail ballots until the polls closed. It took several days counting 24hrs non stop to finish if you recall.

You are either low info or have the memory of a goldfish.
interesting, eh?

According to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 30 percent of registered voters said they planned to vote by mail, and 43 percent said they planned to vote in person on Election Day. But among Trump supporters, only 11 percent said they planned to vote by mail, and 66 percent said they planned to vote in person on Election Day. Among Joe Biden backers, 47 percent said they planned to vote by mail, while only 26 percent said they planned to vote in person on Election Day. (The share who said they would vote early in person was consistently 20-21 percent among all three groups: Trump supporters, Biden supporters and voters overall.)

If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden. This has serious implications for … well, democracy. First, Trump could argue the mail ballots (which, remember, could account for most of Biden’s votes) were fraudulent and thus should not be counted. Although it’s unlikely they’d actually be thrown out, this would damage the credibility of the election in the eyes of many Trump supporters. Second, it could mean the first votes counted on election night will be disproportionately good for Trump, who might claim victory based on incomplete returns. It might not be until days later, after a good chunk of the Democratic-leaning mail vote is counted, that Biden pulls ahead.
Not that there is anything wrong with that....still very interesting.

If we had data for all 50 states, we would likely see Trump winning the Election Day vote in almost all of them and Biden winning the absentee vote in almost all of them.

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Wow, that's news. Who knew even Fox would predict it.

btw, you got killed in Battle of the Five Armies. Jus sayin
There were several states, (look them up) that could not even begin to count the mail ballots until the polls closed. It took several days counting 24hrs non stop to finish if you recall.

You are either low info or have the memory of a goldfish.
"There are several states"

You made a claim, now back it up.

Which states?
Trump spent an entire year telling his voters that mail in ballots wouldn't be counted. The Post Office would lose them, they were subject to fraud. His voters believed him and went in person. People who have a choice will vote by mail because Republicans have closed so many polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, in red states.

When you close polling stations, making it harder for people to vote in person, voting by mail becomes your only alternative.

Five yard penalty for hitting a rightie with logic.

How in the world would you know what works for critical thinkers? You are driven by nothing but hate and feelings
Because Words surely Do Not Matter in yer
leftist playbook.Just Pictures.Large and colorfull;
like what helps toddlers learn before entering Nursery School.
Thanks for explaining how " dumbed down " works for
those of your persuation.
Because Words surely Do Not Matter in yer
leftist playbook.Just Pictures.Large and colorfull;
like what helps toddlers learn before entering Nursery School.
Thanks for explaining how " dumbed down " works for
those of your persuation.

"There are several states"

You made a claim, now back it up.

Which states?
Jeez Louize.Are you ever forgetful.
Why did it take til late on a friday to make an assessment
as to Biden being the apparent winner.
How many states were still counting ballots.?
When Bellwether states like Florida,Ohio and Texas
all called it early on Election night.
For Trump !
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