Biden would probably be ahead 15 points today if not for two key policies...

If not for his open border and the I.R.A which drove the globe through inflation, he is probably up 15 points.

Any other key missteps that have taken the highest vote getting in history to the lowest approval ratings ever? It makes no sense that he would pursue policies that destroy his re-election campaign.

Inflation went up around the globe because Covid distorted Commodity markets. Not because of anything Biden did.

Same problem with immigration, it's been a crisis for decades we've refused to address.
A biden policy created global inflation? 🤦‍♂️ How about covid? Could that have been the more rational and logical reason for global inflation?

Yep, COVID-19 is responsible for the disruption in supplies. From there, it's all President Biden and the Democrats.
I believe there are three key policies that Xiden struggles with 1) Foreign Policy 2) Economic Policy 3) Immigration
Biden doesn’t have an open border policy, Nor did he caused inflation.

Biden wouldn’t be up to 15 points because Republicans would still be lying about him, and their voters would believe the lies because they’re just that gullible.

Biden groupies are a committed lot.

Biden obviously has an open border policy. It's better defined an an, "import future Dem / Socialist voter", policy. Biden can't line up illegals at the border fast enough so Biden's "Air Illegal" flies them in.

Biden obviously did cause inflation with the Dem / Socialist "Green New Boondoggle" spending orgy and by crushing the US energy sector. Biden's contributing factor to inflation was the enormous increase in the money supply as a result of uncontrolled spending by the Dems / Socialists. That has an effect on currency. It's called "dilution" because it dilutes the value of existing currency.
I believe there are three key policies that Xiden struggles with 1) Foreign Policy 2) Economic Policy 3) Immigration

Yes. Policies numbered 4) through 8,038) are minor disasters by comparison.
Biden doesn’t have an open border policy, Nor did he caused inflation.

Biden wouldn’t be up to 15 points because Republicans would still be lying about him, and their voters would believe the lies because they’re just that gullible.
Biden DOES have an open border policy...claiming he doesn't shows that you're either woefully ignorant or deliberately obtuse! Democrats are letting in illegals to take the place of Americans fleeing States like California, New York and Illinois so that they don't lose House seats in the next census.
Larry Summers...Barack Obama's Chief Economic Advisor...warned this administration that their spending coming out of Covid was going to be inflationary and they ignored that warning and did it anyway.
This thread points out why Trump killed the bipartisan border bill.

Of that problem is dealt with Republicans have nothing to run on
This thread points out why Trump killed the bipartisan border bill.

Of that problem is dealt with Republicans have nothing to run on
Other than rampant inflation, bad foreign policy, college campus riots, spiking crime in our cities and influence peddling by the Biden family? Nothing? LOL
Other than rampant inflation, bad foreign policy, college campus riots, spiking crime in our cities and influence peddling by the Biden family? Nothing? LOL

Inflation is down.
Our foreign policy is far better than Trump sucking up to dictators who say nice things about him.
The College campus demonstrations are mostly peaceful. Those kids have been watching middle east wars since they were born.
You guys have been investigating Biden influence peddling for five years, and the only thing you found was that the people peddling this shit were Russians.
Inflation went up around the globe because Covid distorted Commodity markets. Not because of anything Biden did.

Same problem with immigration, it's been a crisis for decades we've refused to address.
Then why was President Trump able to reduce illegal aliens from crossing our border and President Biden cannot?

If not for his open border and the I.R.A which drove the globe through inflation, he is probably up 15 points.

Any other key missteps that have taken the highest vote getting in history to the lowest approval ratings ever? It makes no sense that he would pursue policies that destroy his re-election campaign.
Yeah and if not for starting WW2, and killing all of those Jews, Hitler did a pretty good job too.
Debt is abuse and forced labor.


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Debt is abuse and forced labor.
yet it is more politically palatable than either cutting programs or raising taxes.

You see, it used to be that we had a policy of not borrowing, until Ronald Reagan claimed that we could cut taxes and raise incomes, which never happened. Supply Side was always bullshit, voodoo economics (according to Reagan's own VP), but the GOP keeps embracing it.

It's easy to want more government if you aren't paying for it.
Other than rampant inflation, bad foreign policy, college campus riots, spiking crime in our cities and influence peddling by the Biden family? Nothing? LOL
Biden is not at fault for “campus riots” which is an exaggeration

And crime is dropping not spiking

Inflation is at normal levels

So yeah… without the border issue… Republicans have nothing to run on… which is why they refuse to deal with it now
Then why was President Trump able to reduce illegal aliens from crossing our border and President Biden cannot?

The only thing that reduced illegals immigration was Covid… because there were no jobs.

Jobs are always the reason they come.

Have you noticed that there are a lot of jobs available now?

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