Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

dayum. that's not nice.

so, to be on topic. let's go to the source the OP chose. it had more than a picture.

it also had this interesting bit:

We may have seen it coming, but now we know for sure: The coronavirus pandemic made the 2020 election look different from any other election in recent memory. Due to the massive expansion of mail voting, a staggering number of Americans cast their ballots before Election Day. And due to then-President Donald Trump’s false claims that mail voting would lead to election fraud, a huge partisan gap emerged between ballots cast by mail and ballots cast on Election Day.

Anyone may copy and paste from biased sources. How about you give us your opinion?
Anyone may copy and paste from biased sources. How about you give us your opinion?
i posted from your OP. you copied and pasted from the same source, out of context. and your trolling opinion was: "interesting".

that is weak sauce even for a twat like you. now whine about the insults while calling me a nazi. it is your thing.
Sure little fella. Here ya go.

Have you checked your link before you posted? It completely confirms what I said is true.




What part of my OP was a lie? Picture says a 1000 words.
I’ve not seen any evidence that Trump won every day of voting result. The chart lists a dozen or so states.

In any event, people are looking for a reason to believe whatever they want especially is what is true is uncomfortable.
Not that there is anything wrong with that....still very interesting.

If we had data for all 50 states, we would likely see Trump winning the Election Day vote in almost all of them and Biden winning the absentee vote in almost all of them.

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Absentee and mail-in are the easiest ways to manipulate ballots and cheat. There is no documentable chain of possession for these ballots. That's why Democrats are fighting tooth-and-nail to preserve these means of stealing elections.
i posted from your OP. you copied and pasted from the same source, out of context. and your trolling opinion was: "interesting".

that is weak sauce even for a twat like you. now whine about the insults while calling me a nazi. it is your thing.
Thanks for proving you’re triggered.
Independents and Democrats don't do everything that the orange menace told them to do. Only Republicans are that gullible and stupid. Like YOU. You believe anything Trump tells you. Even the most obvious lies.
You are so angry. Get help.
I am here for thoughtful discussions not insults.
That'd be a first.

You're not here for anything but to bring up The Big Lie one more time.

Republicans all knew the absentee vote would go big to Biden. Trump was screaming about it.

There was that whole USPO kerfuffle with DeJoy

Several Republican states even MANDATED that no absentee votes could be counted until the polls closed...virtually guaranteeing that the they would "come in late"

This is nothing but a troll thread.
Have you checked your link before you posted? It completely confirms what I said is true.

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Penns. Governor and his Secretary-Of-State both changed state election
law On the fly.Changing around the time constraints when a Mailed-in
Ballot can be received.And therefore counted.From like around 5 pm
on Election day to three days afterwards.
Talk about a dynamic change in Election procedure.
I need to double check on those specifics.

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