Biden’s Virtual Inauguration Is “Going To Have To Be More Imaginative” Than The Dreadful Democrat Convention


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden’s Virtual Inauguration Is “Going To Have To Be More Imaginative”
Than The Dreadful Democrat Convention
Biden's virtual inauguration is “going to have to be more imaginative" than the dreadful Democrat convention (
5 Dec 2020 ~~ By Karen Townsend
oe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021, will be unlike others we’ve seen in recent years. It will likely be comprised of virtual events instead of a big production with a massive crowd of people on the National Mall. There may or may not be an inaugural parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.
People want to celebrate, though, he said Friday, so there will be some type of “platform ceremony”. It won’t be a bigger version of the RNC’s Rose Garden event last summer when President Trump accepted the nomination and his re-election campaign formally began. Biden wanted to be sure to virtue-signal about how he is following the science, though he spoke of that without wearing a face mask, and his intent was a dig at Trump. He wants to keep people safe, you know, implying that Trump does not. It’s how Joe Biden, the civil and nice guy if you listen to his supporters, conducts himself. The Swamp creatures take nuanced jabs at each other instead of Trump’s blunt manner of speaking.
“It’s going to have to be more imaginative,” he said from a theater in Wilmington, Del. “I think the convention we put on really opened up avenues that we never thought existed.” Joe Biden said.​

Joe’s inauguration committee is up and working on arrangements for the 78-year-old’s big day. It is raking in big bucks to pay for galas and balls and the like but it’s not clear how much of that sort of celebration will occur.
There is an inauguration theme, that much is known. The theme is “Our Determined Democracy: Forging a More Perfect Union.” That’s a pompous slogan – “a more perfect union”. Really? Biden and his team do not lack arrogance.
Bless his heart. Joe Biden has been trying to get elected to the presidency since 1988. He finally got his big dream job and now the celebration has to be dramatically scaled back.

China Joe ahs been a virtual presidential runner now he'll have a virual inauguration and be a virtual pPsident. No one thinks he’ll be making any decisions or even finish out his term.
For a Globalist Party that wants One World Government, it's remarkable that they're such racist isolationists.
How many people can he fit in the white house basement anyway?
Or, They could make it more entertaining by running video of naked Joe chasing his dog and fracturing his ankle while trying to pull it's tail.
Actually, Joey Xi has to go virtual in a bunker because he knows the inaugauration will be over run by hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters that will make it a Trump Rally.
They shouldn't be holding a traditional inauguration under any circumstances. Thousands are dying each day. Zero need to assemble anyone who doesn't absolutely need to be there. That includes the blob.
They shouldn't be holding a traditional inauguration under any circumstances. Thousands are dying each day. Zero need to assemble anyone who doesn't absolutely need to be there. That includes the blob.
Fatty won't turn up. He still has a bigly amount of toys to throw out of his cot.
They shouldn't be holding a traditional inauguration under any circumstances. Thousands are dying each day. Zero need to assemble anyone who doesn't absolutely need to be there. That includes the blob.
Fatty won't turn up. He still has a bigly amount of toys to throw out of his cot.
Who cares if he shows up or not? Its not as if anyone is going to think, "Wow, what a statesman!" if he shows up. I think Biden should just have the bare number of people necessary to swear him in. The blob need not apply.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.

OMG -- Then that would be a super-spreader event....
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.

OMG -- Then that would be a super-spreader event....
Indeed. Maybe they'll say that being outside is safer, so the parade and Inauguration are okay as long as you mask up.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
What was the purpose of voting by mail
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.

OMG -- Then that would be a super-spreader event....
Indeed. Maybe they'll say that being outside is safer, so the parade and Inauguration are okay as long as you mask up.

In January? Predicted January 20/21 2021 snow 4.25 inches and temps of 32 degrees F/ Zero degrees C.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
What was the purpose of voting by mail
To ensure people could avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily while undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote. And every single person who wishes to avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily can forego the parade or the Mall or an Inaugural Ball.
They're not really apples and apples here.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.

OMG -- Then that would be a super-spreader event....
Indeed. Maybe they'll say that being outside is safer, so the parade and Inauguration are okay as long as you mask up.

In January? Predicted January 20/21 2021 snow 4.25 inches and temps of 32 degrees F/ Zero degrees C.
Isn't the Inauguration always in January? I could not find that long term weather forecast for DC on Jan 20th anywhere.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
What was the purpose of voting by mail
To ensure people could avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily while undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote. And every single person who wishes to avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily can forego the parade or the Mall or an Inaugural Ball.
They're not really apples and apples here.
Hmm, what was keeping so MANY people
from undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote, BEFORE covid
Biden’s Virtual Inauguration Is “Going To Have To Be More Imaginative”
Than The Dreadful Democrat Convention
Biden's virtual inauguration is “going to have to be more imaginative" than the dreadful Democrat convention (
5 Dec 2020 ~~ By Karen Townsend
oe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021, will be unlike others we’ve seen in recent years. It will likely be comprised of virtual events instead of a big production with a massive crowd of people on the National Mall. There may or may not be an inaugural parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.
People want to celebrate, though, he said Friday, so there will be some type of “platform ceremony”. It won’t be a bigger version of the RNC’s Rose Garden event last summer when President Trump accepted the nomination and his re-election campaign formally began. Biden wanted to be sure to virtue-signal about how he is following the science, though he spoke of that without wearing a face mask, and his intent was a dig at Trump. He wants to keep people safe, you know, implying that Trump does not. It’s how Joe Biden, the civil and nice guy if you listen to his supporters, conducts himself. The Swamp creatures take nuanced jabs at each other instead of Trump’s blunt manner of speaking.
“It’s going to have to be more imaginative,” he said from a theater in Wilmington, Del. “I think the convention we put on really opened up avenues that we never thought existed.” Joe Biden said.​

Joe’s inauguration committee is up and working on arrangements for the 78-year-old’s big day. It is raking in big bucks to pay for galas and balls and the like but it’s not clear how much of that sort of celebration will occur.
There is an inauguration theme, that much is known. The theme is “Our Determined Democracy: Forging a More Perfect Union.” That’s a pompous slogan – “a more perfect union”. Really? Biden and his team do not lack arrogance.
Bless his heart. Joe Biden has been trying to get elected to the presidency since 1988. He finally got his big dream job and now the celebration has to be dramatically scaled back.

China Joe ahs been a virtual presidential runner now he'll have a virual inauguration and be a virtual pPsident. No one thinks he’ll be making any decisions or even finish out his term.
For a Globalist Party that wants One World Government, it's remarkable that they're such racist isolationists.
How many people can he fit in the white house basement anyway?
Or, They could make it more entertaining by running video of naked Joe chasing his dog and fracturing his ankle while trying to pull it's tail.
Actually, Joey Xi has to go virtual in a bunker because he knows the inaugauration will be over run by hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters that will make it a Trump Rally.

You want a preview of a theoretical Biden inauguration? Flush the nearest toilet and listen carefully. Now? Now you've seen and heard every possible Biden inaugural scenario. Enjoy.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
What was the purpose of voting by mail
To ensure people could avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily while undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote. And every single person who wishes to avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily can forego the parade or the Mall or an Inaugural Ball.
They're not really apples and apples here.
Hmm, what was keeping so MANY people
from undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote, BEFORE covid
You got a point? Make it.
? I don't know, but earlier in the week when I checked, the plans for the parade were still going forward, and many groups have requested permits to attend the Inauguration on the Mall. I don't think they'd be collecting for the Inaugural parties if they weren't going to hold them--it's only what, six weeks away? Maybe they'll spread out the tables more, but those "balls" are more like crowded wedding receptions, with everyone sitting around tables seating several people, drinking cocktails and probably eating. They do not do any dancing to speak of. This is from someone who has attended a few. It's going to end up being pretty maskless since you can't sip your martini through a mask.
What was the purpose of voting by mail
To ensure people could avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily while undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote. And every single person who wishes to avoid exposing themselves to Covid unnecessarily can forego the parade or the Mall or an Inaugural Ball.
They're not really apples and apples here.
Hmm, what was keeping so MANY people
from undertaking their sacred right and duty to vote, BEFORE covid
You got a point? Make it.
Uh yeah, I already did

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