Biden’s IRS could finally give Trump’s tax returns to Democrats

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
I find it more interesting that you are so hyper partisan unhinged you actually cheer on government agencies being used as political weapons against those you don’t like.

No questions such as why would a Biden IRS be able release tax returns? No asking what are the limits of IRS power and does that only apply if the party in charge says so? Didn’t even cross your mind to ask why the scope of the IRS or other agencies isn’t consistent no matter who is president.

No questions like that. Just cheerleading agency manipulation because it’s your guy.
These Trump haters are fundamentally Stalinists at their core. They hate the Constitution and will toss it into the waste bin the second it becomes inconvient to their schemes to persecute Republicans they hate.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
That'd be a hoot.
Another braindead lefty hack cheering massive corruption.
I haven't had the chance to ask's you like the election results?
I haven't had a chance to ask you.........English, do you speak it?

Can't blame you for not wanting to talk about the beatdown administered by Kamala and Joe to your blob.

Your idiot performed well below what polls said he would do.

Your radical leftwing agenda was soundly rejected by America, who gave the Republicans several more seats in the House, and kept the Republicans in control of the Senate. Republicans also made huge gains on the state level.

Your BLUE TSUNAMI wasn't even a popcorn fart.

The polls predicted he would win.

He did.

By a landslide.

Only 5% is not at all a landslide.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
I find it more interesting that you are so hyper partisan unhinged you actually cheer on government agencies being used as political weapons against those you don’t like.

No questions such as why would a Biden IRS be able release tax returns? No asking what are the limits of IRS power and does that only apply if the party in charge says so? Didn’t even cross your mind to ask why the scope of the IRS or other agencies isn’t consistent no matter who is president.

No questions like that. Just cheerleading agency manipulation because it’s your guy.

Yeah, we don't want to get to the point where the POTUS is asking foreign governments to investigate his domestic political rivals. Do we?
How does that violate the Constitution, you witless turd?
Ya'll are like a dog with an old bone. You've picked it clean, there's no meat left but you still won't let it go.
What exactly do you think you will find other than the lawful use of the tax code to minimize his tax burden?
You went after him for pre-paying taxes & commercial financing terms

You sound like you're scared they will find something in his tax returns
We're scared that boot licking morons like you can vote.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
That'd be a hoot.
Another braindead lefty hack cheering massive corruption.
I haven't had the chance to ask's you like the election results?
I haven't had a chance to ask you.........English, do you speak it?

Can't blame you for not wanting to talk about the beatdown administered by Kamala and Joe to your blob.

Your idiot performed well below what polls said he would do.

Your radical leftwing agenda was soundly rejected by America, who gave the Republicans several more seats in the House, and kept the Republicans in control of the Senate. Republicans also made huge gains on the state level.

Your BLUE TSUNAMI wasn't even a popcorn fart.

The polls predicted he would win.

He did.

By a landslide.

Georgia: .29%
AZ: .31%
PA: 1.02%
NV: 2.45%

Apparently, you don't know what the word "landslide" means. :itsok:
Trump barely beat Hillary in mi, pa and wi but by winning them all it was a landslide just like bidens landslide.

No, 2016 was not a landslide either.
The electoral college does amplify, but it still was not a landslide.
ROTFL! IRS regulations prohibit that without Trump's permission. YOU ARE IGNORANT.
Incorrect. The law states that the IRS is to give tax records upon request of Congress.

Then why didnt Harry Reid just get Romneys tax returns instead of lying about them.

link to the statute that you are referring to or GTFO.
Do you idiots ever get tired of being uninformed dopes for this guy?
Lets walk this through, knucklehead. If Congress has the authority, why didnt they get Trumps returns over the past 5 years?

One more point....asking for proof of your statement does make one wrong. You are supposed to provide proof. Dufus.

Congress does have Trumps tax returns.
How else could congress police the federal government, as it is required to do by law?
The way congress works is that only secure committees are allowed access to information that could be harmful if released.
The fact congress has these tax returns does not mean all members of congress have access.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
That'd be a hoot.
Another braindead lefty hack cheering massive corruption.
I haven't had the chance to ask's you like the election results?
I haven't had a chance to ask you.........English, do you speak it?

Can't blame you for not wanting to talk about the beatdown administered by Kamala and Joe to your blob.

Your idiot performed well below what polls said he would do.

Your radical leftwing agenda was soundly rejected by America, who gave the Republicans several more seats in the House, and kept the Republicans in control of the Senate. Republicans also made huge gains on the state level.

Your BLUE TSUNAMI wasn't even a popcorn fart.

The polls predicted he would win.

He did.

By a landslide.

Only 5% is not at all a landslide.

Strange...according to your blob, 306 electoral votes was a landslide in 2016. Please explain.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
I find it more interesting that you are so hyper partisan unhinged you actually cheer on government agencies being used as political weapons against those you don’t like.

No questions such as why would a Biden IRS be able release tax returns? No asking what are the limits of IRS power and does that only apply if the party in charge says so? Didn’t even cross your mind to ask why the scope of the IRS or other agencies isn’t consistent no matter who is president.

No questions like that. Just cheerleading agency manipulation because it’s your guy.

Yeah, we don't want to get to the point where the POTUS is asking foreign governments to investigate his domestic political rivals. Do we?
How does that violate the Constitution, you witless turd?

Don't recall making that argument. Do I have to call the FBI on you again?

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
That'd be a hoot.
Another braindead lefty hack cheering massive corruption.
I haven't had the chance to ask's you like the election results?
I haven't had a chance to ask you.........English, do you speak it?

Can't blame you for not wanting to talk about the beatdown administered by Kamala and Joe to your blob.

Your idiot performed well below what polls said he would do.

Your radical leftwing agenda was soundly rejected by America, who gave the Republicans several more seats in the House, and kept the Republicans in control of the Senate. Republicans also made huge gains on the state level.

Your BLUE TSUNAMI wasn't even a popcorn fart.

The polls predicted he would win.

He did.

By a landslide.

Georgia: .29%
AZ: .31%
PA: 1.02%
NV: 2.45%

Apparently, you don't know what the word "landslide" means. :itsok:

306 electoral votes was a landslide when your blob got 306 votes. Apparently he doesn't know either.
It was?

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
That'd be a hoot.
Another braindead lefty hack cheering massive corruption.
I haven't had the chance to ask's you like the election results?
I haven't had a chance to ask you.........English, do you speak it?

Can't blame you for not wanting to talk about the beatdown administered by Kamala and Joe to your blob.

Your idiot performed well below what polls said he would do.

Your radical leftwing agenda was soundly rejected by America, who gave the Republicans several more seats in the House, and kept the Republicans in control of the Senate. Republicans also made huge gains on the state level.

Your BLUE TSUNAMI wasn't even a popcorn fart.
As long as you don’t have the White House

Trump already "packed" the courts for decades to come.

If there was no crime why doesn't he give them up himself?
I dont think that is correct.

The law states that the head of the ways and means can request a persons tax returns only when in closed executive session (which means confidentiality rules apply), and there can be no personally identifiable information. Also, the request has to be specific. In other words, they can't just request entire years worth of tax records.

(1)Committee on Ways and Means, Committee on Finance, and Joint Committee on Taxation

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

The president can also request tax information, but again, his request has to be specific.

)Disclosure to President and certain other persons

(1)In generalUpon written request by the President, signed by him personally, the Secretary shall furnish to the President, or to such employee or employees of the White House Office as the President may designate by name in such request, a return or return information with respect to any taxpayer named in such request. Any such request shall state—


the name and address of the taxpayer whose return or return information is to be disclosed,


the kind of return or return information which is to be disclosed,


the taxable period or periods covered by such return or return information, and


the specific reason why the inspection or disclosure is requested.

I just dont think its legal for the government to request tax information for the purpose of trying to find a crime. They pretty much need to have an allegation already stated.

In 2016, when the democrats started their legal attacks on trump, they kinda blew their hand. They were talking investigations back then with only suspicions. Now, its going to be hard to prove they are wanting to see his tax records for any other purpose than to just "see whats in them"

Besides all of that, the irs already has his returns, and has for years. I'm sure he's been audited a time or two. If there was any issues with his returns, wouldn't they have been addressed by now?

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