Biden’s Economy: Jobs Report well below expectations. Unemployment raises to 6.1%.

welcome to the dems america…high UE, low job numbers, high inflation, more taxes
So? His party affiliation doesn't change the reality that the economy does better under Democrats.
well not in the 21st century. Historically though republicans are often left cleaning up the mess from dem policies, then dems enjoy a boom, only to mess it up again
well not in the 21st century. Historically though republicans are often left cleaning up the mess from dem policies, then dems enjoy a boom, only to mess it up again
Utter nonsense. Bush left a huge mess for Obama to clean up. And now Trump left a huge mess for Biden to clean up.
Utter nonsense. Bush left a huge mess for Obama to clean up. And now Trump left a huge mess for Biden to clean up.
not saying there wasn’t a mess, but obama and his dem congress, same one bush had to deal with, made it worse
not saying there wasn’t a mess, but obama and his dem congress, same one bush had to deal with, made it worse
It's like you reside in an alternate universe. Uh, no, they did not make Bush's mess worse. In fact, unlike the 6 years of Republican-led Congress, the Democrat-led Congress got a GSE reform bill on the president's desk to sign.
yes…granted not the double digit obama and xiden gave us…but not the 3.4 percent trump gave us

We're only 6 months into Biden's presidency. 6 months in and the unemployment rate has dropped 14.3%. Six months into Trump's presidency, the unemployment rate dropped 8.5%.
It did better under his Republican control.

If you're pushing heroin into your veins, maybe. In reality, Trump gave us a paltry 1.3% annualized GDP growth in his 4 years and left office with 3 million fewer jobs than when he started. You have to go back to Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover, another failed one-term Republican president, to find a president lose jobs on their watch.

We're only 6 months into Biden's presidency. 6 months in and the unemployment rate has dropped 14.3%. Six months into Trump's presidency, the unemployment rate dropped 8.5%.
it’s tragic that given the direction it was headed when trump left office it’s not back to 3 percent.

Xiden and the dems have simply slowed the recovery, and frankly restarted a pandemic
It's like you reside in an alternate universe. Uh, no, they did not make Bush's mess worse. In fact, unlike the 6 years of Republican-led Congress, the Democrat-led Congress got a GSE reform bill on the president's desk to sign.
of course they made it worse when they got the oval as well…UE skyrocketed to double digit
Funny, I wonder why rightwinger didn’t start a thread?

Looks like the Biden economy not going that well.

Biden of course want to use this as an excuse to print more money, because they will make things so much better.

This thread and this post didn't age well

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