Biden’s Economy: Jobs Report well below expectations. Unemployment raises to 6.1%.

So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

How does the first quarter of 2021 compare to 2020?

MAY 5, 2021

US First Quarter GDP: Recovery or Just Another Rebound?

"Last summer 2020 at this time the US economy partially reopened. Especially in the red states that ignored the shutdowns.

"The US economy experienced a Rebound as a result of the reopening from roughly mid-June 2020 to mid-August. That rebound then faded and in September the economy began to weaken again.

"That weakening continued through the last three months of 2020 as the economy almost totally stagnated."
So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
If a queen had balls she would be king. The number didn’t meet expectations. Including those of the WH.
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

Very are lower than expected

What are we going to do about it?

I have an idea! Why don’t we invest in infrastructure? That will create another million jobs.

But Nooooooooo!
Republicans are against it

Debt never got anyone out of a bad economy.
Actually, it always has
Spending gets you out of a bad economy

Learn some basic economics

The fact that you don't even know the difference between debt and spending is proof my point is correct.
The way out of an economic recession has always been spending.

If borrowing to spend more gets you out, than so be it.
Worked for Reagan didn’t it?

How stupid are you? You think FDR's programs got the US out of the depression.

Got people back to work and eased suffering

Do you think three years of Hoover claiming “Prosperity is just around the corner” got us out of the Depression?

Let's let his Treasury Secretary tell the truth.

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started And an enormous debt to boot!

Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
Not his Treasury Secretary
Go be stupid somewhere else.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. (/ˈmɔːrɡənθɔː/; May 11, 1891 – February 6, 1967) was the United States Secretary of the Treasury during most of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal. After 1937, while still in charge of the Treasury, he played the central role in financing United States participation in World War II.[1] He also played an increasingly major role in shaping foreign policy, especially with respect to Lend-Lease, support for China, helping Jewish refugees, and proposing (in the "Morgenthau Plan") to prevent Germany from again being a military threat.[2]
like I said....Not Hoover’s Treasury Sec
So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
If a queen had balls she would be king. The number didn’t meet expectations. Including those of the WH.
Do you think 244,000 jobs a month is good or bad?
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

Very are lower than expected

What are we going to do about it?

I have an idea! Why don’t we invest in infrastructure? That will create another million jobs.

But Nooooooooo!
Republicans are against it

Debt never got anyone out of a bad economy.
Actually, it always has
Spending gets you out of a bad economy

Learn some basic economics

The fact that you don't even know the difference between debt and spending is proof my point is correct.
The way out of an economic recession has always been spending.

If borrowing to spend more gets you out, than so be it.
Worked for Reagan didn’t it?

How stupid are you? You think FDR's programs got the US out of the depression.

Got people back to work and eased suffering

Do you think three years of Hoover claiming “Prosperity is just around the corner” got us out of the Depression?

Let's let his Treasury Secretary tell the truth.

We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started And an enormous debt to boot!

Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
Not his Treasury Secretary
Go be stupid somewhere else.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. (/ˈmɔːrɡənθɔː/; May 11, 1891 – February 6, 1967) was the United States Secretary of the Treasury during most of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal. After 1937, while still in charge of the Treasury, he played the central role in financing United States participation in World War II.[1] He also played an increasingly major role in shaping foreign policy, especially with respect to Lend-Lease, support for China, helping Jewish refugees, and proposing (in the "Morgenthau Plan") to prevent Germany from again being a military threat.[2]
like I said....Not Hoover’s Treasury Sec

LOL, are you really that stupid?
How many of those so called "jobs" pay at least $20 per hour plus benefits? You drips cannot answer that. Those positions don't deserve a good worker.
Black unemployment at 9.8%.

But at least Orange Man Bad is gone, so life is so much better.
Trump did nothing to reduce black unemployment. So I will just see how things go when it has been determined that we are back to normal.
He did everything to create new jobs for everybody. That’s why blacks had the lowest unemployment ever under President Trump.
He did nothing. He inherited at least 77 consecutive months of job growth, which was a record, from Obama. Black unemplyment was cut 10 percent under Obama and was dropping when trump took office.
Yea, thanks to a Republican Congress that kept the Hussein a lame duck for 6 years.
The do-nothing GOPQ congress still tries to take credit for the "Obamaquester" they opposed.
We will see how things are at this time next year.
So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
If a queen had balls she would be king. The number didn’t meet expectations. Including those of the WH.
Do you think 244,000 jobs a month is good or bad?
What were the expectations? It’s neither good nor bad? You either meet expectations or you don’t.
So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

Why didn't you start a thread for the June jobs report (850,000 new job)

Or the July jobs report (940,000) new jobs.
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

Soon they will start cooking the books like they were forced to do under the obummer.
If you are not happy with 244,00 new jobs
Why don’t you support the Infrastructure Bill that will create millions of new jobs?

There are millions of jobs out there just waiting for the people that slow Joe is paying to stay home.

How about you pull your head out of xidens ass!
If the govt pays more than a big percentage of emiyers that tells me we have a wage problem in the us. Too many peoe working for poverty wages. Unacceptable for the greatest nation on earth. Totally unacceptable immoral.

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