Biden's new nuke hire is drag queen who talks about sex with animals

:auiqs.jpg: Yeah, you're not angry at all, kid. Meanwhile, you're projecting your arrogance on normal people.
Anyone who believes in some celestial ghost is not normal. They a mentally atrophied and completely delusional.
Those who teach kids there's a god when they know it's not true, are not normal people.

I can see who is getting angry. Silly pics won't cut it with me son.
Anyone who believes in some celestial ghost is not normal. They a mentally atrophied and completely delusional.
Those who teach kids there's a god when they know it's not true, are not normal people.

I can see who is getting angry. Silly pics won't cut it with me son.
You can't see past your own overinflated ego, boy.

Bullshit you're not getting angry. You hate that people are allowed to believe things you don't like.

Tough shit.
We are getting to the point that anyone in man/woman nuclear family relationship will be compromised and destroyed as a candidate for living on the edge.
Heck, for that matter, so is anybody even remotely sane.
You can't see past your own overinflated ego, boy.

Bullshit you're not getting angry. You hate that people are allowed to believe things you don't like.

Tough shit.
I don't care if you worship a malignant tumour but don't tell me it will provide eternal life after your dead. You big tough Rambos are afraid of death and that's why you believe in God.

I hate all religions for the same reason. Not one if them has a foundation if fact, it is run by fraudulent charlatans like Billy Graham etc, and it teaches little kids they will be punished if they disobey God. The saddest part is arseholes like them make a living and accrue millions from peddling that crap while you sit there and let it happen because you've got no guts either.

Everytime you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go idiot.
I don't care if you worship a malignant tumour but don't tell me it will provide eternal life after your dead. You big tough Rambos are afraid of death and that's why you believe in God.

I hate all religions for the same reason. Not one if them has a foundation if fact, it is run by fraudulent charlatans like Billy Graham etc, and it teaches little kids they will be punished if they disobey God. The saddest part is arseholes like them make a living and accrue millions from peddling that crap while you sit there and let it happen because you've got no guts either.

Everytime you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go idiot.
I suggest you seek anger management counseling.
Nope, no anger here, folks. Not a bit. Perfectly happy individual here.

Nope, no anger here, folks. Not a bit. Perfectly happy individual here.

Yep. Perfectly constructed and an accurate assessment of my opponent.

But that's not the issue. You godbotherers live in a fantasy delusion regarding this heaven shit. You gave no proof of anything to support anything. Just raw ignorant faith.
That is why you are angry at me. You have no defence for your filthy religion. Now you suggest all atheists who express a superior opinion are instantaneously angry.
Very poor defence dickhead.
I don't care if you worship a malignant tumour but don't tell me it will provide eternal life after your dead. You big tough Rambos are afraid of death and that's why you believe in God.

I hate all religions for the same reason. Not one if them has a foundation if fact, it is run by fraudulent charlatans like Billy Graham etc, and it teaches little kids they will be punished if they disobey God. The saddest part is arseholes like them make a living and accrue millions from peddling that crap while you sit there and let it happen because you've got no guts either.

Everytime you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go idiot.
Oh yeah. He mad!
Here is what worries me.

If people understood history, they would realize that one of the aspects that led to Hitler's rise to power was the way the Weimar Republic so completely upturned German society. The cabarets and loose sexuality were SO outrageous for the time that people were so disgusted that they turned to the complete opposite that the Nazi party rrepresented.

The pendulum swung in ever greater degrees until it finally swung so far, it broke.

The left has become SO unhinged with this crap, that I worry that people might get so fed up that they fall prey to authoritarians in the opposite direction. Thankfully, the major voices on the right are libertarian rather than authoritarian, but if you push people far enough, they might support anything.

For the sake of our country, the people need to move towards towards the middle, but this insane left of ours is almost making that impossible.
Thank you so much for telling the truth. I have been pointing this out for years. Had it not been for the twisted Weimar, there might never have been a Hitler.
There aren't words to describe it other than God have mercy on us.

I am afraid that plea is not going to happen. Judgement is coming.

Let us be prepared. Cause it is coming.
download (9).jpeg

Looks like he/she/it has plenty of experience handling nuclear waste directly.
Anyone who believes in some celestial ghost is not normal. They a mentally atrophied and completely delusional.
Those who teach kids there's a god when they know it's not true, are not normal people.

I can see who is getting angry. Silly pics won't cut it with me son.

The biggest assholes are always atheist assholes.

We don't know anything about the existence of god, afterlife, or other things.

Pretending you do is just a coping mechanism.

The most ironic thing that your reward for being right is Oblivion.
Yep. Perfectly constructed and an accurate assessment of my opponent.

But that's not the issue. You godbotherers live in a fantasy delusion regarding this heaven shit. You gave no proof of anything to support anything. Just raw ignorant faith.
That is why you are angry at me. You have no defence for your filthy religion. Now you suggest all atheists who express a superior opinion are instantaneously angry.
Very poor defence dickhead.

It's called faith, something I mostly lack, but unlike you I'm not an asshole about it.

You are 100% an angry atheist. It's so stereotypical it's laughable.

Again, your reward for being right is Oblivion. That really sucks.

Fashion Criminal...
That dress is completely wrong for a pale sickly skin tone, and the lipstick is overdone looking like a five year old applied it.

Joan Rivers is laughing in her grave
Yep. Perfectly constructed and an accurate assessment of my opponent.

But that's not the issue. You godbotherers live in a fantasy delusion regarding this heaven shit. You gave no proof of anything to support anything. Just raw ignorant faith.
That is why you are angry at me. You have no defence for your filthy religion. Now you suggest all atheists who express a superior opinion are instantaneously angry.
Very poor defence dickhead.
I'm not angry; I pity you.

And I've been talking with militant atheists for years and years. You're all angry.

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