Biden's Maga speech

But if anyone who disagrees with Obama is still s racist…
No, Cellblock, I don' think that is correct at all.
But, on the other hand, posters who put up stuff like the following quote.....likely are:

"He is a miserly little oreo bastard who has never worked in the private sector a day in his life."

"Of course the left stole it."
You know Jones, you keep repeating that.
It has now simply become a self- identifying whine from your avatar. A tell.
Why do that? Why just whine and weep about it?
For god's sake up do something about it.
Go see your local FBI office and take 'em the evidence you have.
Or go see your local or state election officials .....and take 'em the evidence you have.
Hell, take your evidence and go see your local county sheriff.
Just repeatedly whining about it anonymously using a fake name......well, mon ami, it makes your avatar look like a snowflake, an ineffective dandy who just hissyfits at a problem, and never straps on a toolbelt and gets something done about it.
So if you really really think you are right.......saddle up and go do something about it.

No disrespect intended.

" say half of us are extremists."
No, Sue, he did not.
First, Republicans are not half of the country.
Second, he said "MAGA Republicans".
Third, MAGA's are not even half of the Republicans.
Fourth, not even all of the MAGA's are extremist fringies.

But if you think he was lumping you into that......well, mi amiga, you clearly self-identify as a ne'er-do-well extremist who is participating in a movement that is damaging America and Americans.

That's on you, Sue. Not on Joe Biden. If you believe you are a fringie extremist....well, gurlfriend, carry the bale you put on your own shoulders, and quit whining about it.

Man up!
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No, Cellblock, I don' think that is correct at all.
But, on the other hand, posters who put up stuff like the following quote.....likely are:


You know Jones, you keep repeating that.
It has now simply become a self- identifying whine from your avatar. A tell.
Why do that? Why just whine and weep about it?
For god's sake up do something about it.
Go see your local FBI office and take 'em the evidence you have.
Or go see your local or state election officials .....and take 'em the evidence you have.
Hell, take your evidence and go see your local county sheriff.
Just repeatedly whining about it anonymously using a fake name......well, mon ami, it makes your avatar look like a snowflake, an ineffective dandy who just hissyfits at a problem, and never straps on a toolbelt and gets something done about it.
So if you really really think you are right.......saddle up and go do something about it.

No disrespect intended.


No, Sue, he did not.
First, Republicans are not half of the country.
Second, he said "MAGA Republicans".
Third, MAGA's are not even half of the Republicans.
Fourth, not even all of the MAGA's are extremist fringies.

But if you think he was lumping you into that......well, mi amiga, you clearly self-identify as a ne'er-do-well extremist who is participating in a movement that is damaging America and Americans.

That's on you, Sue. Not on Joe Biden. If you believe you are a fringie extremist....well, gurlfriend, carry the bale you put on your own shoulders, and quit whining about it.

Man up!
/----/ "No, Cellblock, I don' think that is correct at all.
But, on the other hand, posters who put up stuff like the following quote.....likely are:"

I was responding to Rye Cather who posted: "[Seems to me you hate Obama for the color of his skin; are you a racist too?]" But you jumped into the middle of the thread with no clue about the debate. Are you calling Rye Cather a racists?
Thursday’s address to the nation by Joe Biden had all the earmarks of rising Nazi power in the 1930’s. The maudlin backdrop with soldiers was missing only the circular banners with swastikas. Though Biden himself had no idea what he was doing and saying, his portrayal of ‘Maga Republicans” as threats to democracy was eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s enabling act outlawing all other political parties. The collective committee's that author Bidens’ propaganda pronouncements used him as a vessel trying to smear more than half the country as traitors to democratic ideals misusing free speech to undermine freedom. It belied the chilling plans of Washington elites to usurp the voices of the people in opposition to its planned domination and removal of middle-class America.

Biden was installed via the corruption of US mass media in conjunction with a fraud election in 2016. It used the US Postal Service as bagmen to harvest as many fraudulent votes as were needed. The Asian Covid virus and the Jan 6 protests were the modern equivalent of the burning of the Reichstag in Germany giving Hitler the excuse to declare emergency powers. America is officially a propaganda state, and a banana republic as mock investigations and witch hunts are underway to delegitimize the former administration. The goal is to make it illegal for the former US president to run again.

Back in the days when people could read books it would have been obvious what is happening. But no one reads books anymore, so comparative history has no relevance as that history is repeated. The only hope now is that enough people have the intelligence to see what is going on.

READ: Joe Biden's Address on the Battle for the Soul of the Nation | Political News | U.S. News (
Invokes Godwin's Law in thread title. The clear and present danger to democracy outlined by President Biden is not possible without people like yourself. Your repeated attempts to weaken democracy by spreading falsehoods about election integrity is the height of irony, considering Trump's multiple attempts to steal the victory from Biden, which, when it failed, would lead to an unprecedented, violent, and deadly insurrection attempt in the nation's Capitol.
Invokes Godwin's Law in thread title. The clear and present danger to democracy outlined by President Biden is not possible without people like yourself. Your repeated attempts to weaken democracy by spreading falsehoods about election integrity is the height of irony, considering Trump's multiple attempts to steal the victory from Biden, which, when it failed, would lead to an unprecedented, violent, and deadly insurrection attempt in the nation's Capitol.
Lol. You didn't just swallow the kool Aid, you inhaled it.
Thursday’s address to the nation by Joe Biden had all the earmarks of rising Nazi power in the 1930’s. The maudlin backdrop with soldiers was missing only the circular banners with swastikas. Though Biden himself had no idea what he was doing and saying, his portrayal of ‘Maga Republicans” as threats to democracy was eerily reminiscent of Hitler’s enabling act outlawing all other political parties. The collective committee's that author Bidens’ propaganda pronouncements used him as a vessel trying to smear more than half the country as traitors to democratic ideals misusing free speech to undermine freedom. It belied the chilling plans of Washington elites to usurp the voices of the people in opposition to its planned domination and removal of middle-class America.

Biden was installed via the corruption of US mass media in conjunction with a fraud election in 2016. It used the US Postal Service as bagmen to harvest as many fraudulent votes as were needed. The Asian Covid virus and the Jan 6 protests were the modern equivalent of the burning of the Reichstag in Germany giving Hitler the excuse to declare emergency powers. America is officially a propaganda state, and a banana republic as mock investigations and witch hunts are underway to delegitimize the former administration. The goal is to make it illegal for the former US president to run again.

Back in the days when people could read books it would have been obvious what is happening. But no one reads books anymore, so comparative history has no relevance as that history is repeated. The only hope now is that enough people have the intelligence to see what is going on.

READ: Joe Biden's Address on the Battle for the Soul of the Nation | Political News | U.S. News (
Want to add something else to your post if you dont mind, straight from the Lame Stream Media.

Biden’s stark warning: The U.S. is threatened by its own citizens
The assertion cemented Biden’s startling change from his campaign vision of unifying the country. Biden has long pinpointed Trump as uniquely unfit to govern, but his scorching rhetoric on Thursday widened the scope of the perceived threat to include the legions of “MAGA Republicans” who stand by Trump, his falsehoods and his assault on American norms.
So are we going to see more violence against President Trump's supporters like with the Marxist who rammed his car into peaceful rally down here in Florida? Or even worse with moronic Marxists(but i repeat myself) going out and actually shooting at President Trump supporters like with the Las Vegas guy at a country western event? Seems that Joe Biteme declared war upon the patriots of this country along with Nancy Piglosi. Lock and load people the civil war is upon US.
If Nixon was compared to Humpty Dumpty with All the President's Men, Then Biden could be compared to the little Dutch boy who put his finger in dike. The dam is about break.
Invokes Godwin's Law in thread title. The clear and present danger to democracy outlined by President Biden is not possible without people like yourself. Your repeated attempts to weaken democracy by spreading falsehoods about election integrity is the height of irony, considering Trump's multiple attempts to steal the victory from Biden, which, when it failed, would lead to an unprecedented, violent, and deadly insurrection attempt in the nation's Capitol.

Biden = Hitler

Biden supporters are Nazis and a threat to our nation.
Want to add something else to your post if you dont mind, straight from the Lame Stream Media.

Biden’s stark warning: The U.S. is threatened by its own citizens So are we going to see more violence against President Trump's supporters like with the Marxist who rammed his car into peaceful rally down here in Florida? Or even worse with moronic Marxists(but i repeat myself) going out and actually shooting at President Trump supporters like with the Las Vegas guy at a country western event? Seems that Joe Biteme declared war upon the patriots of this country along with Nancy Piglosi. Lock and load people the civil war is upon US.
Wait until the midterms and vote!
Wait until the midterms and vote!
You think that the voting is going to go okay? They have done it before they are going to do it again. The ends justify the means.

Invokes Godwin's Law in thread title. The clear and present danger to democracy outlined by President Biden is not possible without people like yourself. Your repeated attempts to weaken democracy by spreading falsehoods about election integrity is the height of irony, considering Trump's multiple attempts to steal the victory from Biden, which, when it failed, would lead to an unprecedented, violent, and deadly insurrection attempt in the nation's Capitol.
They sure don't like it when an old man punches back.

Their demigod has been spewing talk radio shit for six years. Biden gives them a couple of jabs and they go into the fetal position.

Punch a bully in the nose and he cries.
/———/ democrats spent 4 years claiming Trump stole the election from hildabeast, and two years whining Bush stole the election form AlBore. I guess that’s OK with you
Nope, no one made the claim you've stated, the facts are the two Democrats responded peacefully, and there were some who are still upset when the winners won but lost the popular vote.

It's you and others who feel trump's BIG LIE & Conspiracy STORY still cries; trump is a spoiled brat and a poor loser.

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