Biden’s Economy: Jobs Report well below expectations. Unemployment raises to 6.1%.

If the govt pays more than a big percentage of emiyers that tells me we have a wage problem in the us. Too many peoe working for poverty wages. Unacceptable for the greatest nation on earth. Totally unacceptable immoral.

Then stop allowing illegal aliens in who create a two tier wage system that keep wages down.
Yep and severely penalize employers who hire them. Don't forget that. Nobody is forcing the employment when it's not hard to hire legal citizens.

I have seen this one before…

The Labor Dept numbers under Obama and Biden are fake while the numbers under Trump are real
It's the whole idea of "fake news". If you don't like the truth, you say it was "fake". Even when coming from the save government source.
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

Trump, 4 years, MINUS 3 million jobs

Biden, 6 months, PLUS 4 million jobs


So, Republicans are complaining about 244,000 new jobs in April.

If Biden averages 244,000 jobs a month for his first term, that will be 12 million jobs in four years.

15 million more jobs than Trump did in four years.
The way out of an economic recession has always been spending.

If borrowing to spend more gets you out, than so be it.
Worked for Reagan didn’t it?
Yeah, the socialists tried that in Greece, Venezuela and assorted other counties.

The rest is history.
Very are lower than expected

What are we going to do about it?

I have an idea! Why don’t we invest in infrastructure? That will create another million jobs.

But Nooooooooo!
Republicans are against it
"Invest in infrastructure". :laugh:

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