Bidenomics - Everything's Going Just Great!

Ummmmmmmm, you've got a very bad memory. It was Democrats who wanted the shut down.

Idiotthinker, Trump was no Democrat...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
When I moved down here 32 years ago from Michigan the housing was very affordable but groceries back then were more expensive than up there even back then. We didn't have publix in my town at that time, now in this country about 7 and yes they are very expensive. Housing has been going up in the past 10 years and skyrocketed since desantis took office. He touted a free state even before covid. The republican admin in this state does bear a good part of the property insurance crisis as well has hurricanes. But when they let one insurance company go insolvent and then turn around and let the same people who ran that insurance company open another in the same year to off load citizens property and casualty (the company set up by the state many years ago) you have to wonder how many of these legislatures are making money off them. Only about a half dozen property and casualty agents in the republican legislature, so go figure.
Nice story but the OP is about a RECORD number of Americans who can't afford their rents NOW.
Denier? Thinks go up every year since, forever including my income. But one thing you did not list what hurts you. You bitch but don't list. Quit your fucking whining about every GD thing that comes your way. Shit, now you sound like a debbiedowner (SNL)
Umm, inflation under Biden's two plus years stands at 20%. It's been a very long time since we've had that much inflation in such a short time.
To live is to suffer..

i had my turn in life being homeless I made sure I always had my pup tent handy.
Why you Republican you. You believe that people should pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Trump will appreciate your vote.
Idiotthinker, Trump was no Democrat...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020

Trump is no Republican.
Trump is no Republican.

You're deranged.

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Perhaps you didn't read the link in the OP. There is a record number of Americans who can't pay their rent. Are you trying to deny this? Funny how you guys always say facts and figures the right post are "anecdotal" and dismiss them and yet that is exactly what you are asking for from me.
Are YOU able to afford YOUR rent?
Perhaps you didn't read the link in the OP. There is a record number of Americans who can't pay their rent. Are you trying to deny this? Funny how you guys always say facts and figures the right post are "anecdotal" and dismiss them and yet that is exactly what you are asking for from me.
He's trying to embarrass must be a standard far I've had at least 5 of the board lefties ask me the same question. These guys have a private forum somewhere where they huddle and plan....I am certain of it. I have seen too many cross posts with nearly identical wording.
Joe is the ultimate corporate stooge. A Delaware corporate stooge for a half century. The power enlisted him, and he did what they wanted and what he wanted. Answering to no one in hos other follies as he followed their dictums.
Suddenly you aren't a corporate stooge? When we point out the employees have only gotten a 18% raise in 45 years and the CEO's gave themselves a 1322% raise, what did you say?

1. They are being paid what they are worth
2. Class envy
3. Get a better job
4. Go back to school

Only when you said it, for every 1 job available there were 20 people looking. Today jobs are readily available. Today you should be giving this advice.

And today, you don't say go back to school. You say go be a plumber
When I moved down here 32 years ago from Michigan the housing was very affordable but groceries back then were more expensive than up there even back then. We didn't have publix in my town at that time, now in this country about 7 and yes they are very expensive. Housing has been going up in the past 10 years and skyrocketed since desantis took office. He touted a free state even before covid. The republican admin in this state does bear a good part of the property insurance crisis as well has hurricanes. But when they let one insurance company go insolvent and then turn around and let the same people who ran that insurance company open another in the same year to off load citizens property and casualty (the company set up by the state many years ago) you have to wonder how many of these legislatures are making money off them. Only about a half dozen property and casualty agents in the republican legislature, so go figure.
My neighbor said Ron passed a law where anyone can have a gun. This crack head neighbor used to not be able to get one because of something she did when she was younger and apparently Ron passed a law and now she can get a gun? I don't know all the facts. Did she have a felony? Did she get it expunged?

What is this law ron passed making it easier to get a gun?

And she said "now there's a shooting all the time down here". Keep in mind down here is Fort Lauderdale. I guess there is a really dangerous part they are telling me I should not go to that part of town. I thought the laundry mat by them was all shady people they said no that's the good one. LOL
Perhaps you didn't read the link in the OP. There is a record number of Americans who can't pay their rent. Are you trying to deny this? Funny how you guys always say facts and figures the right post are "anecdotal" and dismiss them and yet that is exactly what you are asking for from me.
Do you know why people can't pay rent? Because landlords jacked up their rent during and after covid, because of inflation. Now that inflation is going down, are they going to lower the rent?

And this is another problem that existed before Biden. After the crash, people stopped buying homes. For a million reasons, a lot of people started renting. And they rented from someone who gobbled up the home after the crash. And this same landlord is jacking up the rent.

There is a website for landlords. Most landlords use it. Find this site and type in your address and ask it how much you should rent your home out for. Now my question. Why would you rent it for anything less than the computer tells you to rent it out for? It's telling you what other landlords are charging. Why would you be a fool and lower the rent?

You know all the small business' who rent space in a strip mall? The landlord owns the strip mall and Subway just rent from a landlord. The guy who owns the Subway franchise doesn't own the building. That landlord is charging too much to Subway. And Subway is passing on that rent to us consumers. I used to buy a Subway for $5. It's $10 now. The landlord needs to lower their rent so we can get cheaper Subway subs. What do we do about this?

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