Biden's Maga speech

Where was your investigation of Pedo *Joe finger raping the government employee? You sick bastards called her a liar and immediately dismissed her.
And then there's this: Nipple tweaking a little girl while on live TV and distracting all the adults around. He's a compromised predator.

Just look at his son's iPad contacts:

Joe Biden is Pedo Peter there, btw.
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Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, aggression, and a lack of empathy for others.

Clearly this is not the only character flaw of your posts and is a clear characteristic of Trumpism. Sociopaths may or may not break the law, but by exploiting and manipulating others.

So says the exploited manipulated useful idiot of the left.
Punch a bully in the nose and he cries.
You know, poster '58......I give you credit for your wit.
It was you....if memory serves.....who perceptively noted that the MAGAphites are the demographic that sincerely believes professional wrestling is real.
Which I thought was a bullseye.
Now this.....the 'punch-a-bully' observation.
Keep it up. You make this little goat-ropin' fun.

"This has been one of the biggest scandals, the biggest steals in the history of the us, The STOLEN 2020 Election BY DEMOCRATS"
"the most outrageous and obvious steal in the history of the United STates"

"the biggest steals"?
" most obvious"?

OK. Cool.
That should make it even easier for the good poster Jones to take all his evidence down to his local FBI office.
(see link: Field Offices | Federal Bureau of Investigation )

Batter up, CJ. Show us the level of your game.

And, if you would, please give this gossipboard a paragraph on how your FBI (or Sec. of State, or local sheriff) meeting went on this 'biggest steal'-thingy.
Thanx, in advance.

Where were all the Americans rejoicing that he won in the streets?
With that many votes it should have been like V-Day.

Ah, what a sad misread by our faux Duke.

But yes, there...WAS.....dancing in the streets.
(see the link: Jubilance In The Streets: America Erupts In Celebration After Trump’s Loss

Free Advice Moment...from a Captain Obvious' Ted Talk: "Don' live the kind of life where people dance in the streets because you got fired."

Good good accomplice to thievery. No denial....but a smirking condescension...knowing full well you, on the face of it...appear to be getting away with it. Except......that we know. The courts of law taken over by the left, ignore the evidence. Those courts that have sided with President Trump are not reported. Ene-media continues to back up the lies of the left.

Get ready for President Trump 2024.
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.

and you have a link to actual evidence that he was not trustworthy? because your claims of sociopathic/psychological characteristics are nothing more than leftist published bullshit psychobabble. ACTUAL evidence bud.
The Election of 2020 was not stolen from trump, he spent four years proving he was not trustworthy, a spoiled brat and corrupt; these character flaws are easily understood by reading the definition of Personality Disorders.

Having studied the DSM - IV in graduate school, I have observed that trump's behavior can be on a foundation of the following in DSM-5:

What Are Personality Disorders in the DSM-5?

A personality disorder involves one or more pathological personality traits that create significant impairment in a person’s life. Learn more about the 10 personality disorders described in the DSM-5.

Cluster A

These personality disorders are characterized by odd or eccentric behavior. People with cluster A personality disorders tend to experience major disruptions in relationships because their behavior may be perceived as peculiar, suspicious, or detached.
  • Paranoid personality disorder, which affects between 2.3% to 4.4% of adults in the U.S. Symptoms include chronic, pervasive distrust of other people; suspicion of being deceived or exploited by others, including friends, family, and partners.

Cluster B

The cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic or erratic behavior. People who have a personality disorder from this cluster tend to either experience very intense emotions or engage in extremely impulsive, theatrical, promiscuous, or law-breaking behaviors.

  • Antisocial personality disorder, which tends to show up in childhood, unlike most other personality disorders (most don't become apparent until adolescence or young adulthood). Symptoms include a disregard for rules and social norms and a lack of remorse for other people.
  • Histrionic personality disorder, which features excessive emotionality and attention seeking that often leads to socially inappropriate behavior in order to get attention.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder, which is associated with self-centeredness, exaggerated self-image, and lack of empathy for others and is often driven by an underlying fragility in the sense of self.

Cluster C

Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxiety. People with personality disorders in this cluster tend to experience pervasive anxiety and/or fearfulness.

What "Big Lie" is that? The one based on "baseless accusations" that even though Sleepy Joe hid in his basement for the last 3 weeks of the 2020 election and had almost nil enthusiasm everybody's just supposed to believe he got the most votes of any American president ever and only 3 weeks after the election was over and all the real votes were in on the 1st couple days?

Uhh..Yah. Here's reality: That 74 million was more people than voted for Biden, and that's why the election vote counting was "paused" after that was found out, then they fabricated enough votes to beat the real number Trump got.

If you don't know what tbe Big Lie is, you're hopelessly retarded.

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