Biden's new nuke hire is drag queen who talks about sex with animals

Actually SEEING THIS with my own eyes tells me Jesus' prophey for the Last Days is being fulfilled. "As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, so shall it be when the Son of Man comes."

Unless we wake up soon, this country is on its death bed.

Damn freaks. And damn the senile old fart who put them there. The Democrat Party is a damn freak show

I feel sorry for the dedicated workers who are informed one day that this trans-freakazoid is their new boss. ... :ack-1:
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I feel soo sorry for the dedicated workers who are informed one day that this trans-freakazoid is your new boss. ... :ack-1:
Biden's surrounded himself with these freaks. It is disgusting what we've done with this country. The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves.
Dual Masters degrees from MIT to include Nuclear Engineering.

Who cares what he looks like
It's not what it "looks like," it's the mess going on in its head. This is in NO WAY a serious human being.

The fact that so many in this current generation can't see a problem here tells us we are very near the bottom of the slippery slope.

Fill the government with perverts.
The Soviets used to be tickled to find an American government official with non-mainstream interests, so they could exploit them in return for not exposing them.

Now, they expose their interests all over the damn place. And they're not at all ashamed of them.
and he triggers a lot of old twats. that's like the flag of Switzerland.
Reason 4,243 why you people should be denied the privilege of voting

Beyond being the ugliest queen I've ever seen, he really doesn't look like he's even human

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