Bidenomics - Everything's Going Just Great!

And those renters were also paying more for everything because of capitalism. Why do you hate capitalism?
Never said I hate capitalism, liar.

No wonder you had to admit reading your posts makes people dumb.
Suddenly you aren't a corporate stooge? When we point out the employees have only gotten a 18% raise in 45 years and the CEO's gave themselves a 1322% raise, what did you say?

1. They are being paid what they are worth
2. Class envy
3. Get a better job
4. Go back to school

Only when you said it, for every 1 job available there were 20 people looking. Today jobs are readily available. Today you should be giving this advice.

And today, you don't say go back to school. You say go be a plumber
I know a half dozen millionaire plumbers....
I know a half dozen millionaire plumbers....
Yea but not everyone can be a plumber. So your advice to become a plumber is bullshit. Just like medical billing. Every woman was told to go into medical billing. You can make $70K a year working from home as a medical biller. I even worked for a company who started a medical billing program after the Bush Great Recession. The government was offering training $. So tons of women got money to become a medical billing. Eventually when they graduated they couldn't find jobs. And the wages went down to $50K when you did land a job. Because the market was flooded with PLUMBERS!!!

You fucking idiots!!!! Why do I talk to you? It's maddening.
He's trying to embarrass must be a standard far I've had at least 5 of the board lefties ask me the same question. These guys have a private forum somewhere where they huddle and plan....I am certain of it. I have seen too many cross posts with nearly identical wording.
All it does is show they are in denial and trying very hard to change the subject because Biden is an embarrassment to them.
Do you know why people can't pay rent? Because landlords jacked up their rent during and after covid, because of inflation. Now that inflation is going down, are they going to lower the rent?

And this is another problem that existed before Biden. After the crash, people stopped buying homes. For a million reasons, a lot of people started renting. And they rented from someone who gobbled up the home after the crash. And this same landlord is jacking up the rent.

There is a website for landlords. Most landlords use it. Find this site and type in your address and ask it how much you should rent your home out for. Now my question. Why would you rent it for anything less than the computer tells you to rent it out for? It's telling you what other landlords are charging. Why would you be a fool and lower the rent?

You know all the small business' who rent space in a strip mall? The landlord owns the strip mall and Subway just rent from a landlord. The guy who owns the Subway franchise doesn't own the building. That landlord is charging too much to Subway. And Subway is passing on that rent to us consumers. I used to buy a Subway for $5. It's $10 now. The landlord needs to lower their rent so we can get cheaper Subway subs. What do we do about this?
Landlords lost their shorts during the pandemic with being forced to let people have free rent for a long period of time, Biden's inflation has caused landlords to pay more for overhead, Biden's inflation has also jacked up interest rates, which have to be passed down to renters, and, Biden's higher interest rates have also put a huge dent in new home construction, causing rental shortages, which have caused rents to increase. Also, letting in huge levels of illegals has also caused housing shortages which raises rents.
Landlords lost their shorts during the pandemic with being forced to let people have free rent for a long period of time, Biden's inflation has caused landlords to pay more for overhead, Biden's inflation has also jacked up interest rates, which have to be passed down to renters, and, Biden's higher interest rates have also put a huge dent in new home construction, causing rental shortages, which have caused rents to increase. Also, letting in huge levels of illegals has also caused housing shortages which raises rents.
According to you, the people who are struggling are making what they are worth. What do you want the federal government to do?
The problem is Biden's inflation, which has caused prices to be 20% higher in just 2 1/2 years. The problem hasn't been wages or income, the problem is much higher prices.
I got my electric bill yesterday and compared it to one from a year ago. Same usage but the bill is $50 higher this year.

Fuck that no-energy motherfucker Joe Biden, and fuck those who support him.
Yep. We are having a milder winter than last year, but my energy bill is like yours, about $50 higher.
When hell freezes over. TBH, I don't trust anybody anymore.
Nope. Everyone's playing the game. They are master magicians. They get you used to watching one hand while they are playing magic tricks with the other hand and most Americans are watching the wrong hand, which is what both sides want you to do.
Landlords lost their shorts during the pandemic with being forced to let people have free rent for a long period of time, Biden's inflation has caused landlords to pay more for overhead, Biden's inflation has also jacked up interest rates, which have to be passed down to renters, and, Biden's higher interest rates have also put a huge dent in new home construction, causing rental shortages, which have caused rents to increase. Also, letting in huge levels of illegals has also caused housing shortages which raises rents.

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​


Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

If I understand your post correctly, you are trying very hard to change the subject and deflect. I'll accept your complete surrender on what we had actually been talking about.
My personal situation has nothing to do with it. The OP is about a record number of Americans who can't afford rent.

Well let me tell you what your answer would be to these people. Do I even need to? I'll try to make it short but this is what you would tell them.

1. Save up and buy a home
2. Move in with your parents
3. Why can't you afford things? Did you have children you couldn't afford?
4. Start a union where you work (you would never suggest this)
5. Let the free market decide
6. There are 10 million jobs available right now. After the great resignation, there has never been a better time to go find a better job. To solve your inflation problem. But that window is closing. Employers are starting to fill these roles and it might be too late. The feds are raising interest rates trying to cool down Biden's red hot economy that won't stop.
7. Go get a better job.

And now please come back with your excuses for poor people. Suddenly Republicans care about poor people. Well, it is an election year. LOL

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