Biden's new nuke hire is drag queen who talks about sex with animals

Sam Brinton received a dual Master's degree in engineering systems and nuclear science and engineering from MIT. He is the son of Southern Baptist missionaries and a survivor of a traumatic and torturous conversion therapy experience.
It is very difficult for Sam to relive his experiences and speak about the trauma he was subjected to, but he does it anyways because is committed to making sure that no child is subjected to what he went through. He does not apologize for who he is and he fights for the right for other LGBT youth to be able to live as openly and proudly as he does.
Sam Brinton | LGBTQ Religious Archives Network

He seems well qualified.

Well, that means he has more balls than any Republican.
You'd assume a new hire candidate for a job dealing with nuclear energy would be a person that exhibits a stable personality.
But to the Biden liberal loon administration that's old fashioned thinking to hire a normal person. ... :cuckoo:
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Yes, we need mentally ill sociopaths overseeing our nuclear waste programs. Nothing like having a sicko freak handling that stuff.

It's this sort of deliberate 'Fuck You's Democrats keep sending Americans that tells us they have already rigged the mid-terms and 2024. Now they're laughing at and mocking you, because they know nobody is going to do shit about it.
You know, it's almost sad how it is that the more downright outre the behavior, the greater satisfaction these trained monkeys derive from signaling their virtue by supporting it.

There is obviously something missing from these people's lives so desperate they are to normalize the extremes in abnormalcy.

It's not like we are talking about some normal gay guy, here. This is obviously a complete freakazoid.
We are getting to the point that anyone in man/woman nuclear family relationship will be compromised and destroyed as a candidate for living on the edge.
It's a deliberate 'Fuck You' to the American people.
It's almost as if the elites are testing us to see how much we will take before we break.

This is DEFINITELY a "fuck you" to the American people, but the one thing we do know for sure is that the decision to place a practictitioner of bestiality in such a high position isn't coming from Biden.

Wouldn't it be interesting to be the fly on the wall to know who it really was who DID send this fuck you to us all.
Goodness, you're an angry little shit.
Why do all godbotherers feel criticism comes from an angry person. I'm perfectly comfortable with tearing religion down. Not angry in the least.
Your problem is pius sanctamonious believers believe it should go unchallenged. You feel you have a divine right to instruct others of the errors of our ways. How arrogant are you people? If you had evidence of your silly God and proof of immaculate conception and virgin births etc, you would have a reason to be arrogant but you have nothing but delusions.
So think about that before you criticise others you arrogant fool.
We are getting to the point that anyone in man/woman nuclear family relationship will be compromised and destroyed as a candidate for living on the edge.
Here is what worries me.

If people understood history, they would realize that one of the aspects that led to Hitler's rise to power was the way the Weimar Republic so completely upturned German society. The cabarets and loose sexuality were SO outrageous for the time that people were so disgusted that they turned to the complete opposite that the Nazi party rrepresented.

The pendulum swung in ever greater degrees until it finally swung so far, it broke.

The left has become SO unhinged with this crap, that I worry that people might get so fed up that they fall prey to authoritarians in the opposite direction. Thankfully, the major voices on the right are libertarian rather than authoritarian, but if you push people far enough, they might support anything.

For the sake of our country, the people need to move towards towards the middle, but this insane left of ours is almost making that impossible.
Why do all godbotherers feel criticism comes from an angry person. I'm perfectly comfortable with tearing religion down. Not angry in the least.
Your problem is pius sanctamonious believers believe it should go unchallenged. You feel you have a divine right to instruct others of the errors of our ways. How arrogant are you people? If you had evidence of your silly God and proof of immaculate conception and virgin births etc, you would have a reason to be arrogant but you have nothing but delusions.
So think about that before you criticise others you arrogant fool.
:auiqs.jpg: Yeah, you're not angry at all, kid. Meanwhile, you're projecting your arrogance on normal people.
Why do all godbotherers feel criticism comes from an angry person. I'm perfectly comfortable with tearing religion down. Not angry in the least.
Your problem is pius sanctamonious believers believe it should go unchallenged. You feel you have a divine right to instruct others of the errors of our ways. How arrogant are you people? If you had evidence of your silly God and proof of immaculate conception and virgin births etc, you would have a reason to be arrogant but you have nothing but delusions.
So think about that before you criticise others you arrogant fool.
Mostly, Colin, you are just stupid.

That is simply the long and the short of it.

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