Biden's 'irresponsible' handling of classified docs bigger 'leakage' risk than Trump's, experts say

Trying to make this worse than Trump is not going to work. .

Biden and his traitorous crackhead son have already made this scandal far worse than Trump's.

Democrats and snowflakes are huddled together, clutching their prayer beads, and begging whatever deity they worship to make it not so if they say it enough times.
Because ignorance is no excuse. Otherwise everyone would use it. “That Mona Lisa that disappeared from the Louve was in MY garage?! Heavens to Betsy! I didn’t know.”
It's an absurd analogy. We are talking about 20 pages.
I didn’t make it up. Why would you be surprised that a media source being run by libtards deleted something? They’ve been doing that for years.
Well, the story doesn't seem to exist but it's all because Google is out to get you. Use a different search engine, still no results.

Your paranoid and delusional.
I did give you a response, dumbass people need to learn by experience.
I've learned from experience that people like you don't think for yourself, which is why you can never respond to simple questions.
'Security experts are sounding off about President Biden's handling of classified materials, suggesting that the documents could have been more susceptible to leaks than those found in former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate last year.'

'Charles Marino, the CEO of Sentinel Security and a former Homeland Security Department advisor who specializes in law enforcement, told Fox News Digital that Biden's handling of the documents, compared to Trump's, could have resulted in greater potential for "leakage."

"The storage of classified documents was not authorized at any of these locations, however there are several distinctions with respect to the potential ‘leakage’ of the information contained within the documents via controls that would have likely prevented or limited unauthorized access to the locations," Marino said.

Noting that Trump "had the power to declassify whereas Joe Biden as vice president did not," Marino suggested that Trump's additional Secret Service protection granted the documents slightly more protection.'

Biden illegally had TS/SCI documents, divided them up, illegally shipped them to numerous locations, illegally stored them, has no Chain of Custody, has no visitors logs for any of the illegal locations he illegally stored these documents, etc...

Biden's criminal mishandling of highly classified documents is far worse and endangered National Security far more than former President Trump.

My own research. Links to back up all claims....

Building was not secure.


Biden took a leave of absence from UPenn in April 2019, but left the documents in the closet for years after he left...



Here's the floor plan showing the three closets....


And here is a photo from inside the office showing the two doors in the top corner of the floorplan above...


Here are the other tenants in the building...




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I've learned from experience that people like you don't think for yourself, which is why you can never respond to simple questions.
Sure, which is why you want to use the "ignorance defense". Apparently, you have difficulty thinking.
Sure, which is why you want to use the "ignorance defense". Apparently, you have difficulty thinking.
I don't want to use anything, I'm just pointing out that it could well be viable because the law requires that the person willfully retain documents.
I don't want to use anything, I'm just pointing out that it could well be viable because the law requires that the person willfully retain documents.
Great, so you have difficulty remembering what you posted too...
The number of pages is irrelevant.
A small number of pages is easier to explain as an oversight. Large quantities would be more obvious.

It’s also relevant to the security risk. Large quantities of classified material is a greater risk than small quantities.

Quite relevant, if you live in reality.
Does anyone else find it "telling" that Joe Biden has used lawyers to move his documents from an office and then used them again to search for additional documents? Who does that? What does a moving crew cost you? What does a single DC lawyer cost you? This whole thing hasn't smelled right to me right from the start.
I've employed lawyers in the past. They aren't cheap. I sure as hell wouldn't use them to move my possessions. That's utterly absurd. So why was Biden? Would anyone want to take a crack at giving me a plausible explanation to that?
Biden is also a lawyer and this is just typical. It also pretty much shows that he didn't know that he had any classified documents.... Four out of the last five days of that administration Obama administration, Biden was in Europe and God knows who was in charge of it. We shall find out. All this is just innuendo and guesswork so far.

If he did not know about them, he ought to say so right now instead of letting this fester. The Democrats are terrible at everything except governing lol. The only thing Republicans are good at is getting elected (and lying to do it the last 30 years...
A small number of pages is easier to explain as an oversight. Large quantities would be more obvious.

It’s also relevant to the security risk. Large quantities of classified material is a greater risk than small quantities.

Quite relevant, if you live in reality.
You’re ignoring the fact that 200 pages in a secure area approved by the FBI is less concerning that 20 pages strewn about in various locations where the drug addict son had access….and the drug addict son mysteriously got rich.
It's an absurd analogy. We are talking about 20 pages.
hahah where did you come with that lie? There is an unknown amount of documents found

“By stumbling and bumbling around, by not getting their timeline right … we just showed a graphic that says an unknown number of documents found in Biden’s garage,” said co-host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman. “No more unknown. No more unknown.
“At this stage, we’re two months in. They need to clean this up … amateur hour is over, they need complete transparency and they just mishandled it from day one,” he added.

You don’t think anyone cares that the current President stole classified documents six years ago, left them where his crackhead son had access, and that his crackhead son ended up getting millions from the Communist Chinese Party, and that the son complained that he had to turn over half his “earnings” to Biden?

now go wipe your tears and move along little one

The grown ups are handling this

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