Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Of course the Dems will steal elections if necessary. They play dirty and they play for keeps.

For example consider how Hillary spied on Trump while he was President. Of course as usual she will get away with it. People don’t obey the law if they don’t fear it will be enforced.

Ironic given it was the right who tried to steal the 2020 election.
Nothing "amazing" about any of this.

Totally predicted and the very site you began this nonsense with
That even blue states would see Trump win via in person voting. Nope. Never saw that data or predictions. So it wasn’t totally predicted unless you can show me a link prior to the election that states otherwise
Link that ALL predicted that Trump would win even blue states if you only count in person voting. Thank you.
You keep asking people to defend statements they never made.

You've done this about five times now.

That's troll behavior and nothing else
You keep asking people to defend statements they never made.

You've done this about five times now.

That's troll behavior and nothing else
She said “ALL” I am asking her to back up her claim. I disagree with it. Again. You’re not adding any value. Please exist the discussion. Thank you.
You are so angry. Get help.

You keep projecting your own self-loathing and anger onto others. Just like you calling everyone you disagree with "fat".

Republicans have been promoting mail in voting for generations. It allows the elderly members of their base to vote easily. Florida is HUGE on mail in voting. But now that black people having discovered mail in voting, of course Republicans are moving to ban it. Republicans have been preventing poor and working class people from voting by closing polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, or locating them outside of town with no public transit access. We can't have minorities being able to vote easily now can we? They won't elect Republicans.

I find it amazing that Republicans keep calling black people "stupid", but it's the gullible white working class people who are voting Republican.
i posted from the source you chose. do you understand that. i gave you my opinion many times, including this thread.

do you even read any of the responses, fucktard?
I am Not talking just in this instance. No need for name calling. If you’re triggered and you are please take a time out and collect yourself.
You keep projecting your own self-loathing and anger onto others. Just like you calling everyone you disagree with "fat".

Republicans have been promoting mail in voting for generations. It allows the elderly members of their base to vote easily. Florida is HUGE on mail in voting. But now that black people having discovered mail in voting, of course Republicans are moving to ban it. Republicans have been preventing poor and working class people from voting by closing polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, or locating them outside of town with no public transit access. We can't have minorities being able to vote easily now can we? They won't elect Republicans.

I find it amazing that Republicans keep calling black people "stupid", but it's the gullible white working class people who are voting Republican.
Again, please get help and soon. Thank you.
You keep projecting your own self-loathing and anger onto others. Just like you calling everyone you disagree with "fat".

Republicans have been promoting mail in voting for generations. It allows the elderly members of their base to vote easily. Florida is HUGE on mail in voting. But now that black people having discovered mail in voting, of course Republicans are moving to ban it. Republicans have been preventing poor and working class people from voting by closing polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, or locating them outside of town with no public transit access. We can't have minorities being able to vote easily now can we? They won't elect Republicans.

I find it amazing that Republicans keep calling black people "stupid", but it's the gullible white working class people who are voting Republican.
Why would you bring race into this?

Honk honk honk
This came from the source that the OP used to start this troll thread.

Guess he "missed it"

We may have seen it coming, but now we know for sure: The coronavirus pandemic made the 2020 election look different from any other election in recent memory. Due to the massive expansion of mail voting, a staggering number of Americans cast their ballots before Election Day. And due to then-President Donald Trump’s false claims that mail voting would lead to election fraud, a huge partisan gap emerged between ballots cast by mail and ballots cast on Election Day.

It looks that Trump's claims were no so false.
Well... Trump was so far ahead that they needed time to produce additional fake ballots in the middle of the night.

View attachment 602628
Have you checked your link before you posted? It completely confirms what I said is true.

View attachment 602632
View attachment 602633
View attachment 602634
View attachment 602635
It doesn’t. It took days. Obviously the Biden votes will spike as mail ballots largely favored him and were the last counted.

“Pennsylvania, one of the most important presidential battlegrounds, is among the handful of states that did not begin processing absentee ballots until Election Day morning.

That abridged timeline is one of the reasons the state isn’t expected to have every vote counted until Friday, at the earliest.”
The Republican led legislature passed that law
In a compromise deal with Dems.
It proves the Republicans know they can’t win when voting is easy and convenient for all.

That's only half the story.The Republican Majority State Legislature was the
governing authority in Pennsylvania in 2020 as is the case in all 50 states.
HOWEVER the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court { Majority democrat }
voted to countermand what the Pennsylvania State legislature voted on.
This was decided weeks before the November 3rd Election.
The U.S. Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Roberts refused to hear
any arguments concerning what happened in Pennsylvania.Where The
Pennsylvania State Supreme Court voted down what the Pennsylvania State
Legislature confirmed as Election law.
Roberts was to blame.Because Both Justice Sam Alito and Clarence
Thomas were willing to have SCOTUS hear the case.
Talk Radio's Mark levin made a big stink about.All for nought.
His wife just prepared a new filing last month to clear up this issue.
That Pennsylvania Broke State Election law by countermanding the legal
authoriity of Article 11,Section I in the Constitution.
Pennsylvania constitution has specific voting requirements. It explain to the detail who can vote, how to vote, and how to vote if absent.

The constitution was ignored, and despite protest from Republicans that no excuse ballots are illegal, mail-in-ballots were sent out.

This ruling confirms that election in Pennsylvania was unconstitutional. You don't see relevance with the topic?

Republican efforts protesting no-excuse mail-in ballots??

Republicans voted for it.
That even blue states would see Trump win via in person voting. Nope. Never saw that data or predictions. So it wasn’t totally predicted unless you can show me a link prior to the election that states otherwise

Why don't you find your own fucking links. Every time you get your fat ass handed to you on a plate, you try to change the goal posts, or you attack the poster.

Trump lost. People voted any way they could, but they voted legally to thrown this criminal conman out of office. You whined relentlessly for 4 years that Democrats refused to accept that Trump won the election, but here you are whining relentlessly AGAIN, refusing to accept that Trump LOST the election.

You post stupid threads like this one whining about Trump losing the election.

Why would you bring race into this?

Honk honk honk

I didn't. You did, when you asked why Democrats don't vote in person. Because thousands of polling stations in Democratic neighbourhoods have been closed, or moved. You can't seem to win any of these arguments against mail in voting so here you are, trying to deflect from the fact that this is a pointless thread whining about Trump losing the election.
Why don't you find your own fucking links. Every time you get your fat ass handed to you on a plate, you try to change the goal posts, or you attack the poster.

Trump lost. People voted any way they could, but they voted legally to thrown this criminal conman out of office. You whined relentlessly for 4 years that Democrats refused to accept that Trump won the election, but here you are whining relentlessly AGAIN, refusing to accept that Trump LOST the election.

You post stupid threads like this one whining about Trump losing the election.

You are so angry. Honk honk honk
The thread is worth it just to see you lose your marbles and you don’t have many more to lose til you’re totally batshit.

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