Biden's 'irresponsible' handling of classified docs bigger 'leakage' risk than Trump's, experts say

Trump had no right to any of those documents once he left office. As for “secure location”, they were loose, scattered around his office in the open. Anyone could have seen them.
They were scattered around his office in the open AFTER the FBI raided his home, Coyote! Before that they were secured in a locked storage room with two locks on the door per the FBI.

As for Trump's "rights"? That hasn't been determined in court. President's are the "ultimate authority" on classification of documents. Whether or not Trump had the authority to declassify what he had in his possession is a legal issue for the Supreme Court to decide.
no one really cares

fuck off
YOU don't really care because it's not Donald Trump doing it! If it was you'd be screaming bloody murder...which makes you a partisan hack, Dante!

Fuck off? That's your best come back? Aren't you the silver tongued devil! (eye roll)
They were scattered around his office in the open AFTER the FBI raided his home, Coyote! Before that they were secured in a locked storage room with two locks on the door per the FBI.

As for Trump's "rights"? That hasn't been determined in court. President's are the "ultimate authority" on classification of documents. Whether or not Trump had the authority to declassify what he had in his possession is a legal issue for the Supreme Court to decide.
Thank you! There is no comparison between Biden and Trump, although the leftists like Coyote are flailing around desperately trying to make it not only comparable, but that what Trump did was worse - and then diverting back to “but Trump!”
I think Joe's mental acuity has been such that he doesn't know much of anything about what's going on around him. He may have been told and may have forgotten in the next minute. I'm wondering who actually decided to keep certain classified information and why they did it. My guess is, some stuff that the Biden family did not want to be made public, possibly having to do with Hunter's dealings in Ukraine and Joe's involvement. Like smoking gun conversations where Joe explicitly says that he wants the Ukrainian prosecutor fired or no aid to Ukraine. Hard to understand anything else.
And they seem to be totally oblivious to what they're really saying when they say he wasn't even aware he took these documents. They apparently think it's some kind of defense and normal for the second most powerful man in the world to not even be aware he took classified information with him, and they have no problem with him now having the nuclear codes.
SC or not, this is most unlikely to be a criminal case. One thing the new SC will certainly want to figure out as he considers how to proceed here is how this material got transferred to these locations associated with Biden in the first place. In Trump’s case, we kind of know the answer to this question, he or his staff removed them from the White House to Mar-a-Lago.
It's possible that staff, not Biden himself, took the docs to his office and home. Which could explain why he didn't know the docs were there.
It's funny watching the useful idiots contending that it's the same in both cases, even though Trump had the ability to declassify and Biden didn't. Such a transparent attempt to get rid of the disaster that is Biden and tie Trump to it. Sorry, simpletons, not gonna work.
When your only defense is, "Somebody else did something", you don't have much of a defense.
SC or not, this is most unlikely to be a criminal case. One thing the new SC will certainly want to figure out as he considers how to proceed here is how this material got transferred to these locations associated with Biden in the first place. In Trump’s case, we kind of know the answer to this question, he or his staff removed them from the White House to Mar-a-Lago.
It's possible that staff, not Biden himself, took the docs to his office and home. Which could explain why he didn't know the docs were there.
Which of course begs the questions, WHO and WHY? Who on Quid Pro's staff had the security clearance to possess and handle those documents and who thought it was a good idea to steal them from the VP's office (and yes, it would be stealing if, as we're assuming, Quid Pro had no knowledge of them doing it) the documents, then plant them in Quid Pro's garage? And why did they do it? Unless they're nuts or up to something illicit, they HAD to at least think that Quid Pro wanted them to do it.

IOW, we can't just stop at, "Well, maybe somebody else took them and he didn't know", as if nothing wrong was done as long as we can deflect it from Quid Pro.
Again...why haven't the FBI conducted searches of Joe Biden's offices and homes?
If you are seriously asking this question, you fundamentally misunderstand what led to Trump's house being searched. It is perfectly obvious to any rational person who has followed the story.

Trump was given an opportunity to turn over everything. He was given numerous opportunities over a span of over a year. He consistently failed to do so, even when legally compelled. The raid was the only option left.
If you are seriously asking this question, you fundamentally misunderstand what led to Trump's house being searched. It is perfectly obvious to any rational person who has followed the story.

Trump was given an opportunity to turn over everything. He was given numerous opportunities over a span of over a year. He consistently failed to do so, even when legally compelled. The raid was the only option left.
Why? Were the documents really in danger? Argue your point in court. Why raid the home of a former President? Oh, wait...all you had to do was read the wording of the search warrant to get the answer to that question! A search warrant that gave the FBI the right to take anything in that house whether it was classified documents or anything to do with the four years that Trump was in office! That wasn't a search warrant to retrieve classified documents...that was a search warrant to conduct a fishing expedition!
Now compare THAT to what's happening now!
Why? Were the documents really in danger? Argue your point in court. Why raid the home of a former President? Oh, wait...all you had to do was read the wording of the search warrant to get the answer to that question! A search warrant that gave the FBI the right to take anything in that house whether it was classified documents or anything to do with the four years that Trump was in office! That wasn't a search warrant to retrieve classified documents...that was a search warrant to conduct a fishing expedition!
Now compare THAT to what's happening now!
I've answered all your questions, repeatedly now. You just ignore the answers because you don't like it.

The FBI raided Trump's house because he refused to turn over the documents even when legally compelled to do so. Trump's attorneys lied to the DoJ about having done a thorough search and turning in everything.

The search warrant gave the FBI the right to take any box that had classified documents in it because the contents of the box can be used in court to show whether Trump had access or was personally involved in their storage. This is not unusual to people who understand anything about prosecuting crimes.

You are so badly informed. Where do you get your information?
Why? Were the documents really in danger? Argue your point in court. Why raid the home of a former President? Oh, wait...all you had to do was read the wording of the search warrant to get the answer to that question! A search warrant that gave the FBI the right to take anything in that house whether it was classified documents or anything to do with the four years that Trump was in office! That wasn't a search warrant to retrieve classified documents...that was a search warrant to conduct a fishing expedition!
Now compare THAT to what's happening now!
And that's a good point. The warrant should have allowed them to ONLY take classified documents if they found them and nothing else.
When your only defense is, "Somebody else did something", you don't have much of a defense.

Are we to believe that someone else illegally removed classified documents and Joe didn't know about it? Who the eff does he have working for him, that person would be guilty of breaking the laws regarding the handling of classified info. Makes me wonder who actually has the briefcase with the nuclear codes, please tell me it ain't Hunter. It sounds like people are making decisions for him and that shouldn't happen. Who actually is running this country?

Or - somebody else illegally removed classified info and Joe did know about it. Were those documents declassified first? Don't they have to be marked as declassified? If it ain't marked as declassified then it must be handled as if it was, you're not supposed to be playing fast and loose with that stuff. People get put in prison for that, and intent is not a factor with ordinary schmucks.
Are we to believe that someone else illegally removed classified documents and Joe didn't know about it? Who the eff does he have working for him, that person would be guilty of breaking the laws regarding the handling of classified info. Makes me wonder who actually has the briefcase with the nuclear codes, please tell me it ain't Hunter. It sounds like people are making decisions for him and that shouldn't happen. Who actually is running this country?

Or - somebody else illegally removed classified info and Joe did know about it. Were those documents declassified first? Don't they have to be marked as declassified? If it ain't marked as declassified then it must be handled as if it was, you're not supposed to be playing fast and loose with that stuff. People get put in prison for that, and intent is not a factor with ordinary schmucks.
AND….he didn’t know about the classified documents, but he knew his druggie son could fork over $50K a month and didn‘t wonder how? C’mon, man!
Are we to believe that someone else illegally removed classified documents and Joe didn't know about it? Who the eff does he have working for him, that person would be guilty of breaking the laws regarding the handling of classified info. Makes me wonder who actually has the briefcase with the nuclear codes, please tell me it ain't Hunter. It sounds like people are making decisions for him and that shouldn't happen. Who actually is running this country?

Or - somebody else illegally removed classified info and Joe did know about it. Were those documents declassified first? Don't they have to be marked as declassified? If it ain't marked as declassified then it must be handled as if it was, you're not supposed to be playing fast and loose with that stuff. People get put in prison for that, and intent is not a factor with ordinary schmucks.
Thank you, that is one of my major points. I don't for a moment believe that a random staffer decided on his own to pick up a classified document, understand what it was, and deliberately pack it up. I believe that security is so lax that Quid Pro simply told some staffers (who knows what clearances they had) to go into his office, pack up literally everything and send it to his home, which is monumental incompetence. He HAD to know he had classified documents in there and should have taken a day to just go through everything to make sure he put them back where they belonged. Ultimately, "He didn't know" is not a solid defense, because he was the responsible party.
AND….he didn’t know about the classified documents, but he knew his druggie son could fork over $50K a month and didn‘t wonder how? C’mon, man!
I just love it when Quid Pro's sycophants (you know who you are) veer from, "You can't say he's mentally unfit" straight to, "He couldn't help it, he just didn't know he was responsible to put the documents back in secured storage".
Ultimately, "He didn't know" is not a solid defense, because he was the responsible party.
It’s a perfectly solid defense because the law requires that he had willfully retain documents.
It’s a perfectly solid defense because the law requires that he had willfully retain documents.
Gross negligence is also a crime. If it comes out that Hunter was getting rich off of the information in those documents via arrangements with foreign adversaries, and funneled the money back to Biden, or if Biden enabled it by looking the other way, then it’s treason.

At this point, Biden should be hoping to be convicted of gross negligence, resign in shame, and avoid prison.
Gross negligence is also a crime. If it comes out that Hunter was getting rich off of the information in those documents via arrangements with foreign adversaries, and funneled the money back to Biden, or if Biden enabled it by looking the other way, then it’s treason.

At this point, Biden should be hoping to be convicted of gross negligence, resign in shame, and avoid prison.
Gross negligence has never been prosecuted unless there's another component to the crime, such as attempt to interfere with the investigation.

Besides, to prosecute gross negligence, you'd have to prove that Biden actually did something negligent, and there's no evidence of that yet.

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