Biden's move into the White House may be delayed...

They'll probably have to buy new furniture and appliances...the current administration will be looting the place and it'll be empty.
No you're all mixed up. That was the Clinton's who attempted to make off with the whitehouse china. And thats no exaggeration, it's a fact.
They would sure like people to forget that Clinton's did that shit and Obama left bugs everywhere an blame the same on someone that is not a deep state flunky.
The WH has ongoing problems with spiders, cockroaches, rodents and now in Trump's tenure there are so many flies they're using bug zappers inside. In 2013, while Obama was in office, someone commented they saw one roach, and the racists immediately gained on to the n**gers are dirty message. The WH is a huge 213 year old building in a city infested with roaches and rodents. Most cities are.


The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.
It's a fucking COVID hot spot due to the arrogant ignorance of its current occupants.

You wear a mask all the time in your own house?

You probably are one of those idiots who wears a mask in your car by yourself, or walking down the sidewalk with nobody near you.

Hundreds of people aren’t working in my house. Nor is my house a covid hot spot. No one living here or visiting has the virus.

None of this can be said about the current occupant of the White House.
They'll probably have to buy new furniture and appliances...the current administration will be looting the place and it'll be empty.
No you're all mixed up. That was the Clinton's who attempted to make off with the whitehouse china. And thats no exaggeration, it's a fact.
They would sure like people to forget that Clinton's did that shit and Obama left bugs everywhere an blame the same on someone that is not a deep state flunky.
The WH has ongoing problems with spiders, cockroaches, rodents and now in Trump's tenure there are so many flies they're using bug zappers inside. In 2013, while Obama was in office, someone commented they saw one roach, and the racists immediately gained on to the n**gers are dirty message. The WH is a huge 213 year old building in a city infested with roaches and rodents. Most cities are.

Obama's left listening devices (bugs) all over the WH. Surely you aren't as ignorant as you play to be on here.

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.
It's a fucking COVID hot spot due to the arrogant ignorance of its current occupants.
We can only hope that Beijing Biden catches it and dies from it.

You are a nasty little bast*ard....aren't you. No one on this board ever wished that of trump when he contacted the trump flu. The WH will need to be fumigated and cleaned from ceiling to floor to get rid of the trump stench...those diapers that he wears leave a terrible odor.
Awful people like Trump attract awful people like this.

Imagine going through life like that.
You mean the kind of people who hope Giuliani and Trump die of COVID? Those are your kind of people, douchebag.

You seem to be the only one on here wishing someone dies from COVID. You need to settle down and try and have a good Christmas. Next year, things are going to greatly improve.
I did not read the whole article, but I found it interesting that the transition is supposedly done in SIX HOURS.


I hope that the Trumps will move out at least a week earlier.

Then there will be plenty of time to make sure that the White House is spotlessly clean and that the Bidens' personal belongings are properly put in.

I understand that the Vice President also has a government-supplied house. Hopefully, the Pences will also leave early so that the Emhoffs have plenty of time to settle in before January 20.

I join other members & guests in wishing the best of luck to the Trumps and the Bidens.

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.

And of course the chaotic trump administration will need to move where the bodies are buried, and as they have done in the past, forgot what they did with them.

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.

And of course the chaotic trump administration will need to move where the bodies are buried, and as they have done in the past, forgot what they did with them.
Huh? The bodies are all buried in the Dem states with the ridiculous mortality rates from lockdown and facediapers.

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.
It's a fucking COVID hot spot due to the arrogant ignorance of its current occupants.

You wear a mask all the time in your own house?

You probably are one of those idiots who wears a mask in your car by yourself, or walking down the sidewalk with nobody near you.

Hundreds of people aren’t working in my house. Nor is my house a covid hot spot. No one living here or visiting has the virus.

None of this can be said about the current occupant of the White House.
You'd think this would be obvious, but...
They'll probably have to buy new furniture and appliances...the current administration will be looting the place and it'll be empty.
No you're all mixed up. That was the Clinton's who attempted to make off with the whitehouse china. And thats no exaggeration, it's a fact.
They would sure like people to forget that Clinton's did that shit and Obama left bugs everywhere an blame the same on someone that is not a deep state flunky.
The WH has ongoing problems with spiders, cockroaches, rodents and now in Trump's tenure there are so many flies they're using bug zappers inside. In 2013, while Obama was in office, someone commented they saw one roach, and the racists immediately gained on to the n**gers are dirty message. The WH is a huge 213 year old building in a city infested with roaches and rodents. Most cities are.

Obama's left listening devices (bugs) all over the WH. Surely you aren't as ignorant as you play to be on here.

Once again, to what purpose. Why would they need listening devices. The Trump White House had more leaks than the Titantic.
They'll probably have to buy new furniture and appliances...the current administration will be looting the place and it'll be empty.
No you're all mixed up. That was the Clinton's who attempted to make off with the whitehouse china. And thats no exaggeration, it's a fact.
They would sure like people to forget that Clinton's did that shit and Obama left bugs everywhere an blame the same on someone that is not a deep state flunky.
The WH has ongoing problems with spiders, cockroaches, rodents and now in Trump's tenure there are so many flies they're using bug zappers inside. In 2013, while Obama was in office, someone commented they saw one roach, and the racists immediately gained on to the n**gers are dirty message. The WH is a huge 213 year old building in a city infested with roaches and rodents. Most cities are.

Obama's left listening devices (bugs) all over the WH. Surely you aren't as ignorant as you play to be on here.
Really? I missed that. Got a link, cuz I just googled it and all I got was Trump's accusation that Obama bugged Trump Tower

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.
It's a fucking COVID hot spot due to the arrogant ignorance of its current occupants.

You wear a mask all the time in your own house?

You probably are one of those idiots who wears a mask in your car by yourself, or walking down the sidewalk with nobody near you.

Hundreds of people aren’t working in my house. Nor is my house a covid hot spot. No one living here or visiting has the virus.

None of this can be said about the current occupant of the White House.

So he's supposed to wear a mask in his living quarters at all times?

It had one outbreak, including him. how many died because of it?

If there is an outbreak in the Biden white house will you blame it on some tissue left behind months before?
They'll probably have to buy new furniture and appliances...the current administration will be looting the place and it'll be empty.

Like the Clintons did?
Yeah...almost but not quite...

There was a controversy almost immediately after President Clinton left office over household items and gifts that the first couple took with them from the White House.

Upon leaving office, Bill Clinton reported that he had retained $190,027 worth of gifts that he had received. The Washington Post reported this on Jan. 21, 2001 — a day after President George W. Bush gave his inaugural address.

On Feb. 5, 2001, the Post reported that some of those gifts — $28,000 worth — were intended for the White House, not for the Clintons personally, based on documents the newspaper reviewed and interviews it conducted with donors.

About a week later, the Washington Post reported that the Clintons returned the $28,000 worth of furnishings to the National Park Service. (The Post also reported that the Clintons days earlier had paid the government $86,000 for other items they received as gifts in his last year in office. We’ll get to that later.)

In general, presidents are “free to accept unsolicited personal gifts from the American public,” according to a 2012 report by the Congressional Research Service. Federal law requires that all gifts valued at more than $350 be disclosed in financial disclosure reports each year, but the president is free to keep them after moving out of the White House.

However, gifts from the public given directly to the White House are considered the property of the U.S. government and cannot be taken from the White House by the president or family members when the president leaves office.

The place will need to be fumagated and disinfected. The smell of bull sh*t will be hard to get rid of.

And of course the chaotic trump administration will need to move where the bodies are buried, and as they have done in the past, forgot what they did with them.
Huh? The bodies are all buried in the Dem states with the ridiculous mortality rates from lockdown and facediapers.

I was using a metaphorical example, sad that you didn't get it. But as a good liberal I will educate you so you can comprehend a metaphor sometime in the future:

Your welcome.

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