Biden’s Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

There is NO better example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect than a Trumpster pretending to be informed about economics and markets.

I think there's enough to go around on all of the so-called ''sides'' myself.

Certainly anyone who pays attention would have to agree.

And that's not even taking into consideration the knowing, blatant hypocrisy illustrated by the ''sides.''

Heck. It'd be laughable if it weren't for the fact that it's so destructive to American prosperity.
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The deficit spending was pretty status quo and didnt "explode" until 2020.
You are literally blind. Willfully blind.

You can clearly see in your chart that the deficit was steadily declining in the Obama years. And you can clearly see the deficit went up, up, and up, during Trump. Before Covid.

Only in a seriously partisan hack deranged mind would a $984 billion deficit be "status quo" when compared to $585 billion that existed when Trump took power.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget - BEFORE Covid​

You are literally blind. Willfully blind.

You can clearly see in your chart that the deficit was steadily declining in the Obama years. And you can clearly see the deficit went up, up, and up, during Trump. Before Covid.

Only in a seriously partisan hack deranged mind would a $984 billion deficit be "status quo" when compared to $585 billion that existed when Trump took power.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget - BEFORE Covid​

The deficit was rising for the last three Barry Hussein budgets, liar.

g5000 is a moron, and a lying sack.
The WEF is using the democrats they control to bankrupt America for their great reset.
It is beyond bizarre how the MAGA tards were radio silent as their orange messiah was doubling the deficit and adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Now a day does not go by when they don't whine about spending.


I will never take these hypocrites seriously. It is literally impossible.

Trump proposes record-high $4.7 trillion budget

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

Who was working with China to get the Kung Flu released, so they could destroy the best economy of President Trump since Calvin Coolidge? Oh yeah, Joe Biden's campaign.
Who was using Trump to bankrupt America?
Any American will tell you that America was in much better shape under Trump than it is today. All you have to do to prove a Democrat wrong about the economy is walk down the street and then compare it to pictures of that same street 3 years ago.
Tate’s 2024 budget: $6.885 Trillion.

Tater wants to run debt over $43 TRILLION.

: crickets: from g5000

Economy seems fine to me. My house just appraised for twice what i paid for it 5 years ago.

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