Trump Disembarks Plane to a Protest Song About Class Privilege of the Rich

Such a

I meant the level of TDS and loons on here thinking they're changing anyone's mind

What is sad is that between accusations of "TDS" and "Fake News" there is always a way to respond to negative comments about Trump without actually responding to the comment.
When I heard Trump's campaign was using that song, I had to wonder if someone on the campaign doesn't like him.

I think he's doing it on purpose to intentionally tweak the left-wingers. He's throwing their accusations in their face, and proudly.

Personally I love it. Think it is absolutely fantastic.
Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service

Considering that the Left is kneeling during the National Fucking Anthem, and in open insurrection in the streets,

Trump certainly has the Pro-American position, and the Left, or Biden has the Anti-American position.

The open displays of anti-Americanism by the Left, certainly trumps any funny song choices.
‘Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people...“’

What constitutes ‘many’?

Only a partisan dullard would think that of Trump – we should hope not ‘many.’

He is certainly on our side, compared to you people who hate US with a burning passion.
Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service
How appropriate!
Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service
How appropriate!

On the other hand, your side is regularly showing disrespect to the nation during the National Anthem and are waging open insurrection in the streets.

So, I would say Trump has a lock on the Pro-American position. and you guys got a lock on the Anti-American vote.
Trump was never a Senator's son. The song was quite obviously about Al Gore.

He was born with the silver spoon in his hand.
That's totally irrelevant, dumbass.

Trump was never a Senator's son, Al Gore Jr. was. Trump never asked asked for "more, more, more" taxes, jackass. He cut our taxes. LBJ asked for "more, more, more" taxes and enslaved Americans to use as canon fodder. Just like the song says.

It's quite obvious that the song was specifically written about Senator Al Gore(D) and President Lyndon Johnson (D).
Trump was never a Senator's son. The song was quite obviously about Al Gore.

He was born with the silver spoon in his hand.

Can you at least get the saying right?

That's the lyrics to the song. I got them right.

And where do you think those lyrics originated from?

John Fogerty.

So he was alive in 1719?
Typical uneducated liberal.
Trump was never a Senator's son. The song was quite obviously about Al Gore.

He was born with the silver spoon in his hand.
That's totally irrelevant, dumbass.

Trump was never a Senator's son, Al Gore Jr. was. Trump never asked asked for "more, more, more" taxes, jackass. He cut our taxes. LBJ asked for "more, more, more" taxes and enslaved Americans to use as canon fodder. Just like the song says.

It's quite obvious that the song was specifically written about Senator Al Gore(D) and President Lyndon Johnson (D).

"More more more" is not speaking about taxes and it fits Trump. It was about many people. No it wasn't specifically about Trump as no one really knew who he was just like Al Gore Jr but it was about their class of people.
Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service
How appropriate!
On the other hand, your side is regularly showing disrespect to the nation during the National Anthem and are waging open insurrection in the streets.

So, I would say Trump has a lock on the Pro-American position. and you guys got a lock on the Anti-American vote.
”Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel” is as true today as it was in England when patriotism meant rule over North America.

The so-called “pro-American position” is not pro-“American” at all. At best it is “pro-” the narrow interests of these dis-United States. Really it is meaningless for most intents and purposes. Especially in the mouths of Trumpsters, politicians and typical ultra-partisans of either party. One doesn’t need to listen to old protest songs to understand this. Misusing cultural icons in a “culture war,” wrapping oneself in the “Red, White & Blue” and singing “the fucking National Anthem” — it is a bad joke. Especially coming from people like Coral who has come out time and again in defense of that Old South “slave power” that tried to bring us down and then waged war against the U.S. Dishonest “patriotism” comes easy to people without integrity.

The Democrats also play fast and loose with flag-waving, and even sometimes adopt the most reactionary symbols of reactionary propaganda campaigns, as I showed here:
CDZ - Democrats raise “POW/MIA“ flag ...

Not that patriotism is necessarily a bad thing, or that U.S. society and culture are rotten to the core. There are great things about our country which has been blessed at times with great leaders and remarkable people. We forged the most democratic culture in the world and we still have a “free country” and important democratic Republican institutions. Too bad we are loosing our bearings, and don’t seem to understand our country is not even all of America, let alone the world. We cannot and should not aspire to be policeman of the world. We cannot inspire the world with mindless flag waving — that way lies madness. Internationalism is the patriotism of humanity.
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Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service
Well Tom, you're assuming that because he is wealthy he doesn't care about hard working people. Trump got along great with all the workers at his construction sites. His workers respected him, and vice versa. The democrats however, are still trying to hike higher taxes on working people and pushing as many jobs as they can overseas. When did democrats stop being the party of working people?
Donald Trump has managed to portray himself to many as “a man of the people“ and wraps himself in the Red, White & Blue. He portrays all his equally numerous hardcore opponents as “anti-American traitors.” The tragedy and absurdity of U.S. “cultural” politics was on display recently when he descended Air Force One ...

“President Donald Trump disembarked ... in Freeland, Michigan on Thursday night as Creedence Clearwater Revival's iconic song Fortunate Son boomed down on hundreds of his supporters waiting below.

“Fortunate Son is a 1969 protest song written by John Fogerty, a musician who was drafted for military service during the Vietnam war in 1966. After completing his active duty training in 1967, Fogerty then served in the Army Reserve and was discharged in 1968.

“The lyrics for Fortunate Son ... is built on the idea that class privilege divides America into two groups: ordinary individuals and wealthy ones "born with silver spoon in hand"....

“Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, they're red, white and blue," the song played as Trump descended from the plane. "It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one, no."

Trump disembarks plane to a protest song about class privilege and rich people shirking military service
Well Tom, you're assuming that because he is wealthy he doesn't care about hard working people. Trump got along great with all the workers at his construction sites. His workers respected him, and vice versa. The democrats however, are still trying to hike higher taxes on working people and pushing as many jobs as they can overseas. When did democrats stop being the party of working people?
I don’t criticize anybody because they are born wealthy. Far from it. Great wealth or power come with great responsibility, something Trump — in my opinion — never showed through all the decades of his career. I’m a New Yorker who followed his career closely. But your question about “when did Democrats stop being the party of working people?” is a good one ... and unfortunately requires a longer answer than I can give here.
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Trump was never a Senator's son. The song was quite obviously about Al Gore.

He was born with the silver spoon in his hand.
That's totally irrelevant, dumbass.

Trump was never a Senator's son, Al Gore Jr. was. Trump never asked asked for "more, more, more" taxes, jackass. He cut our taxes. LBJ asked for "more, more, more" taxes and enslaved Americans to use as canon fodder. Just like the song says.

It's quite obvious that the song was specifically written about Senator Al Gore(D) and President Lyndon Johnson (D).

"More more more" is not speaking about taxes and it fits Trump. It was about many people. No it wasn't specifically about Trump as no one really knew who he was just like Al Gore Jr but it was about their class of people.
Bullshit. Gore Jr. was a very prominent Senator's son in 1968.

And no, the song is not about class warfare jackass. Just because you're an idiot commie/pinko who is stupidly obsessed with class warfare doesn't mean that John Fogerty was a commie too, jackass.

The song is about the fucking hypocrisy of scumbag career politicians.

In modern days, the song PERFECTLY applies to this...


Hypocritical Joe and the Senator's son Hunter Biden.

Quid Pro Joe was railing against corruption while corruptly extorting Ukrainian officials to fire PG Shokin to get Burisma off the hook while Hunter went home with $millions. And then there's the shady deal in China that reeks of corruption. Biden still hasn't explained why Hunter was on Air Force 2 in China.

The song is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for Trump's campaign because the song rails against his opponent's flagrant hypocrisy.

And the Democrats know it. That's the reason they are freaking the fuck out about it.

And that's why Trump should make it his campaign theme song. You are going to hear it at every Trump rally.
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The lyrics to the 1969 song reference rich people who orchestrate wars and then draft the poor to fight in them. People have criticized the musicians’ decision to play the song at a Veterans Day event.

“‘Fortunate Son’ is a song I wrote during the Vietnam War over 45 years ago,” Fogerty said in a statement. “As an American and a songwriter, I am proud that the song still has resonance. I do believe that its meaning gets misinterpreted and even usurped by various factions wishing to make their own case. What a great country we have that a song like this can be performed in a setting like Concert for Valor.

Years ago, an ultraconservative administration tried to paint anyone who questioned its policies as ‘un-American,'” he continues. “That same administration shamefully ignored and mistreated the soldiers returning from Vietnam. As a man who was drafted and served his country during those times, I have ultimate respect for the men and women who protect us today and demand that they receive the respect that they deserve.”
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