Big boy Ted

I wouldn't know... i'm not a Marxist. or a socialist for that matter.

ftr, I wouldn't have supported TPP. but no one asked me.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
Totally animated by equality. Yep, leftist.
I know you aren't, but you still label yourself "liberal" and you are far from it. You consider yourself "liberal" because of the raping of the term from the communist hippies.

I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
And there goes the "individual liberty" part of being a LIBERAL :lol:
conformity is NEVER the answer.

your definition of "individual liberty" isn't mine.

whining that you can't buy a 30 ounce soda while trying to take away women's rights isn't "liberty".

and "liberty" isn't returning us to the days of jim crow
I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
And there goes the "individual liberty" part of being a LIBERAL :lol:
conformity is NEVER the answer.

your definition of "individual liberty" isn't mine.

whining that you can't buy a 30 ounce soda while trying to take away women's rights isn't "liberty".
Not caring about human life, yep. Leftist.
I am a liberal. i'm proud of it. liberal, however, does not mean socialist and does not mean communist. it does not mean that I live off of the government. It means I don't care who people love as long as they're consenting adults. it means I like clean water and clean air and know from my life experience that corporations don't allow us clean air and clean water unless they have to. I believe that a society is judged by how it treats its youngest, oldest, sickest, weakest and poorest. and most of all I want my government the hell out of the religion business... .like the constitution promises.

there are other issues that i'm not so "liberal" on. those are issue based and determined on a case by case basis.

so sue me.
JFK was a liberal. A person who also believed in tax cuts to stimulate the economy and the use of military force to promote liberty in the world.

Leftists believe equality is the only worthy policy, Liberty is irrelevant.
and it isn't even equality when it shits on certain people..
"equality" another term raped by the leftists

who is not treated equally? people who aren't allowed to discriminate because they're bigots?

too bad. the law isn't intended to protect bigots. it's supposed to protect people FROM bigots.
And there goes the "individual liberty" part of being a LIBERAL :lol:
conformity is NEVER the answer.

your definition of "individual liberty" isn't mine.

whining that you can't buy a 30 ounce soda while trying to take away women's rights isn't "liberty".

and "liberty" isn't returning us to the days of jim crow
Jim Crow wasn't liberty either. That was an abomination of the American brand.
Individuals should be able to discriminate however they want. The Fed govt cant. This is AMERICA. Well, supposed to be..
My definition of "individual liberty" is the ACTUAL definition

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