Big Bird, Typical Liberal

What's funny is libtards say there isnt much public funding for PBS, so lets just get rid of it....if it's not that much.....than we can stop it

There are plenty of folks in line wanting to buy the Sesame Street franchise.... Mark Levin happens to be one of them.

He would make a killing off of it too!
[ame=]Mark Levin "We are a RINO free zone." 3/1/2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Big Bird will be just fine.... ya bunch of whiney little jerks!
Why does the far right element of the GOP hate to spend money on education but have no problem with welfare for the wealthy?

Oh give me a break Kiwi.....

Nobody is for not spending money on education..... I do however want to cut waste.... and Sesame Street is a monument to Liberal ideals.

Plus, if it were in private hands it would do even better... if it is sooooo needed, and valued, it will survive all on its own.
Why does the far right element of the GOP hate to spend money on education but have no problem with welfare for the wealthy?
Blow it our your ass.

Not only is that irrelevant to the topic at hand, CTW makes bazillions off of licensing deals to sell Sesame Street.

Talk about your corporate welfare cases!

Can you clairify,"bazillions"? I know they make some ching. About $15-17 million annually which is hardly a bazillion! Sesame Street media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And they are non-profit. The licensing fees help pay for CTW's existence.
Sesame Workshop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word is "example", people. "EXAMPLE". Lehrer wanted to know what kind of cuts Romney would make. He said his litmus test would be if it's worth borrowing money from China for. And what you libs are telling us... is that Big Bird is worth paying interest to the Chinese for. :cuckoo:

Now, I kind of like the idea of giving PBS the heave-ho. Because taken along with his comments on federalism throughout the debate, what it tells us is that Romney is cognizant of what the role of federal government ought to be. The libertarian side of me is rather pleased by that. The fiscally pragmatic side of me is rather pleased with it as well.

It's a drop in the bucket, yeah. But a bucket can be filled to the top... if you keep on adding drops.
Why does the far right element of the GOP hate to spend money on education but have no problem with welfare for the wealthy?

Oh give me a break Kiwi.....

Nobody is for not spending money on education..... I do however want to cut waste.... and Sesame Street is a monument to Liberal ideals.

Plus, if it were in private hands it would do even better... if it is sooooo needed, and valued, it will survive all on its own.

Sesame Street is truly an educational program. Why does ideology have to become part of the discussion. Oh, that's right Mitt brought it up and to show what a saver he is he wants to cut funding to a show that truly educates pre-school children. Sesame Street's percentage of the Federal Budget? .0001%! Now that was a home run for Mitt! :clap2:
As you stated before,,,,,,,,


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Wow! Miss the debate? That is what the thread is about, not congress.
And Demint is an idiot, along with anyone who thinks that paying competitive wages is bad, especially when running a business.
Oh! And do me a favor look up how much CEOs and top executives make at other networks.

I only read the first and last pages of most threads. I actually run a business and dont have time to read every post.

It seems corporate welfare is okay as long as liberals are the ones doing it.

Corporate welfare? What are you even talking about?
I am guessing you didn't compare the salaries of PBS executives to other network executives.
No doubt. I've seen cons defend the $multi-million salaries of the health care CEOs.
You get rid of PBS, we get to tax all churches.


Sorry, but if the PBS cut EVER makes it, shit will hit the fan with Romney.
Why does the far right element of the GOP hate to spend money on education but have no problem with welfare for the wealthy?
Blow it our your ass.

Not only is that irrelevant to the topic at hand, CTW makes bazillions off of licensing deals to sell Sesame Street.

Talk about your corporate welfare cases!

Can you clairify,"bazillions"? I know they make some ching. About $15-17 million annually which is hardly a bazillion! Sesame Street media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And they are non-profit. The licensing fees help pay for CTW's existence.
Sesame Workshop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They make enough to support their program free and clear of taxpayer dollars.

Big Bird is a giant yellow moocher.
Dump em' for all I care. They can run more telethons.

Mitt had 38 min of talking time and the only clear and concise action that we got out of his mouth was that he was going to fire Big Bird.

What a "win".


No out of all the things he said that's the only point Obama is able to talk about.
Blow it our your ass.

Not only is that irrelevant to the topic at hand, CTW makes bazillions off of licensing deals to sell Sesame Street.

Talk about your corporate welfare cases!

Can you clairify,"bazillions"? I know they make some ching. About $15-17 million annually which is hardly a bazillion! Sesame Street media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And they are non-profit. The licensing fees help pay for CTW's existence.
Sesame Workshop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They make enough to support their program free and clear of taxpayer dollars.

Big Bird is a giant yellow moocher.

I love the "$4MM is nothing" attitude.

You can tell right away who even had bottom line accountability
Blow it our your ass.

Not only is that irrelevant to the topic at hand, CTW makes bazillions off of licensing deals to sell Sesame Street.

Talk about your corporate welfare cases!

Can you clairify,"bazillions"? I know they make some ching. About $15-17 million annually which is hardly a bazillion! Sesame Street media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And they are non-profit. The licensing fees help pay for CTW's existence.
Sesame Workshop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They make enough to support their program free and clear of taxpayer dollars.

Big Bird is a giant yellow moocher.

Big Oil makes billions in profits, they don't need $3 billion of taxpayer dollars. Are you with me Oddball?????? Or how about the $30 billion annually the wealthy get in tax payer dollars?

Big Money and Big Oil are the biggest moochers in the US.
Damage control, eh Frances? I overheard some kids at the grocery store crying this morning over Mitt's impending murder of Big Bird.

Oh brother. That's how evil you liberals are. Trying to trick kids into thinking Romney is killing big bird. You guys are really shits.

oh you mean like trying to say Obama is a closet Muslim from Kenya?

Shut the fuck up.
Oh brother. That's how evil you liberals are. Trying to trick kids into thinking Romney is killing big bird. You guys are really shits.

:lol: :lol:
I am sure Ravi was completely serious.

It's not Romney who is ending funding, it's congress and they've been thinking about it for a long time.

Talk about corporate welfare;

"What do the numbers $369,000, $632,233, and $1.2 million have in common?* According to Senator Jim DeMint, those are the salaries received by top-ranking executives of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PBS, and NPR in 2009.* When publicly-financed media operations can afford to pay those kinds of salaries, DeMint argues, it’s time for them to pay their own way:

While executives at the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) are raking in massive salaries, the organizations are participating in an aggressive lobbying effort to prevent Congress from saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year by cutting their subsidies. The so-called commercial free public airwaves have been filled with pleas for taxpayer cash. The Association of Public Television Stations has hired lobbyists to fight the cuts. Hundreds of taxpayer-supported TV, radio and Web outlets have partnered with an advocacy campaign to facilitate emails and phone calls to Capitol Hill for the purpose of telling members of Congress, “Public broadcasting funding is too important to eliminate!”

DeMint calls for end of public financing for PBS, NPR « Hot Air
one person does not make congress retard.
You get rid of PBS, we get to tax all churches.


Sorry, but if the PBS cut EVER makes it, shit will hit the fan with Romney.

You have no right to my money to pay for your teevee programs.

they can have some of mine. My kids smile when elmo's world comes on is well worth the price.
Yeah, well then pay for your kids' programs with the royalties from the licensing, rather than picking my pocket.
PBS is not a church.

PBS is really a fraud. They have endless fundraising marathons, they get public money, and their shows generate their own income like gigantic infomercials.

don't speak the truth to these liberals. You wouldn't want to kick sand into their collective vaginae.

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