Biden's increasing lead in the polls over Trump!

Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
New poll released after you posted this thread:
NYT/Siena National Poll

Biden 50%
Trump 36%

That new poll has now been including in the average for the national results:

BIDEN - 51.1%
TRUMP - 40.9%
Biden leads by 10.2%.

Biden's record lead over Trump in the past 18 months was 11.8% points last year. Now at 10.2% points were getting close to that. There is not a lot of time left. Just four months now. There is very little Trump can do to change things in just four months. The economy is in recession and the covid-19 pandemic is raging uncontrolled through the the United States. Anything that Trump had going for him is now gone. Its over for Trump. He knows it. He is likely preparing in private for his legal battles once he returns to private life on January 20, 2021.

Say goodbye to Trump and say hello to the Biden era.
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

True...Trump will probably win a couple more states and close with 320 electoral votes
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
The map is not Trumps best friend.

While the economy was strong, I looked at Biden winning back Pennsylvania and Michigan easily and Trump holding Wisconsin. That would have given Trump a narrow EV victory.

Since the Virus hit, Trump has been surrendering states. Wisconsin is now solidly for Biden and more importantly, Florida is solidly Biden.

Perennial Red state Arizona now looks lost for Trump.

I look for Trump to hold Ohio and N Carolina and struggle to hold Texas and Georgia by under 5 points.
Last edited:
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

True...Trump will probably win a couple more states and close with 320 electoral votes

Which ones?
New York Times has 50% Biden, 36% Trump, but with Trump's approval rating at 27%. Tulsa Low Turn-Out, and FOX viewers about equal to the Bolton Interview numbers on ABC--More likely goes down-ticket at GOP to a loss of virtually everything, even everywhere. Suddenly the GOP is vocal about not reducing testing, even. The Distance shows, with Trump less of a draw.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When the Golden Calf jumped over the moon, even(?), (Deut 23: 19-20)!)
Republicans are in panic mode.
They put on a brave face as they chant in unison .....2016! 2016!

Trump losing ground in key states will be a disaster down ticket as Democrats fight to take both the House and Senate.
More importantly, Dems are making huge advances in State and local elections.

Trump can bring the whole party down with him.
What is Trump doing about it?

As key states are slipping away, he is spending political capital solidifying his base. He is doing nothing to look “Presidential”. He is alienating moderates and independents. He is providing ammunition to Dems to bring out their base in opposition.

Trump has shown no vision of what he will do beyond 2021. Almost like he is resigned to not being here.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
The map is not Trumps best friend.

While he economy was strong, I looked at Biden winning back Pennsylvania and Michigan easily and Trump holding Wisconsin. That would have given Trump a narrow EV victory.

Since the Virus hit, Trump has been surrendering states. Wisconsin is now solidly for Biden and more importantly, Florida is solidly Biden.

Perennial Red state Arizona now looks lost for Trump.

I look for Trump to hold Ohio and N Carolina and struggle to hold Texas and Georgia by under 5 points.

You know, it really would be historic if Arizona turned Blue in November 2020. I didn't realize this, but Arizona has only voted Democratic once since 1948. That was in 1996 and likely a result that happened because of Ross Perot's second independent run. I think Arizona going for BIDEN this year would represent a very significant shift in the political balance of power between Republicans and Democrats.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
The map is not Trumps best friend.

While he economy was strong, I looked at Biden winning back Pennsylvania and Michigan easily and Trump holding Wisconsin. That would have given Trump a narrow EV victory.

Since the Virus hit, Trump has been surrendering states. Wisconsin is now solidly for Biden and more importantly, Florida is solidly Biden.

Perennial Red state Arizona now looks lost for Trump.

I look for Trump to hold Ohio and N Carolina and struggle to hold Texas and Georgia by under 5 points.

You know, it really would be historic if Arizona turned Blue in November 2020. I didn't realize this, but Arizona has only voted Democratic once since 1948. That was in 1996 and likely a result that happened because of Ross Perot's second independent run. I think Arizona going for BIDEN this year would represent a very significant shift in the political balance of power between Republicans and Democrats.
Romney won Arizona by 9 percent in 2012.
Trump by 3 1/2 percent in 2016

Trump is now losing in the polls to Biden.

Just as important, it looks like Arizona will elect TWO Democratic Senators in the land of Barry Goldwater and John McCain.
Trump think he's going to convince Americans to fall for his nonsense a second time by running around the country waving his tiny liddle hands calling Covid-19 the "Wu-Han flu" and "Kung Flu" instead of actually putting in the work to rid the country of this horrible virus that has taken over 120,000 precious American souls on his watch.

Its not going to work folks. Its. Not. Going. To. Work.
Trump think he's going to convince Americans to fall for his nonsense a second time by running around the country waving his tiny liddle hands calling Covid-19 the "Wu-Han flu" and "Kung Flu" instead of actually putting in the work to rid the country of this horrible virus that has taken over 120,000 precious American souls on his watch.

Its not going to work folks. Its. Not. Going. To. Work.

As the economy falls, Trump is losing ground in critical states.

Rather than fight to regain that ground, he works to solidify his base in states he already holds
I 'm REALLY looking forward to November.

The jokes I'm seeing here are soon going to come to a screeching halt.


You may be right in November, Biden could win. Will 2020 be like 2016 or not? In 2016 Trump was an unknown, today his shtick is too well known.
Biden is not an unknown either, he's lost a few steps and is unable to generate excitement, but his big advantage is that he's "not Trump".
But, just so you don't get overconfident, please take a few minutes to relive 2016:

You realize the coming election will be nothing like 2016, don't you?

I disagree. 2020 will be a lot like 2016. The blue archipelago of urban plantations will stay blue and the red flyover country will stay red. Trump should get more black votes in November as well as keeping his 2016 voters. Like him or not Trump mostly did what he said he would do. The democrats have no policies worth voting for and a very weak presidential candidate.
View attachment 354264

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden by an average of nearly 10 percentage point in national polls. That shows Trump has lost significant ground from 2016 when he trailed Clinton in the election by just 2 percentage points nationally.

Donald Trump has average 40% approval in the Gallup poll for 3.5 years now, the WORST average approval rating in Gallup poll history for any President going back to 1945. The 2nd worst is Harry Truman at an average of 45% who declined to run for re-election in 1952.

Trump is going to do worse with every minority group and women voters in 2020. Trump is barley holding on to white(non-hispanic) voters with just 50% supporting Trump now. Only 49% of men support Trump, followed by just 41% of women. Women vote in larger numbers and at a higher rate than Men. That's not good news for Donald Trump.

Finally, there is the economy which is in the tank. An economic recession, and the two worst months of unemployment since the 1930s. Trump's only positive has become one of his worst negatives.

Republicans were warned in 2016 that trump would do a lot of harm if not destroy the Republican Party.

I know I was saying that trump would destroy the republican party for a long time and I don't think I was wrong.

My problem is that I'm an Independent and I don't want a one party ruled government. That's not what the founders established and it's not a democratic republic. We need checks and balances. We don't have that now, it will get worse if we have a one party government.

The Republican Party has been going down the tubes since the 20th century. The republican party has not had a decent person for president in decades.

We have gerrymandered states, states that cheat and deny legal voters the right to vote with their closing polling places etc. That is the only way republicans can win an election these days. We don't have a government by and for the people that we want. Which is one of the things dividing our nation.

We need to start having honest and fair elections with every legal voter who wants to vote is allowed to. That is the only way we can finally start cleaning up the mess we now have.
I plan to vote for President Trump.

But I think that former Vice President Biden's landslide victory will finally bring us the peace in the streets that all good people have been hoping for.

1. The Democrats know how to deal effectively with a certain vocal ethnicity.

a. The Dems work through that ethnicity's leaders.

(i) They give appointive and elective positions to those leaders.
(ii) They donate generously to those leaders' organizations.
(iii) They promise legislation favorable to that ethnicity.
(iv) They dramatically show their concern for that ethnicity (the best example ever being that of the kneeling Speaker of the House).

2. In this nation, the relationship between ethnicities X and Y are always simmering just below the surface. The Dems are better at making sure that the simmering does not boil over, as it is currently doing.
Biden will also not throw gasoline on an already volatile situation. Trump revels in chaos. The American people are sick of it. It is why Biden is now up 14 points over Trump nationally.

LMAO! I gotta say, I can't find anyone who says they will vote for Biden. I'm sure there are some, but other than trolls on this board, his support seems awfully small.
Republicans are in panic mode.
They put on a brave face as they chant in unison .....2016! 2016!

Trump losing ground in key states will be a disaster down ticket as Democrats fight to take both the House and Senate.
More importantly, Dems are making huge advances in State and local elections.

Trump can bring the whole party down with him.

Good luck with that. :)
Republicans are in panic mode.
They put on a brave face as they chant in unison .....2016! 2016!

Trump losing ground in key states will be a disaster down ticket as Democrats fight to take both the House and Senate.
More importantly, Dems are making huge advances in State and local elections.

Trump can bring the whole party down with him.

Good luck with that. :)
Not looking good for Republicans

They can’t throw Trump under the bus
He is bringing them down with him
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.

Polls this far out from the election are utterly meaningless.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
Pssst most conservatives don’t participate in opinion polls so your numbers are off by at least 40% lol
I plan to vote for President Trump.

But I think that former Vice President Biden's landslide victory will finally bring us the peace in the streets that all good people have been hoping for.

1. The Democrats know how to deal effectively with a certain vocal ethnicity.

a. The Dems work through that ethnicity's leaders.

(i) They give appointive and elective positions to those leaders.
(ii) They donate generously to those leaders' organizations.
(iii) They promise legislation favorable to that ethnicity.
(iv) They dramatically show their concern for that ethnicity (the best example ever being that of the kneeling Speaker of the House).

2. In this nation, the relationship between ethnicities X and Y are always simmering just below the surface. The Dems are better at making sure that the simmering does not boil over, as it is currently doing.
Biden will also not throw gasoline on an already volatile situation. Trump revels in chaos. The American people are sick of it. It is why Biden is now up 14 points over Trump nationally.

LMAO! I gotta say, I can't find anyone who says they will vote for Biden. I'm sure there are some, but other than trolls on this board, his support seems awfully small.
You need to get out more

11 percent more Americans say they prefer Biden.

More importantly, Trump is floundering in key battleground states Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona
THIS could be that catalyst to turn Texas Blue, or get it REAL close so it goes over the edge next time!

Demographics are shifting the state liberal, so it is ONLY a matter of time, but Trump could accelerate that timeline.

Liberals ahve their fingers crossed. If they get organized and get more people to the polls...

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