Biden’s gas price jumps to $3.51/gal. Up .20 in just the last week.

The world market is controlled by global forces of supply and demand.
It is more than that. Potential access to drill without interference. the excess capacity potential and ease of getting to it. How the product is transported. A pipeline is much easier than using trains. Canada suffered from Joe. And their authoritarian leader did nothing to stop Joe as one example.
It is more than that. Potential access to drill without interference. the excess capacity potential and ease of getting to it. How the product is transported. A pipeline is much easier than using trains. Canada suffered from Joe. And their authoritarian leader did nothing to stop Joe as one example.
What a load, companies don't exist to make you happy.
That's why so many companies around the world want to do business here.
So many companies want to do business here because of demand. Back to gas prices, when the government overregulates to the point that it unnecessarily increases cost to the producer, then the price necessarily increases.
So many companies want to do business here because of demand. Back to gas prices, when the government overregulates to the point that it unnecessarily increases cost to the producer, then the price necessarily increases.
Is that why the US has led the world in petroleum production for the last six years?
Is that why the US has led the world in petroleum production for the last six years?

While the US has and continues to lead the world in petroleum production, that does not negate the fact that over regulation from the government has impacted the cost of production. Or, think about it this way… if costs were lower and demand was the same or higher, production would be higher.
While the US has and continues to lead the world in petroleum production, that does not negate the fact that over regulation from the government has impacted the cost of production. Or, think about it this way… if costs were lower and demand was the same or higher, production would be higher.
Hardly will they make the price lower when they control the means of production and they want a benchmark price which is not what you or I want, they got burned during Trump and won't play your game
As a reminder, it was $2.36 when Biden took office. The funny thing is that this regime doesn’t get how this affects working folks, not to mention the sky high prices at the grocery store.

Get a job and you won’t worry about 30 cents. Jesus you snowflakes are so poor you can’t even put gas in your car.
No, that's because of Trump.
Still on the Biden gas price raaaaaaaant?

If Trump asked you & the rest of you rubes to kiss his ass in the middle of Times Square at high noon the line would stretch to Staten Island. That's what he really meant.
Here in extreme gas tax blue states we are paying close to $5 a gallon again. Thanks Joe you asshole!
Get a job and you won’t worry about 30 cents. Jesus you snowflakes are so poor you can’t even put gas in your car.
Hey citygator link us up to me saying I can’t put gas in my car…….which in my case is diesel in my F250. My company vehicle takes gas, but obviously doesn’t cost me anything.

Pointing out what a colossal failure your Vegetable Messiah is seems to trigger you into lying your ass off. As if you needed another reason.
Still on the Biden gas price raaaaaaaant?

If Trump asked you & the rest of you rubes to kiss his ass in the middle of Times Square at high noon the line would stretch to Staten Island. That's what he really meant.
Seek help soon. :itsok:
Hardly will they make the price lower when they control the means of production and they want a benchmark price which is not what you or I want, they got burned during Trump and won't play your game
You need to read up on Economics. Better yet, read up on the average gas prices under Bush 2 and Trump vs Obama and Biden. Republicans push regulatory policies towards domestic producers that do not increase costs or liabilities that Democrats do.
As a reminder, it was $2.36 when Biden took office.
Speaking of reminders, let's not forget all the traveling America wasn't doing back then....

Democrats are in no hurry to rebuild Hawaii, destroyed by a deadly fire, but are sending billions of $ to rebuild "democracies" around the world.

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