Biden's handlers will have him board Air Force One from the belly of the plane because he can't make it up the stairs to the door...LOL

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020

The old geezer has fallen so many times his string-pullers are fearing for his safety.

Maybe it's time to send this horse to the glue factory.

Nicholas said, “Well, one thing that they’re doing is trying to minimize the chances of another fall. These stumbles on the part of President Biden are embarassing. They’re a threat to his health and safety. And they reinforce concerns that voters already have, that, at 80 years old, he’s simply too old for the job. That’s what polling shows. So, they’re having him walk up a shorter staircase to get to Air Force One as opposed to taking the longer staircase that leads to that iconic doorway at the top of Air Force One. So, he’s going up to the belly of the plane, and that reduces the risk of a fall, that’s one thing.”




Very funny!

But not nearly as funny as a grown man who dyes His hair and wears makeup.
You'll vote for whoever they put on the ticket, no matter how unqualified. Firkin' shill. I hope they DO put this Tater on the ticket. The country isn't going to believe he got 80+ million votes a second time after he fails to campaign.

The old geezer has fallen so many times his string-pullers are fearing for his safety.

Maybe it's time to send this horse to the glue factory.

Nicholas said, “Well, one thing that they’re doing is trying to minimize the chances of another fall. These stumbles on the part of President Biden are embarassing. They’re a threat to his health and safety. And they reinforce concerns that voters already have, that, at 80 years old, he’s simply too old for the job. That’s what polling shows. So, they’re having him walk up a shorter staircase to get to Air Force One as opposed to taking the longer staircase that leads to that iconic doorway at the top of Air Force One. So, he’s going up to the belly of the plane, and that reduces the risk of a fall, that’s one thing.”


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If my husband had fallen as much in the care facility as Sleazy Joe falls on a regular basis, I'd be suing their asses off.


The old geezer has fallen so many times his string-pullers are fearing for his safety.

Maybe it's time to send this horse to the glue factory.

Nicholas said, “Well, one thing that they’re doing is trying to minimize the chances of another fall. These stumbles on the part of President Biden are embarassing. They’re a threat to his health and safety. And they reinforce concerns that voters already have, that, at 80 years old, he’s simply too old for the job. That’s what polling shows. So, they’re having him walk up a shorter staircase to get to Air Force One as opposed to taking the longer staircase that leads to that iconic doorway at the top of Air Force One. So, he’s going up to the belly of the plane, and that reduces the risk of a fall, that’s one thing.”


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Soon I will be 85. At all doctors appointments, they ask" Do you fall?" "Are you depressed?"
Biden has been falling at least since being sworn in. As you age, you simply do not feel quite as well. Lack of exercise I understand contributes to this. Retire Joe and let him sniff those small girls at his home and not at the people's home.
Very funny!

But not nearly as funny as a grown man who dyes His hair and wears makeup.
A former client told me that it is only good grooming and taking care of a person. I mean, Women also dye their hair and wear makeup. Watch the movies. They put lipstick on the male actors, including children.
Did you see the 81 year old Mitch McConnell freeze up mid sentence today and have to be walked off? This is where Biden is rapidly headed for as well. Why are Americans so obsessed with being governed by octogenarians?
They can't risk another fall, the optics look really bad as it exposes just how old this fucker is.
Talking of weapons, Jamie Raskin a member of congress was caught claiming that the J6 protestors' came well armed with guns. He was called on it by Marjorie Taylor Green and he burped as he admitted he had no proof.
Did you see the 81 year old Mitch McConnell freeze up mid sentence today and have to be walked off? This is where Biden is rapidly headed for as well. Why are Americans so obsessed with being governed by octogenarians?

The last dying gasps of the baby boom
Very funny!

But not nearly as funny as a grown man who dyes His hair and wears makeup.
really? grown men on camera were make up all the time. There is nothing funny about that. As far as men dying their hair...why is that funny? I mean I wouldn't do it, but I know plenty of older people that do that.

Nothing wrong with self care, it's frankly very healthy. What's unhealthy and sad is that the current President couldn't dye his own hair if he wanted to. He's physically and mentally to impaired.

The old geezer has fallen so many times his string-pullers are fearing for his safety.

Maybe it's time to send this horse to the glue factory.

Nicholas said, “Well, one thing that they’re doing is trying to minimize the chances of another fall. These stumbles on the part of President Biden are embarassing. They’re a threat to his health and safety. And they reinforce concerns that voters already have, that, at 80 years old, he’s simply too old for the job. That’s what polling shows. So, they’re having him walk up a shorter staircase to get to Air Force One as opposed to taking the longer staircase that leads to that iconic doorway at the top of Air Force One. So, he’s going up to the belly of the plane, and that reduces the risk of a fall, that’s one thing.”


View attachment 808213

But the cured cancer. LOL
really? grown men on camera were make up all the time. There is nothing funny about that. As far as men dying their hair...why is that funny? I mean I wouldn't do it, but I know plenty of older people that do that.

Nothing wrong with self care, it's frankly very healthy. What's unhealthy and sad is that the current President couldn't dye his own hair if he wanted to. He's physically and mentally to impaired.

Most folks on camera wear make up whether it be a news show or a sitcom.

Remember JFK and Nixon debating? Kennedy wore the make up they put on him and he looked great, Nixon declined and seemed sickly and weak.

Not good.

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