Biden's Maga speech

Could you be any more of a whiny little baby? I know I can't make him say or not say anything. It's a post on a message board you stupid shit.

And one more thing: stop spreading idiotic election lies dumbass!
If you had any integrity, you'd be wondering "Why the fuck did my side cheat?" and questioning your loyalty to that party.
But you're a devoid of integrity douchebag, so that's not going to happen.
Disenfranchising a supermajority of Americans was not a good plan.

You will find that out.
Could you be any more of a whiny little baby? I know I can't make him say or not say anything. It's a post on a message board you stupid shit.

And one more thing: stop spreading idiotic election lies dumbass!
I"M NOT THE ONE whinging about telling people they don't have the freedom of speech in this country. YOU DID THAT. YOU are the whiney baby cause you can't get your way and deep down.. you know the dems did steal it. :funnyface: :spank:

yeah ya do.
I have no idea what you're battling about now, but it's pretty clear that you're not going to be sober enough to form words for much longer.


YOU know with certainty down to the very core of your being that your political bullshit won't fly anymore.

Your post ^^^ is proof.

Slowly, SLOWLY, it will dawn on you rocket scientists that you genuinely fucked up and you're in big time trouble for it.

And you put everyone ELSE in jeopardy too, and they're pissed and they're going to hold you accountable for your willful stupidity and your asinine political arrogance.
Stop spreading dangerous, idiotic lies about stolen elections. What about that is so fucking hard to comprehend?
The 2020 election was stolen. That's a direct assault on American Democracy and that's not going away, fucktard. And everyone knows that Democrats did that. If they don't, they're stupid. November is the time to do things lawfully. If Democrats cheat this time? Lord have mercy on their souls.
Trump called everyone who opposed him socialists and commies and nazis and any other scary shit he could dream up. He accused people of having the most terrible goals and made it clear they were coming for whatever it is you happen to value. Shit worked on you. So why is Biden out of line again?
Lol, Trump never declared 50% of Americans traitors. Your party owns this.
It didn't, and you are an embarrassment to yourself and to this country to claim otherwise.

You stupid fucktard. It took them 3 weeks or more to fraud up enough votes to beat what a real American president got in 2020. They had to "pause the counting" to insert the cheated votes; Has that ever happened before? Never. You're a liar. In case you don't realize how obvious the chicanery is: They had to have to have the real vote count in order to be able to cheat and beat it.
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Yes, in your little bubble. Your little alternate reality.
Robert Johnson would bust you right in the mouth, you little commie troll.

He was a real American. You are not.

Robert Johnson is real American history. Fuck you and your commie ass for falsely trying to appropiate that.

You never heard them old negro spirituals from the old people, boy. I have, in the past and at a good friend's funeral. His brothers were awesome!
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If it's me? It's something weighing 625 grains that hits the target like a freight train.
Ummm, I don't think so.
In fact, count me as skeptical that urban-cowboy wannabe, Dukester......even knows which end of a gun the "635 grains" comes out of.

We all have seen these keyboard-Rambos do their whirl & twirl about some firearm fetish of theirs. It's all puffery, in my view. And so it is with 'shootin' iron' dandies who talk about 'hits-the-target like a train.'

Rookies, newbies, like that.

No disrespect intended.
Robert Johnson would bust you right in the mouth, you little commie troll.

He was a real American. You are not.

Robert Johnson is real American history. Fuck you and your commie ass for falsely trying to appropiate that.

You never heard them old negro spirituals from the old people, boy.

Haha, someone is having a moment. Yes, go listen to some Robert Johnson. Even the lowest blues would be a pick me up for you right now.

Idk what song my friend's brother's did, but it sounded like a train. It was great!
It was 4 of em and they did a good job. Steeped in the Bible, too. 23rd Psalm was involved.
They were everything his wife wanted to far as singing goes.
They were good singers and she was not.
I reckon she made him happy, so that's ok with me.
The bad thing is that all those that know them old good songs are dying and nobody cares to keep them going. These were old black men 10 years ago. I should look them up just for American cultural preservation.
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This will not go well for those of your ilk.
My ilk. It depends on who are my ilk.

The Prosecutors who charge trump with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law; or the possible members of a jury who will be threatened by the right-wing fascists who will want to scare them and/or the witnesses who will testify?
Hey Jackass, can the gaslighting, we KNOW the election was stolen, you BRAGGED about stealing it, you JUSTIFIED it in print, you CAUSED and WANTED J6, and your WRECKED a nation now sending it to the precipice of ruin just to get your hate out on the one man that shamed you, exposed you, that you cannot beat, and in 60 days you'll begin to get the mudhole stomping and beatdown of a lifetime that you all deserve and have well-earned. Never again will the Far Left-controlled DNC ever again be TRUSTED with so much power and responsibly like children you all are.

The Democrat Party is no longer even an American political party, you represent and are controlled by hostile foreign interests trying to subvert us back to the very thing our Founders broke away from England 250 years ago in the first place to get away from--- craven European socialism.

Benjamin Franklin may rest in peace secure that his nation will be saved.
The first run on sentence may become the longest and foolish opening on this message board. That really takes the cake, so to speak/write.

I'm not certain, but if it was a real sentence that lacks any substance or thought I would claim it as an idiot-gram. My take from this post is you are not in a right frame of mind - had it been written with proper grammar and syntax, I'm certain the readers of it would find you defining Trumpism and his Republican Party.

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