Biden's Maga speech

No, those are freakish, dangerous lies, and you embarrass yourself and our country to regurgitate them.
You're not much on objective reasoning, are you?

The only thing saying "The election was stolen" is dangerous to, is the usurpers' and cohorts' power.
I'm clearly thoughtful and understand people like you are a) poor losers, and b) out of touch with reality.

The Election of 2020 was not stolen from trump, he spent four years proving he was not trustworthy, a spoiled brat and corrupt; these character flaws are easily understood by reading the definition of Personality Disorders.

Having studied the DSM - IV in graduate school, I have observed that trump's behavior can be on a foundation of the following in DSM-5:

Cluster A​

These personality disorders are characterized by odd or eccentric behavior. People with cluster A personality disorders tend to experience major disruptions in relationships because their behavior may be perceived as peculiar, suspicious, or detached.
  • Paranoid personality disorder, which affects between 2.3% to 4.4% of adults in the U.S. Symptoms include chronic, pervasive distrust of other people; suspicion of being deceived or exploited by others, including friends, family, and partners.

Cluster B​

The cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic or erratic behavior. People who have a personality disorder from this cluster tend to either experience very intense emotions or engage in extremely impulsive, theatrical, promiscuous, or law-breaking behaviors.

  • Antisocial personality disorder, which tends to show up in childhood, unlike most other personality disorders (most don't become apparent until adolescence or young adulthood). Symptoms include a disregard for rules and social norms and a lack of remorse for other people.
  • Histrionic personality disorder, which features excessive emotionality and attention seeking that often leads to socially inappropriate behavior in order to get attention.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder, which is associated with self-centeredness, exaggerated self-image, and lack of empathy for others and is often driven by an underlying fragility in the sense of self.

Cluster C​

Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxiety. People with personality disorders in this cluster tend to experience pervasive anxiety and/or fearfulness.

The irony of a sociopath like you trying to pass of on anyone else's neuroses is off the scale. :laugh2:
You're not much on objective reasoning, are you?
You have not a shredof evidence or argument for your idiotic lies. Therefore, do not expect anyone to spend one single moment debunking them. Just as nobody feels compelled to fashion arguments or present evidence against the idea that Bigfoot shits ice cream.

That's what you freaks don't get, because you are so far gone. You have no idea how Illegitimate and depraved you and your idiot lies are, to normal people.
Haha,no dummy, nobody gives a shit what you idiots SAY. We care about the actions taken,like violent insurrection and laws designed to steal elections. The people feeding you these freakish lies know better. We care only what THEY say, because they are the ones controlling your shriveled brains.
It's always amusing when the posts of goosestepping chidren are filled woth "we" this and "we" that.

Growing up to be an actual adult individual is just too frightening to you to consider.
The Election of 2020 was not stolen from trump, he spent four years proving he was not trustworthy, a spoiled brat and corrupt; these character flaws are easily understood by reading the definition of Personality Disorders.
and you have a link to actual evidence that he was not trustworthy? because your claims of sociopathic/psychological characteristics are nothing more than leftist published bullshit psychobabble. ACTUAL evidence bud.
You have not a shredof evidence or argument for your idiotic lies. Therefore, do not expect anyone to spend one single moment debunking them. Just as nobody feels compelled to fashion arguments or present evidence against the idea that Bigfoot shuts ice cream.

That's what you freaks don't get, because you are so far gone. You have no idea how Illegitimate and depraved you and your idiot lies are, to normal people.
you are full of insults that inable you to avoid answering the questions or providing the evidence that DOES. NOT. EXIST.

The crazy don't think they're crazy. They think they're normal.
Ha, perfect. The trumpers want to be Trump so bad. You can't afford to be a misogynist, ya incel loser. You don't have the power or money to be an undesirable, misogynist freak like Trump does. You better turn it around, if you ever want to get yer weenie wet again.
you are such an obvious ignoramus. LOLOLLOLOLOLOLO

you have no idea. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
you are full of insults that inable you to avoid answering the questions or providing the evidence that DOES. NOT. EXIST.

The crazy don't think they're crazy. They think they're normal.
See what Trump has done to your brain? You have no evidence or argument, so the only low-IQ Alamo left to you in order to cope and not to lose your mind is to tell yourself the world has to PROVE to you that there is no evidence, else there mustbe some evidence somewhere!

You are so steeped in this insanity that you don't realize how fucking stupid what you are doing is.
See what Trump has done to your brain? You have no evidence or argument, so the only low-IQ Alamo left to you in order to cope and not to lose your mind is to tell yourself the world has to PROVE to you that there is no evidence, else there mustbe some evidence somewhere!

You are so steeped in this insanity that you don't realize how fucking stupid what you are doing is.
i have something for you. It fits you to a 't'.

You have not a shredof evidence or argument for your idiotic lies. Therefore, do not expect anyone to spend one single moment debunking them. Just as nobody feels compelled to fashion arguments or present evidence against the idea that Bigfoot shits ice cream.

That's what you freaks don't get, because you are so far gone. You have no idea how Illegitimate and depraved you and your idiot lies are, to normal people.
So you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 3 weeks of the election, couldn't fill a HS gym with supporters even, had nil enthusiasm, but magically got the most votes ever cast for an American president? After the votes were in and "counting paused" for 3 weeks for some undetermined reason?

That's not a plausible scenario at all.

Where were all the Americans rejoicing that he won in the streets?

With that many votes it should have been like V-Day.
Biden declared Donald Trump is a 'threat to the country' in a speech that contained his harshest rhetoric to date about his predecessor in the Oval Office and the MAGA movement.
'Equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise,' Biden declared at the top of his remarks before Philadelphia's Independence Hall.
He called out Trump by name, slamming the former president for his false claim the 2020 election was stolen and berating those who support Trump.
'Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,' Biden said to great applause from his supporters.

This baseless hate mongering will probably backfire on Biden and the Dems.
Dementia Joe and his democlowns are desperate. They are fearful President Trump may run again. Bedpan joe has become the divider in chief. Just like when Crooked hilary call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. his puppeteers have their heads buried where the sun don't shine.
So you believe a guy that didn't even campaign for the last 3 weeks of the election, couldn't fill a HS gym with supporters even, had nil enthusiasm, but magically got the most votes ever cast for an American president? After the votes were in and "counting paused" for 3 weeks for some undetermined reason?

That's not a plausible scenario at all.

Where were all the Americans rejoicing that he won in the streets?

With that many votes it should have been like V-Day.
Absolutely. Biden didn't have to hold rallies, and the more highly educated democrats supporters would not have attended those large rallies anyway, given the pandemic.

Instead, every Trump rally was actually a Biden rally. Every time he opened his idiot mouth, and every time his cultish crowd cheered something depraved and craven, it repulsed everyone else and drummed up votes for Biden.

Pretty simple. We don't count the genuflections and screeches of cultists. We count votes.
Dementia Joe and his democlowns are desperate. They are fearful President Trump may run again. Bedpan joe has become the divider in chief. Just like when Crooked hilary call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. his puppeteers have their heads buried where the sun don't shine.
This has already backfired on the Nazicrats.
It has motivated GOP voters and alienated Dem voters.
They have dug their hole deeper.
Absolutely. Biden didn't have to hold rallies, and the more highly educated democrats supporters would not have attended those large rallies anyway, given the pandemic.

Instead, every Trump rally was actually a Biden rally. Every time he opened his idiot mouth, and every time his cultish crowd cheered something depraved and craven, it repulsed everyone else and drummed up votes for Biden.

Pretty simple. We don't count the genuflections and screeches of cultists. We count votes.
So politicians don't have to campaign on something the people want, huh?

They don't have to campaign at all according to you.
So politicians don't have to campaign on something the people want, huh?

They don't have to campaign at all according to you.
In 2020, Biden did not have to hold large rallies.

Try to keep in mind that you have been whining like a little bitch about the campaign promises Biden has kept.
The irony of a sociopath like you trying to pass of on anyone else's neuroses is off the scale. :laugh2:
You have no clue about sociopathology; being a very good liberal, I will attempt to provide your lack of knowledge and I will instruct your intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement below:
Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, aggression, and a lack of empathy for others.

Clearly this is not the only character flaw of your posts and is a clear characteristic of Trumpism. Sociopaths may or may not break the law, but by exploiting and manipulating others.
In 2020, Biden did not have to hold large rallies.

Try to keep in mind that you have been whining like a little bitch about the campaign promises Biden has kept.
Such as what? Stopping Covid deaths? Uniting Americans?

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