Big boy Ted

If the TPP was not fast-tracked, it would never pass. Simple as that. It would be hostage to a handful of heavily bribed Congressmen.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.
Maybe you guys should consider that when you say conservatives are throwing away their beliefs for trump.
Trump stands for nothing but Trump. Cruz may have a couple questionable votes along the way but name one politician that doesn't. We have the choices we have, pretending they are something they CLEARLY aren't doesn't change anything.

Trump is fooling a lot of people and after our experience with Obama I am flabbergasted that anyone would even give him the benefit of the doubt.
"name one politician that doesn't"
If you take away Trump's half dozen hot topic talking points what's left?
If you remove teds anti establishment and FED rhetoric, whats left? crony capitalism?
I'll take someone who believes in Christian values, thinks he/she is accountable to a much higher authority, and can ask his staff that it's SECOND Corinthians, not TWO Corinthians.
I don't want someones policies to be base don religion. I just want them to be based on what is right. And the Christian way isn't always right.. Especially when it contradicts the COTUS.
If the TPP was not fast-tracked, it would never pass. Simple as that. It would be hostage to a handful of heavily bribed Congressmen.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
Leftists always run away from the titles of Marxist and socialists, even when their beliefs are identical. Bernie is the only one I am ever aware of that proudly accepts that label.
Didn't ol' ted appreciate Kim Davis when she was shitting on the Constitution in public?
If the TPP was not fast-tracked, it would never pass. Simple as that. It would be hostage to a handful of heavily bribed Congressmen.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
If the TPP was not fast-tracked, it would never pass. Simple as that. It would be hostage to a handful of heavily bribed Congressmen.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
Leftists always run away from the titles of Marxist and socialists, even when their beliefs are identical. Bernie is the only one I am ever aware of that proudly accepts that label.

quiet, loon. let the grown ups speak

leftists is an idiots word....and has zero meaning.
Maybe you guys should consider that when you say conservatives are throwing away their beliefs for trump.
Trump stands for nothing but Trump. Cruz may have a couple questionable votes along the way but name one politician that doesn't. We have the choices we have, pretending they are something they CLEARLY aren't doesn't change anything.

Trump is fooling a lot of people and after our experience with Obama I am flabbergasted that anyone would even give him the benefit of the doubt.
"name one politician that doesn't"
If you take away Trump's half dozen hot topic talking points what's left?
If you remove teds anti establishment and FED rhetoric, whats left? crony capitalism?
I'll take someone who believes in Christian values, thinks he/she is accountable to a much higher authority, and can ask his staff that it's SECOND Corinthians, not TWO Corinthians.
I don't want someones policies to be base don religion. I just want them to be based on what is right. And the Christian way isn't always right.. Especially when it contradicts the COTUS.
Biblical values are always right. Ask Dred Scott and the millions of blacks that ruling impacted. Or Americans of Japanese ancestry. I won't even touch abortion.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
Leftists always run away from the titles of Marxist and socialists, even when their beliefs are identical. Bernie is the only one I am ever aware of that proudly accepts that label.

quiet, loon. let the grown ups speak

leftists is an idiots word....and has zero meaning.
Says the leftist too cowardly to admit to her love of socialism.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists
so one person having that power is better? Hell, NOT having the TPP sounds good to me.
The TPP establishes environmental and labor regulations for other countries, The Economic Policy Institute estimates that under the TPP we stand to lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone, with American workers having to compete with their counterparts in Vietnam, where the minimum wage is just 56 cents an hour, it threatens internet freedoms, collective bargaining rights, how many corporations had a seta at the negotiation table?, deregulation and many others.
Perot was right about NAFTA and many people will be right about this abomination.
But hey, the good news is we will have to have higher artificial wages! lol

i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
Leftists always run away from the titles of Marxist and socialists, even when their beliefs are identical. Bernie is the only one I am ever aware of that proudly accepts that label.

quiet, loon. let the grown ups speak

leftists is an idiots word....and has zero meaning.
leftists is more accurate than liberal..
i'm impressed. you sound like a liberal. :)
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.

liberals do not believe in what the right calls "small government".

to me "small government" is just the rightwing way of making the federal government unable to do anything so the states can assert themselves.

and sadly, those states seem to get all offended when the federal government doesn't let them walk on people's rights while they long for the days of segregation

sorry, dude. just how I see it. but treating me like a stereotype is probably pretty silly. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow to do that?
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists
True, like every communist government has a small group of wealthy elite.

What I referred to was like how leftists love Cuban healthcare. It's not because of advanced medicine, it's because no one can get an aspirin equally.
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.

liberals do not believe in what the right calls "small government".

to me "small government" is just the rightwing way of making the federal government unable to do anything so the states can assert themselves.

and sadly, those states seem to get all offended when the federal government doesn't let them walk on people's rights while they long for the days of segregation

sorry, dude. just how I see it. but treating me like a stereotype is probably pretty silly. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow to do that?
See? You think the actual definition of a liberal isn't the definition at all. LOL
A REAL liberal, and not the Marxist version so many people brand themselves with, yes.
Besides that, you "liberals" like higher artificial wages, remember? Its the band aid you guys put forth from the terrible economic decisions the duopoly has made..

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.

liberals do not believe in what the right calls "small government".

to me "small government" is just the rightwing way of making the federal government unable to do anything so the states can assert themselves.

and sadly, those states seem to get all offended when the federal government doesn't let them walk on people's rights while they long for the days of segregation

sorry, dude. just how I see it. but treating me like a stereotype is probably pretty silly. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow to do that?
Great leftist speech.
I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.

liberals do not believe in what the right calls "small government".

to me "small government" is just the rightwing way of making the federal government unable to do anything so the states can assert themselves.

and sadly, those states seem to get all offended when the federal government doesn't let them walk on people's rights while they long for the days of segregation

sorry, dude. just how I see it. but treating me like a stereotype is probably pretty silly. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow to do that?
See? You think the actual definition of a liberal isn't the definition at all. LOL

okie dokie....
I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
And there goes the "individual liberty" part of being a LIBERAL :lol:
conformity is NEVER the answer.
I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
Liberals appreciate small govt and personal responsibility. You appreciate neither of those. Maybe under certain circumstances but not generally. You are very much a statist Jillian. As long as you agree with it.
That's not a liberal.

liberals do not believe in what the right calls "small government".

to me "small government" is just the rightwing way of making the federal government unable to do anything so the states can assert themselves.

and sadly, those states seem to get all offended when the federal government doesn't let them walk on people's rights while they long for the days of segregation

sorry, dude. just how I see it. but treating me like a stereotype is probably pretty silly. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow to do that?
Great leftist speech.

quiet imbecile.

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