Biden would probably be ahead 15 points today if not for two key policies...

Biden groupies are a committed lot.

Biden obviously has an open border policy. It's better defined an an, "import future Dem / Socialist voter", policy. Biden can't line up illegals at the border fast enough so Biden's "Air Illegal" flies them in.

Biden obviously did cause inflation with the Dem / Socialist "Green New Boondoggle" spending orgy and by crushing the US energy sector. Biden's contributing factor to inflation was the enormous increase in the money supply as a result of uncontrolled spending by the Dems / Socialists. That has an effect on currency. It's called "dilution" because it dilutes the value of existing currency.

The mere fact that you use the term “open borders” shows your idiocy.

Do you genuinely want all Americans prevented from leaving or travelling outside of the United States? Do you want an end to all tourism and tourists arriving in the United States?

And please bitch, don’t try to explain monetary policy to anyone because you don’t understand it in the first place. When you parrot the lies and propaganda, that right wing media is spewing about the Bidens economy, you just prove what a moron you are.

Biden has reduced the deficit in every year he’s been in office. Trump increase the deficit in every year. He was in office until he crash the economy.

These are facts. Links to my two Trump spending have been posted multiple times. Links to the deficit have been posted multiple times but the morons who worship the orange baboon keep parroting the lies that the Chinese and the Russians give them.

You deserve to have your country destroyed. You deserve what Trump is going to do to you if he gets back in power. Your stupidity will be your downfall
The mere fact that you use the term “open borders” shows your idiocy.

Do you genuinely want all Americans prevented from leaving or travelling outside of the United States? Do you want an end to all tourism and tourists arriving in the United States?

And please bitch, don’t try to explain monetary policy to anyone because you don’t understand it in the first place. When you parrot the lies and propaganda, that right wing media is spewing about the Bidens economy, you just prove what a moron you are.

Biden has reduced the deficit in every year he’s been in office. Trump increase the deficit in every year. He was in office until he crash the economy.

These are facts. Links to my two Trump spending have been posted multiple times. Links to the deficit have been posted multiple times but the morons who worship the orange baboon keep parroting the lies that the Chinese and the Russians give them.

You deserve to have your country destroyed. You deserve what Trump is going to do to you if he gets back in power. Your stupidity will be your downfall
You do know that Bidens approval ratings are at the lowest level in history, right? The American People decide this, not you or I. Therefore, what do current policies, good and bad, have to do about anyone else but him?

I am not obedient to ANY politician. I call balls and strikes, I don't want to be an obedient observer, that's how evil succeeds as history has shown. It is why in Ontario we have a quasi-police state with the lowest level of accountability in any Western nation bar none.
Inflation is down.
Our foreign policy is far better than Trump sucking up to dictators who say nice things about him.
The College campus demonstrations are mostly peaceful. Those kids have been watching middle east wars since they were born.
You guys have been investigating Biden influence peddling for five years, and the only thing you found was that the people peddling this shit were Russians.
Capitol protesters were mostly peaceful as well.
Biden is not at fault for “campus riots” which is an exaggeration

And crime is dropping not spiking

Inflation is at normal levels

So yeah… without the border issue… Republicans have nothing to run on… which is why they refuse to deal with it now
The inflation rate is not even close to the low levels under Trump. Under the great man, it averaged 0.93% during his administration. It has averaged 6.60% in the Alzheimer's patient's first three years.
The mere fact that you use the term “open borders” shows your idiocy.

Do you genuinely want all Americans prevented from leaving or travelling outside of the United States? Do you want an end to all tourism and tourists arriving in the United States?

And please bitch, don’t try to explain monetary policy to anyone because you don’t understand it in the first place. When you parrot the lies and propaganda, that right wing media is spewing about the Bidens economy, you just prove what a moron you are.

Biden has reduced the deficit in every year he’s been in office. Trump increase the deficit in every year. He was in office until he crash the economy.

These are facts. Links to my two Trump spending have been posted multiple times. Links to the deficit have been posted multiple times but the morons who worship the orange baboon keep parroting the lies that the Chinese and the Russians give them.

You deserve to have your country destroyed. You deserve what Trump is going to do to you if he gets back in power. Your stupidity will be your downfall

"And please bitch..."

Good gawd you're hilarious.

Another cavalcade of hysterical rants and slogans.

While you are in denial about Biden's open borders, don't expect others to share your wilfull ignorance.

Your "tourism" rant was especially nonsensical. Do you bother to proofread the nonsense you type?

Odd that you would claim Biden has reduced the deficit. The "Green New Boondoggle" and other giveaways has increased the deficit.

Your "phacts" tend to be the nonsense you apparently steal from the Joy Reid Clown Show.
Other than the five people who died, 140 officers injured, and the attempt to overthrow the election, you mean?
Four of the five who died had causes unrelated to the protest. The one who did was one of the protesters murdered by the leftwing Capitol cop. Compare this to the 25 killed in the 2020 Antifa riots and the hundreds of police injuries.
The inflation rate is not even close to the low levels under Trump. Under the great man, it averaged 0.93% during his administration. It has averaged 6.60% in the Alzheimer's patient's first three years.
Well, yeah, he brought down his average by crashing the economy in 2020.

Good work. Except for all the dead people. And people who lost their jobs. And their businesses. And the riots.
Well, yeah, he brought down his average by crashing the economy in 2020.

Good work. Except for all the dead people. And people who lost their jobs. And their businesses. And the riots.
No COVID in 2017, 2018 or 2019. Inflation rates not much different from 2020 when Democrat governors of CA and NY shut down their states. It just irks you people that Trump is far superior in every way to your incompetent Alzheimer's patient.
You do know that Bidens approval ratings are at the lowest level in history, right? The American People decide this, not you or I. Therefore, what do current policies, good and bad, have to do about anyone else but him?

I am not obedient to ANY politician. I call balls and strikes, I don't want to be an obedient observer, that's how evil succeeds as history has shown. It is why in Ontario we have a quasi-police state with the lowest level of accountability in any Western nation bar none.

I really don’t give a rats ass what what his approval ratings are because they’re meaningless and they’re being manipulated by foreign propaganda.

The only poll that matters is the one in November. There is a huge disconnect with the American people who are being routinely lied to by the Republican party and right wing media, and reality.

50% of Republicans, who are voting in the primaries, when, given other choices, did not vote for Trump. Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the race after super Tuesday, just got 21% of the Republican primary vote THIS week.

Now that it appears that the two most critical trials will not happen until after the election call mom, it behoves the American voting public to ensure that Trump never gets near the Oval Office again.

I hesitate to think where Putin would be sitting right now if Trump had been in the White House these past four years. And the Palestinians would’ve been wiped right off the map by now.
The Inflation Reduction Act signed into law in 2022 drove global inflation? Wow. So, the world never had inflation before Biden?

It's just Wednesday. Wait till the weekend to hit the crack pipe. :itsok:
The world prints US dollars?

Democrats are hella stupid.

Just watch the vid of Bidens lead economic advisor talk about money printing.

Total retards.
The inflation rate is not even close to the low levels under Trump. Under the great man, it averaged 0.93% during his administration. It has averaged 6.60% in the Alzheimer's patient's first three years.
If you’re going to include Covid numbers for that you have to accept them for GDP and unemployment . You don’t

Inflation was around 2.3 precovid and that’s what Trump INHERITED. He did nothing to achieve that.

It is currently under 4. Not that different and oh yeah… that’s hangover from Covid which TRUMP had a hand in as well so

Policies? Biden is a mentally impaired figurehead. He has no policies and someone else is running the Country.
His handlers are thinking the long game, not the short one.
They are setting this nation, and it's people up for a new government.
More in line with China and Russia's government.
Have you read the MAGA Project 2025? That is a plan for an authoritarian state
Biden is not at fault for “campus riots” which is an exaggeration

And crime is dropping not spiking

Inflation is at normal levels

So yeah… without the border issue… Republicans have nothing to run on… which is why they refuse to deal with it now
What are the campus riots over, Lesh? The conflict in Gaza? So why is Israel in Gaza? The massacre? So who supports Hamas in Gaza...who funds their terror attacks? Iran? So who gave billions of dollars to Iran so that they would have the funds to support terror?

That would be Joe Biden. He's just a fucking idiot and everything he touches turns to shit when it comes to foreign policy! It's why former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
The mere fact that you use the term “open borders” shows your idiocy.

Do you genuinely want all Americans prevented from leaving or travelling outside of the United States? Do you want an end to all tourism and tourists arriving in the United States?

And please bitch, don’t try to explain monetary policy to anyone because you don’t understand it in the first place. When you parrot the lies and propaganda, that right wing media is spewing about the Bidens economy, you just prove what a moron you are.

Biden has reduced the deficit in every year he’s been in office. Trump increase the deficit in every year. He was in office until he crash the economy.

These are facts. Links to my two Trump spending have been posted multiple times. Links to the deficit have been posted multiple times but the morons who worship the orange baboon keep parroting the lies that the Chinese and the Russians give them.

You deserve to have your country destroyed. You deserve what Trump is going to do to you if he gets back in power. Your stupidity will be your downfall
Do you really not know the difference between tourists entering the US on valid Visas and illegals streaming across the border completely unvetted? Every time I think you can't be surprise me and show me that you can!
No intelligent person believes the Alzheimer's patient, who didn't even campaign "got the most votes in history". You just explained why he didn't. But let me fix this for you. If we had a straight-up objective media, Republicans would win every election by 15.
It's all the media's fault the GOP can't win elections or get out their message to the masses. :rolleyes: Weak sauce.
"And please bitch..."

Good gawd you're hilarious.

Another cavalcade of hysterical rants and slogans.

While you are in denial about Biden's open borders, don't expect others to share your wilfull ignorance.

Your "tourism" rant was especially nonsensical. Do you bother to proofread the nonsense you type?

Odd that you would claim Biden has reduced the deficit. The "Green New Boondoggle" and other giveaways has increased the deficit.

Your "phacts" tend to be the nonsense you apparently steal from the Joy Reid Clown Show.

You must be the one watching Joy Reid. Toronto Blue Jays baseball games come on at 7 PM. Pre- game at 6:30. As disappointing as the season is, and however badly they are playing, There is only one thing on my TV between 7 and 10 PM from April until October.

And you haven’t bothered to refute anything I’ve posted you’ve just ranting on about me. Of course, you can't refute what I posted because it's true, so lets look at the deficit:

From the Treasury website - Data on the Deficits:

2016 - $590 billion Obama's last year
2017 - $670 billion Trump's first year - Tax cuts passed at end of year
2018 - $780 billion tax cuts take effect
2019 - $980 billion Trump's great economy - all on borrowed money
2020 - $3.13 TRILLION - the costs of failing to contain covid and have to pay for the testing and treatment of nearly 10% of the population
2021 - $2.77 Trillion - Biden got to work vaxxing the population, and reducing the numbers of sick from 10 million when he took office, to 1 million when people got back to work
2022 - $1.38 Trillion Biden's last budget with Dems holding the House.
2023 - $1.7 Trillion. McCarthy and Republicans are back in control of the purse strings, and already the deficit is going up again.

When you spend half a page and do nothing but attack the poster, it's proof positive you have nothing.

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