Biden’s FOLLY....US plans to release oil from strategic reserve to bring down gas prices

Keystone XL is an export pipeline for the benefit of the Chinese. Helps them make a profit on tarsands. We've never been energy independent. When the ppb is low nobody invests in drilling and exploration m

Every drilling report for the last year shows a lot of new drilling, almost doubled from the last years of the Trump admin, and that is with all the major saying for the last year also that they're going to use their windfall class to pay dividends, not invest in new drilling. They point out that increasing production would lower profits and prices, j.e. stupid, so they're not drilling.

These tards that keep babbling about how Biden crashed the industry n stuff is just noise from parrots who never read anything but scripts prepared for them. The Keystone was never closed, hasn't been for over a decade, even though it started leaking the very first year it was used, brand new.

If you are aware of the issues coming and if something happens we are totally, totally screwed. We are losing our ability to have our own resources.

Joe Biden Reportedly to Announce ‘Unprecedented in Size, Duration’ Release of US Oil Reserves​

Keystone XL is an export pipeline for the benefit of the Chinese. Helps them make a profit on tarsands. We've never been energy independent. When the ppb is low nobody invests in drilling and exploration m
Either we can supply China and the world with energy or Russia and OPEC choose.....we do it cleaner....

If you are aware of the issues coming and if something happens we are totally, totally screwed. We are losing our ability to have our own resources.

Joe Biden Reportedly to Announce ‘Unprecedented in Size, Duration’ Release of US Oil Reserves​

and what is the cost to buy these reserves back?

god damn the idiocy is simply astounding. biden seems to keep chasing surface level reactionary crap and has zero idea of the overall impact of such moves.
He could. So your reply is as ignorant as most of your gibberish. Just as we bought it (requiring a treaty), so too we could sell it back (requiring a treaty). Damn, but you’re slow.
It would take an act of Congress and the cooperation of Alaska, so no, Biden alone can't do it.
Let’s see if gas prices come down.

If they do, most people will not care why…
Hun, we are going to need the oil reserves this winter when the Europeans are desperately trying to replace Russian oil to heat their homes and have little food to carry them through.
The US is going to provide Europe with LNG the contracts are already signed.
Either we can supply China and the world with energy or Russia and OPEC choose.....we do it cleaner....
This year refineries shut down and produced less gasoline than in the last thirty years. Asia led with the greatest reduction.
It would take an act of Congress and the cooperation of Alaska, so no, Biden alone can't do it.
I never said he could do it alone. I didn’t even imply it. They call the purchase of Alaska from Russia “Seward’s Folly.” Guess what? Seward didn’t do that alone either. 👍
Bozo Biden will do anything to keep American oil field workers out of work.
Apparently, his veggie brain can't comprehend that "oil reserves" are stockpiled for emergency use. ... :cuckoo:

If you are aware of the issues coming and if something happens we are totally, totally screwed. We are losing our ability to have our own resources.

Joe Biden Reportedly to Announce ‘Unprecedented in Size, Duration’ Release of US Oil Reserves​

Biden is setting us up for catastrophic FAILURE. He is wasting our precious reserves we will need to defend our nation with. This idiot is committing crimes against WE THE PEOPLE. He needs to be removed from office.. This is shear stupidity on a massive level.

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