Biden’s Treasury to borrow $776 billion in the final three months of the year

Maybe if you idiots quit voting for corrupt pieces of shit, we could hold wall street and bankers and shit accountable for when they actually do steal.

The entire banking and financial industries are blatant thieves. Democrats at least created the SEC, the IRS and banking regulations.

Has the GOP ever done anything besides deregulating them?
You are literally blind. Willfully blind.

You can clearly see in your chart that the deficit was steadily declining in the Obama years. And you can clearly see the deficit went up, up, and up, during Trump. Before Covid.

Only in a seriously partisan hack deranged mind would a $984 billion deficit be "status quo" when compared to $585 billion that existed when Trump took power.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget - BEFORE Covid​

665 was Obama's last budget. Trumps first was 779 About the same rate of increase as his predecessor. I know math is hard but it's not that hard.
Yeah, and if you try to sell it , you wont get anyone to buy it. So much for your overpriced bubble house.
My neighbor just sold his after just a few days on the market. Charlotte market is very hot. Not sure where you are. I just made a cash offer on a beach condo in Florida which had several offers. Someone beat me in by a few hours and I’m not bidding it up.
All these WEF democrat shillbots support the Great Reset.

You will own nothing and eat bugs if you listen to democrats.

Democrats = WEF
Any Democrat that isn't helping house illegal immigrants is a piece of s***

Democrats told illegal immigrants to surge the border and now they keep them in Dire poverty
All these WEF democrat shillbots support the Great Reset.

You will own nothing and eat bugs if you listen to democrats.

Democrats = WEF

Sure, if you leave it to Democrats, Bill Gates & Elon Musk will be standing on bread lines!

Any Democrat that isn't helping house illegal immigrants is a piece of s***

Democrats told illegal immigrants to surge the border and now they keep them in Dire poverty

The surge in illegal aliens is due to the success of Conservative U.S. foreign policy in Central America during the 1980s.
The wealthy have the vast majority of the money - which they did not earn.

They didnt earn it? I'm sure all the people making 150k or more a year who are paying 75% of the income tax would beg to differ with you. I know I earn the money Im making. Where can I get one of these jobs where they just hand over money that you dont have to work for? I'd love to have one.
Wealth is created by productive labor. Not by hording currency and asset ownership.

And what would that "productive labor" be without all the business owners who are creating jobs for that labor? Standing around with their thumb up their ass producing nothing. It's the owners/investors who take all the risk. Labor gets it's payment up front, and has security. It's why they get less of the profit than the owner/investor who trades that upfront payment and security for greater benefit on the back end. Labor isnt forking over their savings to cover the owner/investor if the business fails so why should the owner/investor hand over a greater portion of the profits when it succeeds?
They didnt earn it? I'm sure all the people making 150k or more a year who are paying 75% of the income tax would beg to differ with you. I know I earn the money Im making. Where can I get one of these jobs where they just hand over money that you dont have to work for? I'd love to have one.

And what would that "productive labor" be without all the business owners who are creating jobs for that labor? Standing around with their thumb up their ass producing nothing. It's the owners/investors who take all the risk. Labor gets it's payment up front, and has security. It's why they get less of the profit than the owner/investor who trades that upfront payment and security for greater benefit on the back end. Labor isnt forking over their savings to cover the owner/investor if the business fails so why should the owner/investor hand over a greater portion of the profits when it succeeds?

As long as the 'owners' are idiots, they take little or no risk. Most businesses run on loans - not their owner's savings.

'Money' is the ability to activate resources. Workers are resources. They are more than willing to do work, if the people that control the money are willing to use it to activate them.

While it's fair that owners deserve some profit, since the 1980s owner's profits have become obscene, while worker's wages have remained stagnant.

This has resulted in a 2 layer economy. Workers cannot ever hope to start their own businesses. They have no chance for financial initiative.

The wealthy have more than enough money to afford paying much higher taxes and wages while not affecting their standard of living.
As they should. And then some.
They are paying a disproportionate amount to how much they earn already. Acting like they dont pay their "fair share" is disingenuous. The bottom half of wage earners pay essentially no taxes, the top 10 pay 75%. Where's the line? How much free shit for the lower end does the upper end have to pay for?
Punish the 'successful' thieves, reward the people that create the wealth thru productive labor!
Let's take it all from the "successful" so that they can't hire anyone.

Brilliant plan, Gomer.
Oh yeah! The Billionaires of the world are halfway to homelessness!

Poor, little billionaires!
Hey stupid, you take take every penny from every billionaire and it still wouldn't cover Tater's $2 trillion deficit this year alone.
It is only printed money and they can use it provide welfare to the Palestinians and EV subidies with it so what the hell do the Democrats care?
The wealthy have the vast majority of the money - which they did not earn.

Wealth is created by productive labor. Not by hording currency and asset ownership.
Holy shit you are beyond economically illiterate.

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