Biden’s Disgrace

It's almost like Biden and the Democrats tried to make this as bad as possible.

I was thinking the same thing myself.

It certainly brought out the neocons within both factions of the party-of-one to start openly screaming against any notion of the idea that we should bring em home. They're on a spree, trivializing the electorate's general view that these forever wars are counterintuitive and unsustainable.

In making this look as bad as possible, it actually gives them a platform to attack the anti-intervention demograph of the electorate.

This is particularly troublesome since the trend seems to be moving toward these forever wars being privatized versus using American forces.

And we'll still be on the hook for it, of course.

Just because they're pulling troops out of Afghanistan doesn't mean that war won't remain going. It'll likely just be privatized. And their lobbyists own Washington. Good luck with any overight into that. That'll keep the Fed's printing press rolling harder and faster. While these defense contractors and weapons manufacturers are laughing all the way to the central bank, we get stuck paying for it. As usual. While liberty continues to gradually erode as the victim in it all.
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I was thinking the same thing myself.

It certainly brought out the neocons within both factions of the party-of-one to start openly screaming against any notion of the idea that we should bring em home. They're on a spree, trivializing the electorate's general view that these forever wars are counterintuitive.

In making this look as bad as possible, it actually gives them a platform to attack the anti-intervention demograph of the electorate.

This is particularly troublesome since the trend seems to be moving toward these forever wars being privatized versus using American forces.

And we'll still be on the hook for it, of course.

Just because they're pulling troops out of Afghanistan doesnlt mean that war won't remain going. It'll likely just be privatized.
I'm sure leaving our equipment behind was no accident either. Another gift to Iran? Part of a new deal?
Wow, what a horrible joke this thread is. You do know, that this deal that was struck with the Taliban, was during Trump right? And you do know, that whatever Biden said or didn't say, or do, will never matter with Afghanistan. Twenty years from now, the Taliban would still take over, and all the billions we spent, won't amount to anything, so why not leave now? We save American lives and tax payer dollars. Biden made the right decision, because we all know what happens today, is going to happen tomorrow. How can folks be that dumb not to know that?
The agreement with Trump included conditions for systematic withdrawal contingent on the Taliban compliance with those conditions. Biden abandoned those conditions and vacated US controlled airfields and bases overnight, leaving behind huge caches of equipment, weapons and munitions. Biden fucked it up all by himself.

Here is the agreement:

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The agreement with Trump included conditions for systematic withdrawal contingent on the Taliban compliance with those conditions. Biden abandoned those conditions and vacated US controlled airfields and bases overnight, leaving behind huge caches of equipment, weapons and munitions. Biden fucked it up all by himself.

Here is the agreement:

Trump's deal had no enforcement provisions. Not really possible to enforce anyways I think.

Trump himself acknowledged that reality in extraordinary comments Friday, saying the Taliban could "possibly" overrun the Afghan government after U.S. troops withdraw.

Trump's deal had no enforcement provisions.
If you read the pdf of the agreement I linked, you'll see the phrase "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban" repeated many times. A possible enforcement for not complying with the conditions would be to never fully withdraw.

Sanctions against Afghanistan would impose punishment on the entire country.

Regardless of the lack of enforcement provisions, the Taliban was complying with the provisions...until the stupid POTUS Biden announced a full withdrawal and abandoned entire bases in the middle of the night.
Trump's deal had no enforcement provisions. Not really possible to enforce anyways I think.

Trump himself acknowledged that reality in extraordinary comments Friday, saying the Taliban could "possibly" overrun the Afghan government after U.S. troops withdraw.

Did President Trump pull them out?...or did Joe?....I think it was Joe....blaming President Trump is childish and stupid....
From allowing the Russian pipeline, killing the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, the utter mess at the southern border, and numerous other matters, to this.

After President Biden’s now-notorious Afghanistan speech on July 8, a reporter said to the president, “Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse.” Biden replied to this statement, which was not only true but obvious, “That is not true.” The spooks said in June that Afghanistan would probably be lost in six months, proving to be about four and a half months too optimistic, but as the Taliban roared through the country early this summer, Biden blithely and stupidly averred, “The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

Remember when the press spent an entire week in a lather about President Trump’s lies about the size of his inauguration crowd? How should we react to far more consequential lies, lies that result in the mass rape of little girls and the mass torture and beheadings of men? How many will point out that Biden’s vow to restore America’s international reputation is in tatters, not even seven months into his administration?

Trump’s asking a question about whether disinfectants could be used inside the body to fight COVID — an off-the-cuff musing taken seriously by no one — was taken as a suggestion to “inject bleach,” though what he said was, “And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning . . . so it’d be interesting to check that.” This is generally held up as the single stupidest thing Trump ever said. Compare that to Biden’s assertion, just five weeks before Afghanistan fell, that the results of his actions would have no parallel— “none whatsoever” — with the collapse of South Vietnam, which took two years. “None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken,” Biden continued, nonsensically, about Saigon, as though the Taliban was not about to stage a rerun of 1975.

“The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable,” Biden went on.

In the previous administration, the press spent four years in four-mode discussing each one of Trump’s insults, his boasts, and his mostly trivial and silly falsehoods. Biden’s staggering combination of dishonesty, incompetence, arrogance, intransigence, ignorance, and dereliction of duty has already had far more devastating effects than four years of Trump’s slipshod leadership. Those who wondered whether an outwardly stable and calm president would necessarily prove to be a wiser manager than an unstable and erratic one have their answer.

Yeah we know all that propaganda but he's still the democratically elected president so let that soak in a bit more.
Did President Trump pull them out?...or did Joe?....I think it was Joe....blaming President Trump is childish and stupid....
Biden was abiding by the dates setup in the 2020 agreement

Biden was abiding by the dates setup in the 2020 agreement

Biden did not enforce the conditions. There is no getting out of this. He fucked up on the border and blamed Trump and now he's trying to do the same thing in Afghanistan.

All what's Biden is doing is what Hillary suppose have done as president in 2016. But Pres. Trump has gotten in their way.

The Dems were actually the ones who started the refugees crisis by overthrowing their governments, that forced the peoples to leave. And then having the American people to cheer the Globalist's party for sending troops to help overthrew their governments.

European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni said that European countries should create humanitarian corridors for the organized reception of refugees from Afghanistan.
It seems that this is such entertainment of theirs - first to bomb the country, and then to accept refugees from there, being proud of their kindness inside.
European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni said that European countries should create humanitarian corridors for the organized reception of refugees from Afghanistan.
It seems that this is such entertainment of theirs - first to bomb the country, and then to accept refugees from there, being proud of their kindness inside.
Americans are bombing a weak country to get money for the production of weapons.
Get a lot of refugees.
These refugees are fleeing to Europe.
Americans are losing the war and fleeing to the "Isle of America"

1.American gun makers get paid
2.American voters scold Trump and Biden
(they don't understand that the entire American system is to blame, but not just the Elephants or Donkeys. "
3. Europeans are waiting for illegal immigrants
4. the Russians gloat that the Americans are back in shit and have a second Vietnam.
It is good to share Western values, having a Western citizenship. Otherwise, you will have to cling to the landing gear of the departing plane.
By the way, did you notice that all human rights activists in the world were concerned about the fate of Roman Protasevich, who was recently removed from the plane in Belarus, who is now writing on Twitter and walking around Minsk, but about the fate of the afghans, who fell off the landing gear of an american plane taking off, somehow human rights activists don't care at all?
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If you read the pdf of the agreement I linked, you'll see the phrase "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban" repeated many times. A possible enforcement for not complying with the conditions would be to never fully withdraw.

Sanctions against Afghanistan would impose punishment on the entire country.

Regardless of the lack of enforcement provisions, the Taliban was complying with the provisions...until the stupid POTUS Biden announced a full withdrawal and abandoned entire bases in the middle of the night.
So you’re a “stay forever” guy then.

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