Biden’s Economy adds 531,000 jobs in October

Well, I am Not Rich and it Hurts REAL Working people..
Shutting down the economy to suppress demand and get a low price on gas hurts working people more. That was a side effect of an economic disaster. Use your brain. You’re better than that.

Biden knows that putting COVID behind us is how we get the economy rolling. trump and McConnell had four years to pass infrastructure.....they failed. Biden did it...with repub less than a year.

trump was more interested in making the super rich....richer.
WTF are you talking about?
I KNOW you don't realize that the pipeline was "under construction" and was pumping no oil.

You must be reading the wrong memo.
Your talking points are clearly idiotic.
Well done dummy.
The pipeline was intended to safely send crude to Texas for processing and then out to the world the Canadians are back to trucking it with a shortage of trucks...lets see if you can make the connection on your own to todays high price at the pump....
Oil is speculative so when a disruption or slow down happens or is going to happen the price per barrel rises....please tell me you are smart enough to see that....
And fool...the pipeline was going to be up and running next year...and Joe stopped it...and now he is begging OPEC to drill more and OPEC just laughed at him...
Are you laughing when you fill up at the pump...I bet not....
And HOW does that (up and running NEXT year) affect any current supply?
Oil is speculative...its traded on the market...when a supply shortage is on the horizon the price at the pump goes up...Biden is begging OPEC to produce more for that counter the future supply shortage caused by the stopping of the Keystone pipeline....and public land drilling....its all related...and you know what the sick part is?...biden knows this and doesn't care....
The pipeline was intended to safely send crude to Texas for processing and then out to the world the Canadians are back to trucking it with a shortage of trucks...lets see if you can make the connection on your own to todays high price at the pump....
Oil is speculative so when a disruption or slow down happens or is going to happen the price per barrel rises....please tell me you are smart enough to see that....
And fool...the pipeline was going to be up and running next year...and Joe stopped it...and now he is begging OPEC to drill more and OPEC just laughed at him...
Are you laughing when you fill up at the pump...I bet not....
Rambmoron, there's already a Keystone pipeline transporting oil. The XL extremely would have made it a more direct route.
Rambmoron, there's already a Keystone pipeline transporting oil. The XL extremely would have made it a more direct route.
So are you saying the cancellation of keystone and the closing of drilling on public land didn't raise the cost of oil?....please say yes so I can whip you again....
In five years, we will all be shopping for electric vehicles. Oil and fossil fuels are heading to the trash heap of history. Of course, trump may still be using coal in five years....:auiqs.jpg:
Golfing Gator
Wasn't whining at all. Just stating the facts. The market goes up and everyone takes credit. The market goes down and they all disappear.

Doesn't matter who's in the WH it happens all the time.
We are obviously entering a golden age of the economy.

the Democratic led economy

Great job by our President

If it's Biden's economy when performing poorly, then it's Biden's economy when performing well.

President PoopyBritches to send them a check while he brags about a booming economy. 4.6% unemployment FOOLS

And the man has been in office 10 months.

the Build Back Better plan

grasp solid Capitalist economics.
Any given potus in office has very little to do with an economy who's many variables fester over decades to reveal results

Granholm says the situation with the economy is the fault of the UNvaxxed. We all know it's biden and the left's fault. Always passin' the buck.

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The problem with you is you like counting a person working two and three part-time jobs as two and three jobs.
If it's one's one person employed and only counts as one job. Jobs should only count if they are 40 hrs a week or more, but you folks on the left lowered the qualification for full-time employment to 30 hrs a week so you could pad your numbers. Also, you began counting overtime as a separate job.
Then there's the fact that more people are leaving the work force at a faster rate for one reason or another than ever before. Many have reached age 65....and many are afraid to keep coming to work because of COVID. Now that the mandates are beginning to kick in more people are out of work. People are being sent home by the hundreds of thousands which hasn't been reflected in the jobs reports yet.
I suspect that you folks won't be crowing about the jobs report for the next several months.

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