Biden's IRS targets small businesses, families

If only that were true.

My wife and I are 2 years into fighting with the IRS and we also do not cheat on our taxes. The problem with the IRS is once they declare you guilty you have to prove you are innocent.

We got a $36,000 bill from the for 3 years of unfiled taxes going back to 2013. They cashed the check I sent with our 2020 taxes and then said we did not file in 2020.

I had to pay thousands to a tax lawyer, agree to a payment plan till they ruled on our case and still more than 2 years later we cannot get resolution.
Damn, now that you're on their radar, you should be able to keep a couple of those 87,000 agents busy.
That is one reason why I use tax attorneys to do my taxes. They keep all the records (as well as me doing it) and will go with me to an audit. Sure, they cost me some money every year, but when their name is on the line as well as mine, they tend to dot the i's and cross the t's. Of course, I'm not filing the 1040EZ form every year either.

Yes, it's obvious many so-called 'conservatives' here have never filled out a tax form; it's blatantly obvious in most threads on the topic. Those booklets are easy to read for those who made it past 6th grade without being socially promoted. It' stupid to trust somebody else with your personal tax returns. And, the preparers' names on the forms don't mean shit, you entirely liable for their mistakes as well.
Meh. I have been audited twice. All I had to do was provide the backup documentation for deductions I took. Easy. I ended up owing less than $500 the most recent time due to some random account that likely didnt send me my interest tax form to my new address.

I've actually seen people start screaming insane crap at IRS auditors before they even know why they're being audited. lol people have bizarre fantasies about them and get unhinged.
If only that were true.

My wife and I are 2 years into fighting with the IRS and we also do not cheat on our taxes. The problem with the IRS is once they declare you guilty you have to prove you are innocent.

We got a $36,000 bill from the for 3 years of unfiled taxes going back to 2013. They cashed the check I sent with our 2020 taxes and then said we did not file in 2020.

I had to pay thousands to a tax lawyer, agree to a payment plan till they ruled on our case and still more than 2 years later we cannot get resolution.
You are really eaten up with the lib goal of browning America if you would rather have 87,000 more pinheads in the IRS than 87,000 more border agents
Yes, it's obvious many so-called 'conservatives' here have never filled out a tax form; it's blatantly obvious in most threads on the topic. Those booklets are easy to read for those who made it past 6th grade without being socially promoted. It' stupid to trust somebody else with your personal tax returns. And, the preparers' names on the forms don't mean shit, you entirely liable for their mistakes as well.
When it's a relatively small, local firm, a bad customer experience due to incompetence can cost them a lot of business or even ruin them. They have incentive to get it right.
Damn, now that you're on their radar, you should be able to keep a couple of those 87,000 agents busy.

Their excuse for not getting my case done yet is being short staffed, so I am all for them hiring more people
You're forgetting that the democrats also love the tax code, vote for it, and use it against the opposition. Is that deliberate?

And so what? They don't do govt. taxes in Somalia, it's a regular Libertarian Paradise. Move there.
You are really eaten up with the lib goal of browning America if you would rather have 87,000 more pinheads in the IRS than 87,000 more border agents

Can you link to the post where I said I would rather have 87,000 more pinheads in the IRS than 87,000 more border agents?

I will be happy to wait while you do?

And why do you always have to make threads about me instead of posting on the topic of the thread?
Xiden and the demafascist continue their war on the working class. The goal, the one goal of the Demafacist movement is to destroy the working class and make them dependant
If I still lived in CA and Newsom executive order went through for reparations I would never pay another dollar in state tax... I would go 100% under the table.... and collect SSN the rest of my life....
Because the IRS can make your life miserable even if you're completely above board and made no mistakes.
So we shouldn't have audits at all because they are inconvenient?

Who's life was made miserable?
Can you link to the post where I said I would rather have 87,000 more pinheads in the IRS than 87,000 more border agents?

I will be happy to wait while you do?

And why do you always have to make threads about me instead of posting on the topic of the thread?
Like a good lib you tepeat the lie where biden denies hiring 87,000 more tax collectors

And then sneer at trump supporters for not hiring more border agents when that decision is congresses not the president
And why do you always have to make threads about me instead of posting on the topic of the thread?
Arent you inserting yourself and your alleged personal experience with the IRS into this thread?

Yes you are

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