Biden’s Disgrace

Put these words of Joe Biden in granite, please:
"Under no circumstances will you witness scenes when people are evacuated from the roof top of the United States Embassy in Afghanistan."
I agree! :thup:

They did it on purpose..... that's how the Rats like it.
That's an idiotic argument. You throw crap up against the wall pretending to be intelligent, and you never provide proof of your claims. You are just a troll who never says anything of value. Aren't you embarrassed? Seriously?
Thread is bullshit. Come on over and explain how you will measure success. I’ll submit that this will be successful IF our soldiers and staff get out safely it’s a success.

A normal day for Biden would probably be considered a disgrace by an intelligent and moral person. Biden has been living in a government fantasy land so long he lost all his common sense and morals.
So you’re a “stay forever” guy then.
No. However, we've been in Germany for 70 years. We've been in Japan for decades. We've been in South Korea for decades. These three countries are our allies today.

There's benefit to maintaining US Bases and airfields in Afghanistan...the same bases that the idiotic Biden abandoned. He took away ALL of the quick response US air support for the Afghan Army.
No. However, we've been in Germany for 70 years. We've been in Japan for decades. We've been in South Korea for decades. These three countries are our allies today.

There's benefit to maintaining US Bases and airfields in Afghanistan...the same bases that the idiotic Biden abandoned. He took away ALL of the quick response US air support for the Afghan Army.
What’s the benefit?

The US isn’t engaging in active military operations in Japan, Germany or South Korea.
Biden was abiding by the dates setup in the 2020 agreement

But Joe ignored the conditions on the ground and also what his advisors recommended and warned him about....Trump listened to his Generals and that's why he didn't pull out all of the troops....and said he wouldn't unless he had verified conditions built into the withdraw.....

All Joe had to do was to leave the air support and the 2500 troops that were still there in place...just like if he had left the border alone he wouldn't have a crisis down there...Joe is an idiot and so is anyone that voted for him....

They left so fast that they left behind drones and other weapons which are on their way to Iran as we speak for reverse engineering....and I'm guessing revenge minded terrorists are headed to our open border today....maybe to your town....

The meaning of the whole speech is "They are all cowards and scoundrels. And I am D'Artagnan."
Among several, location.
It’s a little different having a military base in a peaceful country like Germany and one where we are expected to be the lynchpin propping up a corrupt government currently fighting (and losing) to a rival power.

And by a little, I mean enormously diffeeent.
From allowing the Russian pipeline, killing the northern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, the utter mess at the southern border, and numerous other matters, to this.

After President Biden’s now-notorious Afghanistan speech on July 8, a reporter said to the president, “Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse.” Biden replied to this statement, which was not only true but obvious, “That is not true.” The spooks said in June that Afghanistan would probably be lost in six months, proving to be about four and a half months too optimistic, but as the Taliban roared through the country early this summer, Biden blithely and stupidly averred, “The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
Remember when the press spent an entire week in a lather about President Trump’s lies about the size of his inauguration crowd? How should we react to far more consequential lies, lies that result in the mass rape of little girls and the mass torture and beheadings of men? How many will point out that Biden’s vow to restore America’s international reputation is in tatters, not even seven months into his administration?
Trump’s asking a question about whether disinfectants could be used inside the body to fight COVID — an off-the-cuff musing taken seriously by no one — was taken as a suggestion to “inject bleach,” though what he said was, “And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning . . . so it’d be interesting to check that.” This is generally held up as the single stupidest thing Trump ever said. Compare that to Biden’s assertion, just five weeks before Afghanistan fell, that the results of his actions would have no parallel— “none whatsoever” — with the collapse of South Vietnam, which took two years. “None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is — you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy — six, if I’m not mistaken,” Biden continued, nonsensically, about Saigon, as though the Taliban was not about to stage a rerun of 1975.
“The Taliban is not the south — the North Vietnamese army. They’re not — they’re not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable,” Biden went on.
In the previous administration, the press spent four years in four-mode discussing each one of Trump’s insults, his boasts, and his mostly trivial and silly falsehoods. Biden’s staggering combination of dishonesty, incompetence, arrogance, intransigence, ignorance, and dereliction of duty has already had far more devastating effects than four years of Trump’s slipshod leadership. Those who wondered whether an outwardly stable and calm president would necessarily prove to be a wiser manager than an unstable and erratic one have their answer.

Joe Biden also claimed he would cure cancer if he got elected. I wonder how that's going?
It’s a little different having a military base in a peaceful country like Germany and one where we are expected to be the lynchpin propping up a corrupt government currently fighting (and losing) to a rival power.

And by a little, I mean enormously diffeeent.
They were not losing until Biden and Company fled with their air support.

President Ghani had pledged to and was endeavoring to root out the corruption when he fled the country in response to Biden and Company's idiotic abandonment.

Biden WASTED IT! The Biden Crime Family administration is full of IDIOTS! Not surprising in that is was useful idiots that "elected" him.
They were not losing until Biden and Company fled with their air support.

President Ghani had pledged to and was endeavoring to root out the corruption when he fled the country in response to Biden and Company's idiotic abandonment.

Sure. The Afghanistan government was just about to get its shit together. Coulda been just a couple of decades more.

So close.
It is true Afghan govt was bumbling and stumbling. Afghans in USA say that themselves. But USA did not have to match and exceed their ineptitude with helter skelter fleeing.
It's almost like Biden and the Democrats tried to make this as bad as possible.

There is some traitorous bullshit going on here.

Fact: The Chinese made the Biden family filthy rich.

Fact: The Chinese have announced they will be allies with the Taliban.

Fact: Afghanistan has a trillion dollars worth of rare earth metals including Lithium.

Fact: The Biden Administration has passed vehicle emission standards that will dictate L-I EVs.

Fact: The Chinese has the technology to produce the batteries and the good will of the Taliban.

The Chinese are going to get rich because of this. It paid off to buy Biden. Biden sold out his country.
It is good to share Western values, having a Western citizenship. Otherwise, you will have to cling to the landing gear of the departing plane.
By the way, did you notice that all human rights activists in the world were concerned about the fate of Roman Protasevich, who was recently removed from the plane in Belarus, who is now writing on Twitter and walking around Minsk, but about the fate of the afghans, who fell off the landing gear of an american plane taking off, somehow human rights activists don't care at all?
Why should they?
Did they tell them to hitch a ride on the landing gear?
excalibur I don't know that Biden is already worse than Obama. But Biden's only been at it for 8 months, Obama had 8 years to fuck over America.

Why don't you puff out your ignorant racist chest and blurt out all the reasons Obama fucked over America?

While you prancing around like a dog with two dicks, enlighten us to how trump took America to heights never seen before then His own supporters voted him out.
See how good you are now.

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