Biden’s Sec of Interior Cannot Answer Basic Questions, But it’s OK Because She is an Injun!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Yep, this lil old injun squaw showed just how ignorant she is. But we already knew that. We had already read the smoke signals on her. Like other Biden appointees, she does not know shit about her job. She is just a figurehead. They figure, oh well, we have career folx (lol) doing all the real work. These department heads are merely administrators. In reality, it’s like having a hospital administrator who does not know that they need a constant and diverse stockpile of blood on hand, or that anesthesia should get priority in the budget over TVs for the doctors lounge. Little Petey Butt-Edge is the exact same way. He knows Jack shit about roads and other matters affecting national transportation. All Petey knows how to do is fist fuck and talk like a snarky bitch.

Much like his FAA dumbass that couldn't and withdrew
The FAA guy was embarrassing. I have a son who is a pilot. I played the video of this guy's testimony for him and he confirmed that it is pretty stuff the nominee should have known.
Wow, a gatewaypukeit link. Color me surprised. Lord, you need to stop slamming people that don't look like you, or I will find you.
The squaw punked herself. She has no business holding that position. Obviously, I do not blame her. She is just trying to get her grift on. And injun is going to do what injuns do. I blame Biden's crew of leftist slime for thinking this was ok.
That YOUTUBE VIDEO of her testimony is laughable. She should not be our Secretary of the Interior.
Yep, this lil old injun squaw showed just how ignorant she is. But we already knew that. We had already read the smoke signals on her. Like other Biden appointees, she does not know shit about her job. She is just a figurehead. They figure, oh well, we have career folx (lol) doing all the real work. These department heads are merely administrators. In reality, it’s like having a hospital administrator who does not know that they need a constant and diverse stockpile of blood on hand, or that anesthesia should get priority in the budget over TVs for the doctors lounge. Little Petey Butt-Edge is the exact same way. He knows Jack shit about roads and other matters affecting national transportation. All Petey knows how to do is fist fuck and talk like a snarky bitch.

What a disgrace. She and her ilk are the reason our economy is in the shitter.

Our enemies are watching this. You hear that, lefties? Russia is watching this, and they're laughing at you for supporting this woman.

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